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The Nazi – Bell – a machine about antigravitation – how does it looks like, 11 pho


Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :

Hitler and the Occult – a new technology from the Second World War. Clairvoyant reading about : The Henge at Ludwikowice ,Poland ( Die Glocke, The Nazi – Bell) – a machine about antigravitation – how does it looks like, 11 photos with separate clairvoyant reading on each of them, Experiments about the using of gravitational waves : crashing an airplane, control of the gravitational waves – applications, Scientists who have created and experimented, An equation (formula) about the gravitational movement.

Alien technologies – The Second World War – The rainbow after the rain….

– Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 6, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

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#SovietplasmascientistGNFrolov #Tokamak #KomplexMilkow #SSLieutnantGeneralJakobSporrenberg #Ludwikowice #ExoticMatter #DerRiese #Poland #thorium #NaziBell #Deuterium #ProjectThor #Berylliumoxide #TheThirdReich #GammaXrays #hiddensecrets #ProjectRiese #WenceslasMinesnearLudwikowice #theHengeinPoland #Krizenscheiden #flyingsaucer #ThePhilosophersStone #SwissengineerDrWalterDallenbach #HungarianscientistLeoSzilard #saucershapeddevice #Nazisecretweapons #TheNaziBell #KecksburgUFOincident #Wenceslausmine #Germanscientists #ChariteAnlage #antigravitymachine #rotatingcontraption #GermanFlyingDiscs #GermanscientistOttoCerny #JakobSporrenberg #warwinningtechnology #theBell #DrWilhelmVoss #WirbelRohr #SecretResearch #ftheFourthReich #SecondWorldWar #SovietscientistsNicolaiFlyerovakaNIFrolov #NaziSSscientists #WenceslasMines #heavyparticleaccelerator #Xraytransformer #Nazis #SSHauptsturmfuhrerRudolfSchuster #thermalneutrons #beryllium #ProfMaxSteenbeck #ChiefExecutiveofSkodaWorks #IgorKurchatov #TheNaziPortal #antigravitypropulsion #AtomicBombProject #Melk #Heisenberg #Wunderwaffen #Protactinium233 #Xrayplasma #Czechoslovakia #Wunderwaffe #antigravity #Bissingen #artificialneutronsource #topsecretNaziscientifictechnologicaldevice #PoliceChiefieGestapoLublinoccupiedPoland #ThirdReich #cyclotron #Xerum525 #AntigravityTechnology #mercury #ForschungsstelleDatBisingen #SecretWeapons #ChairmanofAEG #DieGlocke #Kriegsentscheidend #Protactinium #theHenge #redmercury #ProfBaronManfredvonArdenne #Nazimiracleweapons #NaziSSOfficer #hitler #KGBarchives #Nazioccultism #thePhiladelphiaExperiment #Gestapo #HermanBucher #Thorium232 #OttoHahnslaboratoryatTailfingen #BerlinDocumentCentre #Zurich #ComplexSokolec #Leichtmetall #freeenergy #CHFMuller #Uranium233 #Alchemy #theBellproject #ProfessorManfredvonArdenne #ALSOS #plutonium #SSGeneralHansKammler #secretweapon #NaziSSOfficerJakobSporrenberg #Area51


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