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FIFA Presidential Elections 2015 – The Winner ? – Joseph “Sepp ” Blatter or Prince Ali Bin al Hussein – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna -27.05.2015,2pm.

Sepp Blatter – 

After the photo – Very high blood pressure. He has problems with the left kidney – it is lightly increased. But the strong pain is caused by the right kidney, his body is working only with the left kidney. Because of the blood pressure – pain behind on the head. Because of the kidneys – disease in the heart and formication of the left hand. Forthcoming: Surgical interventions in kidney and intestines. In the moment of the photo ,he has increased thyroid gland, and strong play of the blood pressure. Sepp Blatter is seeing his exit from FIFA as a funeral. There is pressure on him in this moment. The pressure is with promises and threats. The threats can’t reach him. After the elections i see withdrawal with dignity by Sepp Blatter. ——————————————————————————-

Prince Ali Bin al Hussein 

– For now – Increased pressure inside the eyes. Strong play of the low blood pressure. Increased acidity in the organism – by kidneys and gall. This is givving reflection in often urination. In the future, we will talk about pains in the spine, the pelvis and the muscles behind. This is the Winner! Long live the King of the Football. He is coming with new team of people – behind him are staying a lot of money , the energy business and even USA. There are special people ,which will prevent – 2018 Fifa World Cup Russia, Moscow.


By Charles Sale for the Daily Mail22:30 02 Jun 2015, updated 07:55 03 Jun 2015


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  6. Sepp Blatter stunned football by resigning as FIFA President in a surprise press conference on Tuesday

  7. Blatter’s position became untenable after a series of corruption scandals that plagued FIFA in the last week

  8. Unrelenting pressure — with the British media leading the way — finally convinced under-fire president to quit

  9. Reports from the US on Tuesday night claimed Blatter is already being investigated by the FBI and US prosecutors 

  10. Secretary general Jerome Valcke, whose own position is in question, implicated in $10m Jack Warner bribe

  11. UEFA president Michel Platini is high on the list of those to take over top job but would take some convincing

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