Media Confirmation about the Creation of Designer Babies with CRISPR gene-editing and details about CRISPR technology predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :
Bilderberg Group – Henri de Castries,Prof. Charpentier (CRISPR), The CEO of Deutsche Bank AG,John Elkann ( Fiat Chrysler ),Thomas Enders ( Airbus Group) ,Christine Lagarde (IMF),Douglas Flint (HSBC Holdings),Joe Kaeser ( Siemens AG),Carsten Kengeter ( Deutsche Borse)… – Psychic predictions
The Rulers of the World
By Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
Publication Date: July 5, 2016
©Copyright 2016 Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna
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Only a small part of Clairvoyant predictions about :
Prof. Emmanuelle Charpentier (Director at the Max Planck Institute of Infection Biology -Berlin, CRISPR co-discoverer) – In the creation of a new kind of human between Bilderberg, the russians and the emigrants. Clairvoyant Calendar 2016 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – June 20, 2016, 3pm.
Photo – May 2016. Time – after the photo.
…..The attempts (experiments) she makes is to remove a quarter part of the cell, until 50 % of the general content is reached. One-fourth part is treated with energy and around one-fourth part is used for inserting of genetical material connected with DNA.
There is forthcoming work for her with other scientists about the creation of superior human race. Her work with the russians – these are two rich energy companies – there is upcoming joint cooperation and not only in the professional field. Mrs. Charpentier will work in a special russian laboratory with a special energy again about the creation of superior kind of human. The special energy is atomic and radiational. Experiments are made also on emigrants……
Media Confirmations :1. Designer babies WILL NOT suffer serious complications: Scientists debunk claims that CRISPR gene-editing carries unwanted side effectsPUBLISHED: 17:07 BST, 11 July 2017“It has been used in China to create embryos without genes for a blood disorder …”“Researchers criticize a study for stating existing mutations were due to CRISPR”“HOW COULD CRISPR CREATE DESIGNER BABIES? Crispr gene-editing technology can precisely ‘cut and paste’ sections of DNA to either remove unwanted genes or insert desirable ones. Some have suggested the technology could be used to remove damaging genes from children before they are born, such as those that cause Huntington’s disease or hereditary blindness.Yet the technology could also be used to insert genes for desired traits, such as blond hair or above-average height. If science’s understanding of genetics improves, the technology may one day be used to insert genes that encode certain skills, such as musical ability…”2.”….the scientists went one step further: They cut out a particular piece of DNA in human cells and replaced it with another one.” New CRISPR technology takes cells to the moviesGenome engineering system transforms living cells into archival data storage devicesJuly 12, 2017
#pathogens #Airbus #drugdiscovery #Daimler #pharma #researches #DeutscheBankAG #geneticalterations #health #CEO #Finance #Chairman #JohnCryan #HenrideCastries #DeutscheBoersesEurexdivision #business #problemwiththesoftware #geneediting #ThefutureofHSBCBank #PhotographtakenbytheESSA7Satteliteon23November1968 #genes #researchers #theUnderwaterpyramidsnearCuba #Broad #ClairvoyantHouseDimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #PresidentandCEO #USRearAdmiralRichardEBird #CRISPRgeneediting #Underwatertechnologies #HorizonDiscovery #Novartis #Personallife #Colonel #war2016 #AirbusGroup #BillGates #PhilosophersStone #theBroadsFengZhang #ThomasEnders #ThefutureofEurope2016 #ManagementatDeutscheBoerseandLSE #genomes #thechangeofthedirectorIMF #therussians #LSE #KingHaraldVofNorway #CRISPR #inflation #boardmembersfromlargepubliclytradedcorporations #Predictions #psychic #BilderbergClub #formerLondonMayorBorisJohnson #CRISPRcodiscoverer #RoyalDutchShell #cellularmachinery #clairvoyant #GeorgFriedrichFerdinandPrinzvonPreußen #RegeneronPharmaceuticals #theMiddleClassinEurope #DNAcode #Varna #genetics #JohnElkann #Exor #hottestnewspredictions #cataclysms #academia #Teleportation #geneticist #DuPont #HSBCHoldings #geneticcode #Cas1Cas2 #FiatChryslerAutomobiles #newscientificachievements #clairvoyantpredictions #theHouseofHohenzollern #theformerrulingdynastyoftheGermanEmpire #People #theTurkishSyrianborder #JoeKaeser #Huntingtonsdisease #PsychicpredictionsfromYear2016toyear2019 #ClairvoyantCalendar2016 #Bilderberg #blooddisorder #AXAGroup #TheBilderbergGroup #Europe #DNAencodedinformation #ManagingDirector #unwantedgenes #Bilderberggroup #IMF #BritishPrimeMinisterDavidCameron #DNAmolecules #ChristineLagarde #clairvoyantreading #Politicians #MaxPlanckInstituteofInfectionBiology #directorsoflargebusinesses #ClairvoyantCalendar #CRISPRsystem #doublestrandbreak #Nokia #EmmanuelleCharpentier #CRISPRlocus #WyssInstituteforBiologicallyInspiredEngineering #CRISPRCas9geneeditingtechnology #ProfEmmanuelleCharpentier #technology #Europeslargestfinancialservicescompanies #biologicalharddrive #Gold #βthalassaemia #ThebattleontheSouthPole1947 #JenniferDoudna #bankers #henridecastriesbilderberg #Director #water #Emperor #Brexit #NASAsAmesResearchCenter #ChrisHadfield #TheRoyalTreasury #bacteriumsgenome #CRISPRtreatment #CEOAirbusGroup #NaziAryanThule #mutations #henridecastriesnetworth #cancer #Evotec #NewUnionsofcountries #Mythologicalislandwithuknownlocation #space #NewUnionswitholdfriends #Spaceinvasion #DNAcut #JupiterOnJupiter #Germanyslargestbank #unwantedsideeffects #techbillionaires #DouglasFlint #InternationalMonetaryFund #rulingelite #themedia #IBM #chairmanandCEOofAXA #DNAEditor #emigrants #ReidHoffmanCofounderLinkedin #ThemergerofDeutscheBörse #TheholeattheNorthPolecanbeclearlyseen #HelmholtzCentreforInfectionResearch #GroupChairman #theKingdomofPrussia #AXAsdeCastries #annualprivateconference #molecularrecorder #JunoSpacecraft #blindness #transportcompany #Xerox #thenature #theFutureofDeutscheBankAG #henridecastrieslinkedin #CRISPRgeneeditingtechnology #TheCubanunderwatercity #henridecastriessalary #psychicpredictions #pharmaceuticaldevelopment #thefutureofGreatBritain #scientists #air #biotech #CRISPRCas9protein #theMaxPlanckInstituteofInfectionBiology #Bulgaria #BilderbergConference #expertsfromindustry #davidrockefeller #embryos #LondonStockExchangeGroupPlc #CEODeutscheBörse #futurework #SiemensAG #Genomeengineeringsystem #PrinceofPrussia #GeorgFriedrichFerdinand #ThefutureofNorway #DNA #DeutscheBoerseAG #Whattheywillfindthere #TheCreationofNewWorldOrder #HarvardMedicalSchoolHMS #dealswithweapons #Designerbabies #ChairmanofBilderbergGroupsSteeringCommittee #Berkeley #humanembryos #5thComtedeCastries #CRISPRtechnology #abiochemist #HangarOne #Bilderbergmeetings #difficultlanding #henridecastriesfamily #CarstenKengeter #Thule #Bayer #assault #newkindofhuman #theUniversityofCalifornia #Doudna #livingcells #postBrexittussle #TheRoyalHouseofNorway #EuropeanUnion #Berlin #Experiments #Germany #EuropeanandNorthAmericanpoliticalelite #heirofhisgrandfatherGianniAgnelli #infertility #Commonenergybusiness #DNAbreak #nowandinthefuture #Astronaut #earth #stockexchange