MEDIA CONFIRMATIONS of : “The disease at the Southern and the Southeastern part of USA is passing into malaria – fever ” and Coronavirus produces ‘sinister’ tentacles in infected cells
– predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her NEW EBOOK Published March 24, 2020 :
Detailed internal information about the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders. The Hidden Truth about the Coronavirus . Hottest News Predictions about the future of the world – Apocalypse
Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to : Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Recep Erdogan, Bernie Sanders and his Campaign Manager US Election 2020, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and his Trump 2020 campaign manager, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, James Gorman (Morgan Stanley Bank), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director – General of the World Health Organization – WHO) , Dr.Erica Bickerton ( Pirbright Institute , Group Leader of the Coronavirus group , Coronavirus Patent owner ), Center for disease and control ( CDC )
By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova
Published March 24, 2020
2020 © Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Language – English
Type of File – PDF file
Published – March 24, 2020
World Count – 16288
Number of pages – 37
Order this Ebook today, Donate with PayPal – 50 GBP and You will receive the PDF file in the next 24 hours with Email delivery + A Gift from Us : the Ebook – WHO WILL WIN U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2020 ? Republicans vs Democrats – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Trump’s 2020 Presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke , Kirsten Gillibrand , Elizabeth Warren ,Kamala Harris , Cory Booker, Julian Castro….Part 1by Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova - Published March 31, 2019
Only a small part of the Book :
Detailed internal information about the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders. The Hidden Truth about the Coronavirus . Hottest News Predictions about the future of the world – Apocalypse
Published originally here at April 1, 2020 – https://dimitrinkastaikova.wordpress.com/2020/04/01/center-for-disease-and-control-cdc-through-the-eyes-of-director-robertredfield-clairvoyant-psychic-predictions-march-22-2020-in-what-part-of-usa-there-will-be-no-coronavirus-the-di/
Center for disease and control ( CDC ) – Through the eyes of Director Robert Redfield – Clairvoyant /Psychic Predictions March 22 , 2020 : In what part of USA there will be no Coronavirus ? The distribution of COVID – 19 in USA. What mutation of the Coronavirus ( in what ) is passing ? How does the treatment and the research look like ? The future now and….. After five years they will find it from DNA of old bones – the animal looks like a small dinosaur with parts of wings , bigger head , more poison and more dangerous – it has existed for a short time. His heads are growing up after cutting – encrypted bloodsucker , vampire. The DNA will have a connection with cuttlefish , and the next connection is a man – this is the new. Year 2028 – 2030 – there will be results in the discover of a new type of man…. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.
Photo : March 10 , 2020. Time – after the photo.
Robert Redfield’ s health : In his spine there is already a memory for Coronavirus , but the lighter form. I see a strong pain in the head – the forehead at left and the forehead and right eye – at right. He has enlarged thyroid gland ( for now , middle level ). His left lung has a temperature and until the end of March 2020 will be swollen. His right lung has bacteria from the disease and for short time will be enlarged and then will shrink again. The energy in his stomach will be increased for a certain time , around 14 days it will be strong only from under the heart through the right side – passing through the bile and liver , the right side of genitals , the urinary tract near the left side of the genitals. It affects also the stomach and umbilical cord. Thera are problems because of swelling of the stomach – with the breathing , lungs and the heart. I see more serious problems in the large intestine – as drying and afterwards also in the small intestines – problems with the movement of the food. For the rest of the energy at left – from the prostate to the top of the stomach. The power is increasing at the back of the body and it is coming from the spine. And the both kidneys are very enlarged – which is showing the already passed heavy virus disease.
I permanently hear in his head – “Patience” and despite he is moving – I see serious problems with a disease at the left side – the left foot – it starts from the spine – close to the waist. His spine is thickened – as double. There will be problems with trembling of hands , problems with the right eye as treatment , with hemorrhage in the brain – at the right side , but closer to the middle. From the summer to November 2020 it will be a matter of a physical survival. As food I see more liquid and thick food. March 2020 – At the beginning Robert Redfield is rather angry and blaming ( accusing ). He is opponent to the dust in the air and the business with coals. The emphasis in his work is to the water and her processing. He is protecting himself from the virus and contamination with a touch. He has many enemies I see the collecting of money and until the end of the month – there is moving in a laboratory located in a high place and in a wood – experiments with people and animals. I see fear from people. A research of the blood.
At the end of March 2020 – there is an upcoming heavy meeting with hassle ( scandal ) with Trump. Robert Redfield is keeping his researches , but the others will receive them after the first brain hemorrhage. Now , on this researches connected with Ebola is working paralel a second team. Behind Redfield is staying loyal only a young woman for now with dark hair , she will inherit his researches. Later , closer to her will stay a blond woman and she will steal everything , but she will keep a part of the previous staff to work for her – temporary. USA will be covered with the Coronavirus without one part of it – the Southern and the Southeastern part of USA. In that US state there will be only a few ill people , and they will be carriers of the virus from the other States. The diseas will make the people to withdraw from the borders and to settle in the inside of USA. Only “patience” is the main moto in the disease.
The disease at the Southern and the Southeastern part of USA is passing into malaria – fever and it is creating a new kind , which is protected by repeating of the Coronavirus. From there begind the vaccine.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1 )
The treatment will be more difficult , because the disease will hit five doctors who have reached to the medicine : theblack will become yellow , the black will turn in to white , the white will become gray and then black again. The black will turn into gold colour. In the golden is the secret of the success. The first medicine will be made by ten components + an additional one for smell and taste. Each of the components has a different power , size and weight – two of the components are bigger as content. There will be herbs inside – yellow and white , blood , roots from a tree , parts of insects…….. I see a hand , a centrifuge , time that must pass on dark. In the beginning there will be tests ( experiments ) with irradiation , but they will drop out later. Year 2020 – the first medicines will not treat , because the primary source is unknown.
There is searching for the primary source of the Coronavirus. From 2 – 3 years ahead in the time are beginning in the caves and the old bones. After five years they will find it from a DNA of old bones – the animal looks like a small dinosaur with parts of wings , bigger head , it is more poison and more dangerous – it has existed for a short moment of time. His heads are growing up after cutting – encrypted bloodsucker , vampire. The DNA will have a connection with cuttlefish , and the next connection is a man – this is the new.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2 )
Year 2028 – 2030 – there will be results in the discover of a new type of man.
April 2020 will be on fast researches and many inspections of a huge crowds of people , including of animals too. Begins the dying at first of the animals , then the water becomes yellow. They are moving on a high place and the research is continning. At the end of April are coming tidal waves , many wind and diseases. In the western parts of America the amount of people will be decreased and in part of the southwest. In the Northwestern parts of USA there will be moving of people.
April and May 2020 – the weather will become sharply warm and cold. I see geysers from gas , earthquakes ( light and strong ). The disease has already took a part of the people , the problem will be the fear. At the second part of May 2020 is coming the wave – more water. Then is coming a strong heat. From the depths is leaving water , bones and soil that have been deep underground – then will be shown the old bones. June 2020 – around the order of the planets are starting the problems with the Electricity , whirlwinds that are reaching the Space and then are falling sharply on the ground as ice balls , celestial bodies and parts of satellites – for a short time also in the Southern and the Southeastern parts of USA.I see something like a reversal of the planet – the North will become South. The round of the energy will not be complete again ( although it will be temporary – for near 50 years ). Again there is one part of the Earth that will be like a Holy Land – without viruses, without heavy natural disasters. September 2020 – there will be waiting and silence in the air , expectation from the Space….
MUTANT mosquitoes created in a lab to stop the spread of deadly diseases like malaria will be unleashed across the US this summer – June 8, 2020
The gene-hacked bugs, crafted by UK biotech company Oxitec, are designed to kill off or reduce local populations of mosquitoes by mating with them.
MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2. Coronavirus produces ‘sinister’ tentacles in infected cells
Highly unusual structure raises hopes for use of cancer drugs to treat the disease – June 26, 2020
Scientists have discovered that the virus behind Covid-19 causes the infected cells to grow stringy protruding branches — a highly unusual structure that allows the virus to attack several cells at once. Researchers led by the University of California San Francisco have released the first ever close-up images of the spaghetti-like tentacles that were taken using an ultra-powerful electron microscope.
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