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The exact medical diagnosis=exact remedy.

We discover the secrets of the body! Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova”

Do you feel sick? Are you tired from hospitals,paying doctors for expensive medical examinations and not to know your diagnosis? Take the cares for your health in your hands and learn your exact health diagnosis for 35 Euro from the best Clairvoyant – diagnostician of Bulgaria for year 2013 – 2014 mrs.Dimitrinka Staikova -Europe,Bulgaria,Varna. THE EXACT DIAGNOSIS=THE EXACT REMEDY -So you can feel good again.


Health diagnosis by a proven Clairvoyant/Psychic with confirmed diagnoses by doctors from Emergency Room-Varna,Bulgaria,Europe. Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova makes full health diagnoses for 35 Euro.She helped to doctors in Emergency room and she saved the life of the people with her exact diagnoses. She finds malignant and benign diseases-breast cancer,Gland cysts,prostate diseases,brain tumors and other diseases in the head and the body. To order your health diagnosis – send your actual photo (made in the day of the order) and 35 euro with Paypal to email: or click on the button Donate below:

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For the making of Health Diagnoses about Health Facilities the price can be negotiated.


The price of Detailed/Full /Clairvoyant /Psychic Reading that include health diagnosis is 100 Euro.

WHO Model List of Essential Medicines “Comparative Table of Medicines on the WHO Essential Medicines Lists from 1977–2011” (XLS). World Health Organization. Retrieved 2013-12-30. WHO Model List of Essential Medicines is published by the World Health Organization (WHO). The first list, published in 1977, included 204 pharmaceutical drugs.[1] The WHO updates the list every two years. The WHO later added a separate WHO Model List of Essential Medicines for Children up to 12 years of age.

More than 130 countries have created national lists of essential medicines based on the WHO’s model list.[2] The national lists contain between 334 and 580 medications.[2]

In the United States, price increases of up to 5,000% or more, starting in 2004, have made many first-line drugs on the list, such as pyrimethamine and albendazole, unaffordable for low-income people. These drugs are still available at lower prices outside the U.S.[3]

In April 2015, the WHO published the 19th edition of the adult list and 5th edition of the list for children.[4][5] The following list is based on the 19th edition of the adult list:

Contents Anaesthetics

General anaesthetics and oxygen Inhalational medicines Halothane Isoflurane Nitrous oxide and oxygen Oxygen therapy Injectable medicines Ketamine Propofol[note 1] Local anaesthetics Bupivacaine Lidocaine Lidocaine + epinephrine Ephedrine† (not a local anaesthetic, included in this list for prevention of hypotension associated with spinal anaesthesia during caesarean section) Preoperative medication and sedation for short-term procedures Atropine Midazolam Morphine Medicines for pain and palliative care

Nonopioids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) Ibuprofen Paracetamol[note 2] (acetaminophen) Opioid analgesics Codeine Morphine[note 3] Medicines for other common symptoms in palliative care Amitriptyline Cyclizine Dexamethasone Diazepam Docusate sodium Fluoxetine Haloperidol Hyoscine butylbromide Hyoscine hydrobromide Lactulose Loperamide Metoclopramide Midazolam Ondansetron Senna Antiallergics and medicines used in anaphylaxis

Dexamethasone Epinephrine (adrenaline) Hydrocortisone Loratadine[note 4] Prednisolone Antidotes and other substances used in poisonings

Nonspecific Charcoal, activated Specific Acetylcysteine Atropine Calcium gluconate Methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue) Naloxone Penicillamine Prussian blue Sodium nitrite Sodium thiosulfate Deferoxamine† Dimercaprol† Fomepizole† Sodium calcium edetate† Succimer† Anticonvulsive medication

Carbamazepine Diazepam Lorazepam Magnesium sulfate[note 5] Phenobarbital Phenytoin Valproic acid (sodium valproate) Ethosuximide† Anti-infective medicines

Antihelminthics Intestinal antihelminthics Albendazole Levamisole Mebendazole Niclosamide Praziquantel Pyrantel Antifilarials Albendazole Diethylcarbamazine Ivermectin Antischistosomals and other antinematode medicines Praziquantel Triclabendazole Oxamniquine† Antibacterials Beta Lactam medicines Amoxicillin Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid Ampicillin Benzathine benzylpenicillin Benzylpenicillin Cefalexin Cefazolin[note 6] Cefixime[note 7] Ceftriaxone[note 8] Cloxacillin Phenoxymethylpenicillin (Penicillin V) Procaine benzylpenicillin[note 9] Cefotaxime†[note 10] Ceftazidime† Imipenem + cilastatin†[note 11] Other antibacterials Azithromycin[note 12] Chloramphenicol Ciprofloxacin Clarithromycin[note 13] Doxycycline Erythromycin Gentamicin Metronidazole Nitrofurantoin Spectinomycin Sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim Trimethoprim Clindamycin† Vancomycin† Antileprosy medicines Clofazimine Dapsone Rifampicin Antituberculosis medicines Ethambutol Ethambutol + isoniazid Ethambutol + isoniazid + pyrazinamide + rifampicin Ethambutol + isoniazid + rifampicin Isoniazid Isoniazid + pyrazinamide + rifampicin Isoniazid + rifampicin Pyrazinamide Rifabutin[note 14] Rifampicin Rifapentine[note 15] Amikacin† Bedaquiline† Capreomycin† Cycloserine†[note 16] Delamanid† Ethionamide†[note 17] Kanamycin† Levofloxacin†[note 18] Linezolid† p-aminosalicylic acid† Streptomycin† Antifungal medicines Amphotericin B Clotrimazole Fluconazole Flucytosine Griseofulvin Nystatin Potassium iodide† Antiviral medicines Antiherpes medicines Aciclovir Antiretrovirals Nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors Abacavir (ABC) Lamivudine (3TC) Stavudine (d4T) Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) Zidovudine (ZDV or AZT) Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors Efavirenz (EGV or EFZ) Nevirapine (NVP) Protease inhibitors Atazanavir Darunavir Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) Ritonavir Saquinavir (SQV) Fixed-dose combinations Abacavir/lamivudine Efavirenz + emtricitabine[note 19] + tenofovir Emtricitabine[note 19] + tenofovir Lamivudine + nevirapine + stavudine Lamivudine + nevirapine + zidovudine Lamivudine/zidovudine Other antivirals Oseltamivir[note 20] Ribavirin[note 21] Valganciclovir Antihepatitis medicines Medicines for hepatitis B —Nucleoside/Nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors Entecavir Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) Medicines for hepatitis C —Nucleotide polymerase inhibitors Sofosbuvir —Protease inhibitors Simeprevir —NS5A inhibitors Daclatasvir —Non-nucleoside polymerase inhibitors Dasabuvir —Other antivirals Ribavirin[note 22] Pegylated interferon alpha (2a or 2b)†[note 23] —Fixed-dose combinations Ledipasvir + Sofosbuvir Ombitasvir + Paritaprevir + Ritonavir Antiprotozoal medicines Antiamoebic and antigiardiasis medicines Diloxanide Metronidazole Antileishmaniasis medicines Amphotericin B Miltefosine Paromomycin Sodium stibogluconate or meglumine antimoniate Antimalarial medicines For curative treatment Amodiaquine[note 24] Artemether[note 25] Artemether/lumefantrine[note 26] Artesunate[note 27] Artesunate/amodiaquine[note 28] Artesunate/mefloquine Chloroquine[note 29] Doxycycline[note 30] Mefloquine[note 31] Primaquine[note 32] Quinine[note 33] Sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine[note 34] For prevention Chloroquine[note 35] Doxycycline Mefloquine Proguanil[note 36] Antipneumocystosis and antitoxoplasmosis medicines Pyrimethamine Sulfadiazine Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim Pentamidine† Antitrypanosomal medicines African trypanosomiasis Medicines for the treatment of 1st stage African trypanosomiasis Pentamidine[note 37] Suramin sodium[note 38] Medicines for the treatment of second stage African trypanosomiasis Eflornithine[note 39] Melarsoprol Nifurtimox[note 40] American trypanosomiasis Benznidazole Nifurtimox Antimigraine medicines

Acute attack Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) Ibuprofen Paracetamol Prevention Propranolol Antineoplastic and immunosuppressives

Immunosuppressive medicines Azathioprine† Ciclosporin† Cytotoxic and adjuvant medicines All-trans retinoic acid (tretinoin)† Allopurinol† Asparaginase† Bendamustine† Bleomycin† Calcium folinate† Capecitabine† Carboplatin† Chlorambucil† Cisplatin† Cyclophosphamide† Cytarabine† Dacarbazine† Dactinomycin† Daunorubicin† Docetaxel† Doxorubicin† Etoposide† Fludarabine† Fluorouracil† Filgrastim† Gemcitabine† Hydroxycarbamide† Ifosfamide† Imatinib† Irinotecan† Mercaptopurine† Mesna† Methotrexate† Oxaliplatin† Paclitaxel† Procarbazine† Rituximab† Thioguanine† Trastuzumab† Vinblastine† Vincristine† Vinorelbine† Hormones and antihormones Anastrozole† Bicalutamide† Dexamethasone† Hydrocortisone† Leuprorelin† Methylprednisolone† Prednisolone† Tamoxifen† Antiparkinsonism medicines Edit

Biperiden Carbidopa/levodopa (levodopa + carbidopa) Medicines affecting the blood

Antianaemia medicines Ferrous salt Ferrous salt + folic acid Folic acid Hydroxocobalamin Medicines affecting coagulation Enoxaparin Heparin sodium Phytomenadione Protamine sulfate Tranexamic acid Warfarin Desmopressin† Other medicines for haemoglobinopathies Deferoxamine†[note 41] Hydroxycarbamide† Blood products and plasma substitutes of human origin

Blood and blood components Fresh frozen plasma Platelet concentrates Red blood cells Whole blood Plasma-derived medicines Human immunoglobulins Anti-D immunoglobulin Anti-rabies immunoglobulin Anti-tetanus immunoglobulin Human normal immunoglobulin† Blood coagulation factors Coagulation factor VIII† Coagulation factor IX† Plasma substitutes Edit Dextran 70[note 42] Cardiovascular medicines

Antianginal medicines Bisoprolol[note 43] Glyceryl trinitrate Isosorbide dinitrate Verapamil Antiarrhythmic medicines Bisoprolol[note 43] Digoxin Epinephrine (adrenaline) Lidocaine Verapamil Amiodarone† Antihypertensive medicines Amlodipine Bisoprolol[note 43] Enalapril Hydralazine[note 44] Hydrochlorothiazide Methyldopa[note 45] Sodium nitroprusside† Medicines used in heart failure… Bisoprolol[note 43] Digoxin Enalapril Furosemide Hydrochlorothiazide Spironolactone Dopamine† Antithrombotic medicines Anti-platelet medicines Acetylsalicylic acid Clopidogrel Thrombolytic medicines Streptokinase† Lipid-lowering agents Simvastatin[note 46] Dermatological (topical)

Antifungal medicines Miconazole Selenium sulfide Sodium thiosulfate Terbinafine Anti-infective medicines Mupirocin Potassium permanganate Silver sulfadiazine Anti-inflammatory and antipruritic medicines Betamethasone Calamine Hydrocortisone Medicines affecting skin differentiation and proliferation Benzoyl peroxide Coal tar Fluorouracil Podophyllum resin Salicylic acid Urea Scabicides and pediculicides Benzyl benzoate Permethrin Diagnostic agents

Ophthalmic medicines Fluorescein Tropicamide Radiocontrast media Amidotrizoate Barium sulfate Iohexol Meglumine iotroxate† Disinfectants and antiseptics

Antiseptics Chlorhexidine Ethanol Povidone iodine Disinfectants Alcohol based hand rub Chlorine base compound Chloroxylenol Glutaral Diuretics

Amiloride Furosemide Hydrochlorothiazide Mannitol Spironolactone Gastrointestinal medicines

Pancreatic enzymes† Antiulcer medicines Omeprazole Ranitidine Antiemetic medicines Dexamethasone Metoclopramide Ondansetron Anti-inflammatory medicines Sulfasalazine Hydrocortisone† Laxatives Senna Medicines used in diarrhea Oral rehydration Oral rehydration salts Medicines for diarrhea in children Zinc sulfate[note 47] Hormones, other endocrine medicines, and contraceptives

Adrenal hormones and synthetic substitutes Fludrocortisone Hydrocortisone Androgens Edit Testosterone† Contraceptives Oral hormonal contraceptives Ethinylestradiol/levonorgestrel Ethinylestradiol/norethisterone Levonorgestrel Injectable hormonal contraceptives Estradiol cypionate + medroxyprogesterone acetate Medroxyprogesterone acetate Norethisterone enantate Intrauterine devices IUD with copper IUD with progestogen Barrier methods Condoms Diaphragms Implantable contraceptives Etonogestrel—releasing implant Levonorgestrel—releasing implant Intravaginal contraceptives Progesterone vaginal ring Estrogens Insulins and other medicines used for diabetes Gliclazide[note 48] Glucagon Insulin injection (soluble) Intermediate-acting insulin Metformin Ovulation inducers Clomifene† Progestogens Medroxyprogesterone acetate Thyroid hormones and antithyroid medicines Levothyroxine Potassium iodide Propylthiouracil Lugol’s solution† Immunologicals

Diagnostic agents Tuberculin, purified protein derivative (PPD) Sera and immunoglobulins Antivenom immunoglobulin[note 49] Diphtheria antitoxin Vaccines BCG vaccine Cholera vaccine[note 50] Diphtheria vaccine Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine Hepatitis A vaccine[note 50] Hepatitis B vaccine HPV vaccine Influenza vaccine Japanese encephalitis vaccine[note 51] Measles vaccine Meningococcal meningitis vaccine[note 50] Mumps vaccine Pertussis vaccine Pneumococcal vaccine Poliomyelitis vaccine Rabies vaccine[note 50] Rotavirus vaccine Rubella vaccine Tetanus vaccine Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine[note 51] Typhoid vaccine[note 50] Varicella vaccine Yellow fever vaccine[note 51] Muscle relaxants (peripherally-acting) and cholinesterase inhibitors

Atracurium Neostigmine Suxamethonium Vecuronium Pyridostigmine† Eye preparations

Anti-infective agents Aciclovir Azithromycin Gentamicin Ofloxacin Tetracycline Anti-inflammatory agents Prednisolone Local anesthetics Tetracaine Miotics and antiglaucoma medicines Acetazolamide Latanoprost Pilocarpine Timolol Mydriatics Atropine[note 52] Epinephrine (adrenaline)† Anti vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) Bevacizumab† Oxytocics and antioxytocics

Oxytocics and Abortifacients Ergometrine Misoprostol Oxytocin Mifepristone used with misoprostol†[note 53] Antioxytocics (tocolytics) Nifedipine Peritoneal dialysis solution

Intraperitoneal dialysis solution (of appropriate composition)† Medicines for mental and behavioural disorders

Medicines used in psychotic disorders Chlorpromazine Fluphenazine Haloperidol Risperidone Clozapine† Medicines used in mood disorders Medicines used in depressive disorders Amitriptyline Fluoxetine Medicines used in bipolar disorders Carbamazepine Lithium Valproic acid (sodium valproate) Medicines for anxiety disorders Diazepam Medicines used for obsessive compulsive disorders Clomipramine Medicines for disorders due to psychoactive substance use Nicotine replacement therapy Methadone† Medicines acting on the respiratory tract

Antiasthmatic and medicines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Beclometasone Budesonide Epinephrine (adrenaline) Ipratropium bromide Salbutamol Solutions correcting water, electrolyte and acid-base disturbances

Oral Oral rehydration salts Potassium chloride Parenteral Glucose Glucose with sodium chloride Potassium chloride Sodium chloride Sodium hydrogen carbonate Sodium lactate, compound solution Miscellaneous Edit Water for injection Vitamins and minerals

Ascorbic acid Calcium Cholecalciferol[note 54] Ergocalciferol Iodine Nicotinamide Pyridoxine Retinol Riboflavin Sodium fluoride Thiamine Calcium gluconate† Ear, nose and throat medicines in children

Acetic acid Budesonide Ciprofloxacin Xylometazoline Specific medicines for neonatal care

Medicines administered to the neonate Caffeine citrate Chlorhexidine Ibuprofen† Prostaglandin E† Surfactant† Medicines administered to the mother Dexamethasone Medicines for diseases of joints

Medicines used to treat gout Allopurinol Disease-modifying agents used in rheumatoid disorders Chloroquine Azathioprine† Hydroxychloroquine† Methotrexate† Penicillamine† Sulfasalazine† Juvenile joint diseases Aspirin[note 55] See also


^ A † indicates the medicine is a complementary item, for which specialized diagnostic or monitoring and/or specialist training are needed. An item may also be listed as complementary on the basis of higher costs and/or a less attractive cost/benefit ratio. ^ Thiopental may be used as an alternative depending on local availability and cost. ^ Not recommended for anti‐inflammatory use due to lack of proven benefit to that effect ^ Alternatives limited to hydromorphone and oxycodone. ^ There may be a role for sedating antihistamines for limited indications (EMLc) ^ For use in eclampsia and severe pre‐eclampsia and not for other convulsant disorders. ^ For surgical prophylaxis. ^ Only listed for single‐dose treatment of uncomplicated ano‐genital gonorrhoea. ^ Do not administer with calcium and avoid in infants with hyperbilirubinemia ^ Procaine benzylpenicillin is not recommended as first-line treatment for neonatal sepsis except in settings with high neonatal mortality, when given by trained health workers in cases where hospital care is not achievable. ^ 3rd generation cephalosporin of choice for use in hospitalized neonates. ^ Only listed for the treatment of life‐threatening hospital‐based infection due to suspected or proven multidrug‐resistant infection ^ Only listed for single‐dose treatment of genital Chlamydia trachomatis and of trachoma. ^ For use in combination regimens for eradication of H. pylori in adults. ^ For use only in patients with HIV receiving protease inhibitors. ^ For treatment of latent TB infection (LTBI) only ^ Terizidone may be an alternative. ^ Prothionamide may be an alternative. ^ Ofloxacin and moxifloxacin may be alternatives based on availability and programme considerations. ^ a b FTC is an acceptable alternative to 3TC, based on knowledge of the pharmacology, the resistance patterns and clinical trials of antiretrovirals. ^ Potentially severe or complicated illness due to confirmed or suspected influenza virus infection in accordance with WHO treatment guidelines. ^ For the treatment of viral haemorrhagic fevers and in combination with pegylated interferons for the treatment of Hepatitis C. ^ For the treatment of hepatitis C, in combination with peginterferon and/or direct acting anti-viral medicines. ^ To be used in combination with ribavirin. ^ To be used in combination with artesunate 50 mg. ^ For use in the management of severe malaria. ^ Not recommended in the first trimester of pregnancy or in children below 5 kg. ^ To be used in combination with either amodiaquine, mefloquine or sulfadoxine + pyrimethamine. ^ Other combinations that deliver the target doses required such as 153 mg or 200 mg (as hydrochloride) with 50 mg artesunate can be alternatives. ^ For use only for the treatment of P.vivax infection. ^ For use only in combination with quinine. ^ To be used in combination with artesunate 50 mg. ^ Only for use to achieve radical cure of P.vivax and P.ovale infections, given for 14 days. ^ For use only in the management of severe malaria, and should be used in combination with doxycycline. ^ Only in combination with artesunate 50 mg. ^ For use only in central American regions, for use for P.vivax. ^ For use only in combination with chloroquine. ^ To be used for the treatment of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection. ^ To be used for the treatment of the initial phase of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense infection. ^ To be used for the treatment of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection ^ Only to be used in combination with eflornithine, for the treatment of T. b. gambiense infection. ^ Deferasirox oral form may be an alternative, depending on cost and availability. ^ Polygeline, injectable solution, 3.5% is considered as equivalent. ^ a b c d Includes metoprolol and carvedilol as alternatives. ^ Hydralazine is listed for use in the acute management of severe pregnancy‐induced hypertension only. Its use in the treatment of essential hypertension is not recommended in view of the availability of more evidence of efficacy and safety of other medicines. ^ Methyldopa is listed for use in the management of pregnancy‐induced hypertension only. Its use in the treatment of essential hypertension is not recommended in view of the availability of more evidence of efficacy and safety of other medicines. ^ For use in high‐risk patients. ^ In acute diarrhoea zinc sulfate should be used as an adjunct to oral rehydration salts ^ Glibenclamide not suitable above 60 years. ^ Exact type to be defined locally. ^ a b c d e Recommended for some high-risk populations ^ a b c Recommended for certain regions ^ Or homatropine (hydrobromide) or cyclopentolate (hydrochloride). ^ Requires close medical supervision. ^ Ergocalciferol can be used as an alternative. ^ For use for rheumatic fever, juvenile arthritis, Kawasaki disease

#Cisplatin #Ethionamide #Chlorambucil #Methylprednisolone #Kanamycin #Niclosamide #Cefotaxime #Sodiumcalciumedetate #Mebendazole #Isoniazidrifampicin #Antiinfectivemedicines #Redbloodcells #Spironolactone #medications #Artesunate #Dopamine #Nifurtimox #Mercaptopurine #adrenaline #Medicinesaffectingskindifferentiationandproliferation #Bisoprolol #Doxorubicin #Antiallergicsandmedicinesusedinanaphylaxis #Hydrochlorothiazide #Acetylsalicylicacid #Vinblastine #Phytomenadione #Acetylsalicylicacidaspirin #Medicinesforpain #Imipenemcilastatin #activated #Antiarrhythmicmedicines #Streptomycin #Albendazole #Ferroussalt #Diloxanide #Antiinflammatoryandantipruriticmedicines #Tropicamide #Desmopressin #Benzylpenicillin #Hyoscinebutylbromide #Sofosbuvir #Glyceryltrinitrate #Anticonvulsivemedication #Prednisolone #Docetaxel #Ivermectin #Antibacterials #Diagnosticagents #Medicinesaffectingtheblood #Cloxacillin #Naloxone #Plasmasubstitutes #Nystatin #Diethylcarbamazine #Rifabutin #AbacavirABC #Penicillamine #Atropine #Vincristine #Generalanaesthetics #Triclabendazole #Cardiovascularmedicines #Erythromycin #Ciclosporin #Griseofulvin #NonopioidsandnonsteroidalantiinflammatorydrugsNSAIDs #Africantrypanosomiasis #AntiDimmunoglobulin #Forcurativetreatment #Potassiumpermanganate #Primaquine #Thioguanine #Ciprofloxacin #Sodiumnitrite #Valganciclovir #Methyldopa #Specific #Coaltar #Ethambutolisoniazid #Cycloserine #Methylthioniniumchloridemethyleneblue #Carboplatin #Spectinomycin #AmphotericinB #Freshfrozenplasma #Lamivudinenevirapinestavudine #Magnesiumsulfate #Daunorubicin #Codeine #Ampicillin #Docusatesodium #Nonnucleosidepolymeraseinhibitors #Amitriptyline #Enoxaparin #PhenoxymethylpenicillinPenicillinV #Ethambutolisoniazidrifampicin #Gemcitabine #Ritonavir #Antitrypanosomalmedicines #Isosorbidedinitrate #Terbinafine #Amlodipine #EssentialMedicines #Leuprorelin #Eflornithine #CoagulationfactorVIII #BetaLactammedicines #Antitetanusimmunoglobulin #Meglumineiotroxate #Aciclovir #Hydralazine #Inhalationalmedicines #WorldHealthOrganization #Pyrazinamide #Sulfadiazine #Epinephrineadrenaline #Nonspecific #Amiodarone #Pyrantel #Mupirocin #Entecavir #Betamethasone #Tranexamicacid #Sodiumthiosulfate #Dapsone #Proguanil #sedation #Simvastatin #Loratadine #Azithromycin #Deferoxamine #Iohexol #Bendamustine #OmbitasvirParitaprevirRitonavir #WHOModelListofEssentialMedicines #Artemether #Calamine #Warfarin #Bloodandbloodcomponents #Cefixime #Silversulfadiazine #Cytarabine #Scabicidesandpediculicides #Antiviralmedicines #Midazolam #Ondansetron #Paracetamol #Delamanid #Tamoxifen #Antileishmaniasismedicines #Doxycycline #Clopidogrel #Heparinsodium #Dimercaprol #Clofazimine #acetaminophen #Plasmaderivedmedicines #Propranolol #SaquinavirSQV #Amoxicillin #Nitrousoxideandoxygen #Plateletconcentrates #Hormonesandantihormones #Americantrypanosomiasis #Potassiumiodide #palliativecare #Cefazolin #Antileprosymedicines #Ephedrine #Amodiaquine #Filgrastim #ZidovudineZDVorAZT #Pentamidine #Miconazole #paminosalicylicacid #Ibuprofen #Antianaemiamedicines #Opioidanalgesics #Antihepatitismedicines #Antiplateletmedicines #medicines #Localanaesthetics #Amidotrizoate #Epinephrine #Rifampicin #Fluconazole #Fomepizole #MedicinesforhepatitisC #Propofol #Immunosuppressivemedicines #Ethambutol #Darunavir #Ceftazidime #Prevention #MedicinesforthetreatmentofsecondstageAfricantrypanosomiasis #Cyclophosphamide #Vancomycin #Dasabuvir #Antithromboticmedicines #Bariumsulfate #Metronidazole #LedipasvirSofosbuvir #Medicinesforothercommonsymptomsinpalliativecare #Otherantivirals #Oseltamivir #Oxaliplatin #Lamivudinenevirapinezidovudine #Flucytosine #Methotrexate #Miltefosine #Fludarabine #Salicylicacid #Diazepam #Ethambutolisoniazidpyrazinamiderifampicin #spinalanaesthesia #Ceftriaxone #Hydroxocobalami #Antiprotozoalmedicines #Levofloxacin #Preoperativemedication #Benzylbenzoate #Loperamide #Atazanavir #Antifilarials #Emtricitabinenote19tenofovir #Mefloquine #Bupivacaine #Prussianblue #Dermatologicaltopical #Cefalexin #Charcoal #Phenytoin #Sodiumnitroprusside #Vinorelbine #Rituximab #Asparaginase #NS5Ainhibitors #WHO #Nucleotidepolymeraseinhibitors #Intestinalantihelminthics #Radiocontrastmedia #Clindamycin #Imatinib #Lactulose #localanaesthetic #Calciumgluconate #Antihelminthics #Sodiumstibogluconateormeglumineantimoniate #Isoniazidpyrazinamiderifampicin #Fixeddosecombinations #Dacarbazine #Permethrin #Amikacin #Clotrimazole #Nitrofurantoin #Benzathinebenzylpenicillin #Benzoylperoxide #Procainebenzylpenicillin #Melarsoprol #Bicalutamide #Hyoscinehydrobromide #Isoniazid #Ferroussaltfolicacid #Capreomycin #Valproicacidsodiumvalproate #Wholeblood #Ketamine #Efavirenzemtricitabinenote19tenofovir #Rifapentine #Hydroxycarbamide #Oxamniquine #Trimethoprim #Injectablemedicines #Acuteattack #Fluorouracil #Antidotesandothersubstancesusedinpoisonings #Levamisole #Paclitaxel #Allopurinol #Fluorescein #Podophyllumresin #Dexamethasone #Antirabiesimmunoglobulin #Praziquantel #Ifosfamide #Azathioprine #Trastuzumab #TenofovirdisoproxilfumarateTDF #Etoposide #Ethosuximide #oxygen #Antipneumocystosisandantitoxoplasmosismedicines #Halothane #Stavudined4T #MedicinesforhepatitisB #Antiretrovirals #caesareansection #NevirapineNVP #Seleniumsulfide #clavulanicacid #Quinine #Antimigrainemedicines #Carbamazepin #Antifungalmedicines #Haloperidol #Clarithromycin #Linezolid #Verapamil #Gentamicin #Medicinesforthetreatmentof1ststageAfricantrypanosomiasis #Furosemide #Mesna #Antimalarialmedicines #Antischistosomals #Isoflurane #Bloodproductsandplasmasubstitutesofhumanorigin #Antiherpesmedicines #Anaesthetics #Capecitabine #Nonnucleosidereversetranscriptaseinhibitors #Paromomycin #Benznidazole #Cytotoxicandadjuvantmedicines #Bloodcoagulationfactors #Digoxin #Protaminesulfate #Lidocaine #Chloramphenicol #Lipidloweringagents #Phenobarbital #Alltransretinoicacidtretinoin #Anastrozole #Procarbazine #Pyrimethamine #Othermedicinesforhaemoglobinopathies #Streptokinase #Pegylatedinterferonalpha2aor2b #Suraminsodium #Lidocaineepinephrine #Metoclopramide #Hydrocortisone #AcetylcysteineAtropine #Folicacid #Oxygentherapy #Bedaquiline #Urea #hypotension #Simeprevir #Ribavirin #Cyclizine #Bleomycin #Dactinomycin #Biperiden #Daclatasvir #Humanimmunoglobulins #Thrombolyticmedicines #Antianginalmedicines #CoagulationfactorIX #Humannormalimmunoglobulin #Senna #Medicinesaffectingcoagulation #EfavirenzEGVorEFZ #antinematodemedicines #Antituberculosismedicines #Chloroquine #Lamivudine3TC #Sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim #Calciumfolinate #Lorazepam #Enalapril #Ophthalmicmedicines #Fluoxetine #Antiparkinsonismmedicin #Antiamoebicandantigiardiasismedicines #morphine #Antineoplasticandimmunosuppressives #Proteaseinhibitors #Medicinesusedinheartfailure #Dextran70 #Antihypertensivemedicines #Succimer #Irinotecan


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