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15 Media Confirmations of : #Missing #FortHood #soldier #VanessaGuillen – #Hottest #News Predictions

15 Media Confirmations of : Missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen – Hottest News Predictions June 17 , 2020 – Exactly  as predicted  by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna

This blog post is originally published June 17, 2020 here :


Missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen – Hottest News Predictions June 17 , 2020 by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna

Missing since April 22 , 2020 from Fort Hood , Texas.

The place of attack – oval hill out of the military base.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)

Her face was directed to West. Behind the hill , in the lowest part – Northwest ( at the angle ) – I see an energy object. There was a battle – fight – her hands were ahead , she also used kicks –

Vanessa Guillen was attacked by a person she knows ,(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)

because I see angry words – she treated him as a dog – commanding. Behind the attacker there were two more people.

They are total three persons – the first one has a short hair – afro – american ,(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 3 )

the man in the middle has a big , well expressed forehead and hair , that is starting to fall at the front of the head ( with brown hair , but lighter , modern haircut ) , the third man has short hair – dark and he has dark skin ( but is not afro – american ) – he is the main quilty – he has correct , slightly sharp nose , slightly protruding chin , dark hair that sticks ( protruding ). Vanessa Guillen asked herself if she likes him. On the left side of his face I see a mole or a light scar (between his face and neck – as a bad skin ). Vanessa Guillen is kidnapped. At first I see her at South of Fort Hood – at a high place. She is placed at the back of a vehicle , she is covered. She is alive , drugged.

Now , close to her I hear the noise of a river ( streamlet ).(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 4 )

The home where she is closed is not build on a flat earth. It is difficult for her to make connection with her brain – she is half asleep. Vanessa Guillen is closed in a dark room located underground. The road to the place where she is , is central. From the military base the road has arched shape , through a high place , at first at West , then South – I see a turn , big turn as a non – closed zero and then comes a road to North – it is not very distant – the common building where she is looks like a home – she is in that part of the building in which there are no people.

After that building – the road continues to Northeast and it is reaching the military base.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 5)

She is visited periodically. Now , there are already two people. Remains one. I feel only anger and tears in her. They didn’t wanted to find her. A relocation was promised to her. She did not provoke the kidnapping with anything. The kidnapping is not preliminary planned.

They lied to her ,asking to talk with her in order to approach her.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 6 )

June 2020 – I see her half – alive on a bed – tied – there are total two people close to her (not constantly ).

July 2020 – the bed is empty. The river ( streamlet ) has a south direction from the building.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 7 )

I don’t see death now.

The boys who kidnapped her are from the military base – they can be traced – easy.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 8 )


In addition : Clairvoyant reading the to Missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen – June 17 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova

I see her sitting in half upright position , she can’t breath , it’s like she has something that covers her nose and mouth. Her stomach is swollen. Her blood is down to her legs and genitals.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 9 )

I see her in a closed area and there are rocks or big stones near(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 10 )

(as a cave). I see electricity that is running down in the ground , power pole stuck in the ground. Many stones ordered as pillars or walls.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 11 )

I see three military men with a lower position subordinated to old ( adult ) man , who is smiling and wearing glasses. I see something that happens on the layers ( levels ).

I see a big bus , military polygon ( proving ground ) , ( directed rockets ) , big lake (MEDIA CONFIRMATION 12 )

( or oil field ).


In addition : Clairvoyant reading to Missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen – June 17 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova.

She is alive , she is tied , crying. I see her location first to Northeast , then sharply at South , flames.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 13 )

Now , they are moving her because excitements – connected with legal representatives. She is kept in populated place – as neighborhood. Between the previous and the new place where she is kept is passing water – as a river – the two sites are not far from each other.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 14 )

A colleague felt personal hatred against her.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 15)



The place of attack – oval hill out of the military base.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)


Remains of missing soldier Vanessa Guillén likely found, family says, as suspect kills himself – July 1, 2020

The remains were found a few feet from a pile of a burn mound that was searched June 20, Miller told The Washington Post on Wednesday.

Vanessa Guillen was attacked by a person she knows ,(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)

Soldier, a suspect in disappearance of Pfc. Vanessa Guillen, kills self when confronted by police – July 2, 2020

They are total three persons – the first one has a short hair – afro – american ,(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 3 )

Now , close to her I hear the noise of a river ( streamlet ).(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 4 )

After that building – the road continues to Northeast and it is reaching the military base.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 5)

Between the previous and the new place where she is kept is passing water – as a river – the two sites are not far from each other.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 14 )

Remains of missing soldier Vanessa Guillén likely found, family says, as suspect kills himself – July 1, 2020

Army investigators found partial human remains near the Leon River, east of Fort Hood, said Chris Grey, a spokesman for the Army’s

They lied to her ,asking to talk with her in order to approach her.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 6 )

Missing Fort Hood soldier case rises to the Army secretary’s level as family pushes for more transparency

The family has still not received a “tick-tock” of everything that happened on the day Guillen disappeared, said representatives for the family. One lingering question was why Guillen was brought in to work, according to Khawam. The young soldier wasn’t supposed to work that day due to COVID-19 mitigation measures. “Why was she called in and who was the person who called her in?” Khawam asked. “They didn’t want to say who the person was.”

July 2020 – the bed is empty. The river ( streamlet ) has a south direction from the building.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 7 )

I see her sitting in half upright position , she can’t breath , it’s like she has something that covers her nose and mouth. Her stomach is swollen. Her blood is down to her legs and genitals.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 9 )

Remains of missing soldier Vanessa Guillén likely found, family says, as suspect kills himself – July 1, 2020

But evidence, including witness accounts and material recovered from the scene, made searchers “99.9 percent sure” that the remains were those of Guillén, said Tim Miller, director and founder of Texas EquuSearch, a nonprofit that assists in missing-person searches. The remains were found a few feet from a pile of a burn mound that was searched June 20, Miller told The Washington Post on Wednesday

I see a big bus , military polygon ( proving ground ) , ( directed rockets ) , big lake (MEDIA CONFIRMATION 12 )

Remains of missing soldier Vanessa Guillén likely found, family says, as suspect kills himself – July 1, 2020

The family of missing Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillén said Wednesday that her likely remains were found in a shallow grave near the Army installation in Texas, possibly bringing a months-long search for her to a tragic end.

I see her in a closed area and there are rocks or big stones near(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 10 )

Many stones ordered as pillars or walls.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 11 )

TexasEquuSearch: Remains believed to belong to Pfc. Vanessa Guillen covered in concrete, rocks – July 1, 2020

The boys who kidnapped her are from the military base – they can be traced – easy.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 8 )

A colleague felt personal hatred against her.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 15)

Fort Hood soldier suspected in disappearance of Spc. Vanessa Guillen kills himself after human remains found – July 1, 2020


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