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World Predictions about the Roman Curia – the Vatican,the secrets of : The holy places, Our Lady of

Part of the Ebook and Paperback book :

World Predictions about the Roman Curia-the Vatican,the secrets of : The holy places, Our Lady of Fatima – Prediction How and where will start the Third World War,the Mount Hermon,the Mount of Olives,The Wailing Wall – Jerusalem,Magic prayer and weekly world predictions and… by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

The sword and the faith

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Fatima kids

A woman – on her head – Device,which looks like antennas -2 (two) ending with round balls – total 3 ( three) balls -one in the base – two antennas with thickness between 3-4cm. and in the end balls – the left is plus (+) – the right minus(-) – they were seeing it – the right in white ,the left – in yellow. The device on the head in the back side – high above the neck is made from two parts – In the left there are six buttons, in the right – only two bigger : For the right side the one button is connected with metal fiber with the box, and the other is connected with one of the buttons with fiber which is hedged around the button/ the button emits (broadcasts) white light and is bigger than the first. The Woman – she has no ears, only holes (openings) for ears. Lucia was closer inside the cloud, and she was watching – like through a mirror. Behind the cloud there was a machine, which a little looks like a tank – Time Machine. It was making the sound “Hhhhh”. The difference between the tank and Time Machine is the dome with hight of a door and with door. They were called by the thought of the boy. He was thinking about money. Lucia was frightened, she thought that this were sentinels (soldiers). The boy felt the moving of the machine. The smaller girl saw the halo of the woman. She saw wings and under her chin she saw metal yellow plate. The smaller girl heard about four event – A war – destruction and dictatorship ( dictatorial regime) ,Third World War. It is coming after irradiation from the Space or Strong Sun. It is showing a picture of cataclysms on the Earth – meteors, which are falling ;A war on Northeast. At Northeast – dictatorial country (looks like Russia), Spaceport (cosmodrome) by fallen meteors (looks like Mount Hermon,Lebanon), War – Israel, air attacks on two countries (including Israel) ,a War that becomes World War, the Next Space coming in Northern Country. A power (authority) that comes from West – a War. The South under Russia is separated by the Western influence – independent. The sound that is heard through all the time is “Hhhh”. There was no direct contact – the children were seeing like through a mirror. The talking was also about the Third World War. Telepathically the children were hearing also pacification (soothes). The smaller girl heard in the beginning cries(shouting). When everything ended – she had the feeling that she felt deep in the ground. The visions of the smaller girl were also written, but because they were more detailed – are hidden. They differ from the visions of Lucia with that – the smallet girl saw four (4) predictions (prophecies). The two children – Jacinta and Francisco Marto died due the radiation – the flu is killing them,because they were weaker and their organism didn’t had the power to fight with the high temperature. The Man in White ,killed by the soldiers is from the Space, he is not the Pope.

Saint Peter-Clairvoyant/Psychic Reading to st.Peter by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” -from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna-04.08.2014,1pm

The founders of the Catholic Faith are three people-The first was alchemist-he had the knowledge about the physical and chemical processes,the Space and the Astrology. The second founder had the knowledge about the constructions,travels,the energy for immortality-the left behind temples are his action. The third founder-the youngest-he was looking more like woman-thin,shoulder lenght hair,roman type of face,representative of superior race is the connection of the earth and divine.He was also the financier,he took 2/3 of the income for his self-this is the so called Pope. Saint Peter passed the ritual for immortality in Egypt.Then he flew in the Space-this is a fact which im sure that is known by the Vatican. When creating the faith (the religion)-Also the Good and the Evil-the Devil and God were by the two sides of Saint Peter. The methods for communication looks like the present one,but with the shape of triangle.If the Vatican opens its storages will see that the present experimental technics of Rothschild used in MH370 match the ancient technics used by Saint Peter. And so,what i see-Triangle,half of it charged with sinusoidal electricity.The other half is separated on two parts-in the upper sharp part there is the same electricity,in the lower part there is a circle-broadcast like magnet. The most important which is made are the regulations,the ordinances and the laws about the Church.The second founder stayed on the Earth as first Pontiff,the first died,and the third left temporary the kingdom of God in the Space. About the History the image of Saint Peter is one.The truth is that on this image are living two characters-two people. This ,what i see is that three of the students of Jesus Christ,who after his death are separating,unite later and establish a church.The first one,who died soon after that was gracious cleric.The other two founded the Christ’s Holy Army. Saint Peter lived much longer than the ordinary human life-he lived a life of immortal. Important factor of the remaining today made buildings is the system for eavesdropping connected with the chambers of Saint Peter.The political power was in the hands of four clerics,then they rest three,and now they are two. Saint Peter had eyes and ears everywhere.Judging by his health condition-problems with the glands and the right shoulder joint and hand,i summarize that his vision was bad,but although he worked physical labor.He was interested by knowledge about the immortality,the Aliens and the Space.He become witness of Alien Presence,Space Ships and war between the Aliens. Furthermore,He was on alien spaceship and he made tour of the Earth by air. Saint Peter has left his inheritor (his child). Saint Peter is betrayed Jesus Christ,not Judah.After that he took his place next to God.He founded the Church from the name and in the name of Jesus Christ to redeem his sin.

Part of the Ebook and Paperback book :

World Predictions about the Roman Curia-the Vatican,the secrets of : The holy places, Our Lady of Fatima – Prediction How and where will start the Third World War,the Mount Hermon,the Mount of Olives,The Wailing Wall – Jerusalem,Magic prayer and weekly world predictions and… by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

The sword and the faith

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