Detailed internal information about the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders. The Hidden Truth about the Coronavirus . Hottest News Predictions about the future of the world – Apocalypse
Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to : Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Recep Erdogan, Bernie Sanders and his Campaign Manager US Election 2020, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and his Trump 2020 campaign manager, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, James Gorman (Morgan Stanley Bank), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director – General of the World Health Organization – WHO) , Dr.Erica Bickerton ( Pirbright Institute , Group Leader of the Coronavirus group , Coronavirus Patent owner ), Center for disease and control ( CDC )
By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova
Published March 24, 2020
2020 © Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Language – English
Type of File – PDF file
Published – March 24, 2020
World Count – 16288
Number of pages – 37
Order this Ebook today, Donate with PayPal – 50 GBP and You will receive the PDF file in the next 24 hours with Email delivery + A Gift from Us : the Ebook – WHO WILL WIN U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2020 ? Republicans vs Democrats – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Trump’s 2020 Presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke , Kirsten Gillibrand , Elizabeth Warren ,Kamala Harris , Cory Booker, Julian Castro….Part 1by Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova - Published March 31, 2019

Only a small part of the Ebook :
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director – General of the World Health Organization – WHO) – Through his eyes : Types of Coronavirus, attempts for treatment. Preparation for the merger of two worlds. Detailed Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about the expecting and ariving of an alien gene – Clairvoyant /Psychic predictions March 19, 2020 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.
Photo : March 16, 2020. Time – after the photo
Tedros Adhanom’s health : Now, March 16,2020 he has an extremely strong emission of energy that will lead to a serious disease of the glands. The pituitary is ill now and there are cysts – they are close to the left eye. His thyroid gland also has cysts at the left part. His bile is enlarged, the liver has increased temperature, his pancreas is ill – it is exhausting part of its energy. In the stomach I see increased acidity (possibility for Ulcer) ; inflammation of the urinary tract, inflammation of the spine ; pain on the back of the head – at left. The more interesting for him and it is something I see for the first time is that I see very shrunken kidneys – as glued. His energy is very strong, but it can’t get out of him and the energy goes back in the head – causing the pain at left. This is because of the premises where he lives and works – they are isolated – there is no connection with the nature.
About Tedros Adhanom this is a time for earning of money. March 2020 is a month of manifestation – for a short time. Then, I see a Council of four-five people, which until May – June 2020 will be increased.
From June 2020 the amount of people in the Council will be reduced again (as number of people – leaders).
June and July 2020 begins the reporting of results and searching for the primary source . New researches will be made all over the world. For treatment ( cure , medication ) will be choosed the blood of an african tribe. Also Arabic blood will be taken – for free. The primary ( original ) source of Coronavirus will be found in Great Britain , then the virus went in USA , then I see the waters of Australia and from there the contagion went in China. There are three types of coronavirus – totally different – the first one has black colour , the second one has yellow colour , and the third type has blue colour. The black Coronavirus is layered with all colours and a few times with black and it is kiling – the person is boiling in it’s body and emitting energy – his spirit is raising high – that kind of energy condition can be monitored from the Space. The yellow type of Coronavirus – radiation , temperature is changing with a strong lowering – there is cold ( as fever ). Here the people can be saved – it affects the liver , and slightly the kidneys. The temperature is high only if there are many people on one place. It is not influenced by the disinfectants , and it is giving often allergies to everything , the virus affects slightly the head – both as pains and as fatigue – it is a deceptivelight form of the virus – there is survival , very seldom death – it can be as side ( lateral ) factor. The blue type of Coronavirus is full with energy. It is leaving the body very difficult. The blue type of Coronavirus can pass into the yellow type and to extinguish , in the suitable conditions – special herbal treatment. The disease likes sweet and energy foods. It affects the kidneys , the bones , and it is leaving traces on the body. I see high temperature and often overflowing in yellow and black. Here the virus is unstable as fire that is burning fast. The ill person must stop moving , he must control the breathing and be calm. There must be more and different herbal inhalations , also the scent in the room must be controlled – it must not be irritating , it must be herbal. He reccomends pine resin – as a natural odor , but it must be replaced often in a direction to yellow virus and carefully. The Coronavirus is an exploratory virus – it is not released for the death of the population. The virus is not researched – it is choosed as the less evil , but also for a struggle with invaders – to those who will survive. The black and the yellow type of Coronavirus are treatable – they are leaving the body. The blue type of Coronavirus is not treatable. It must pass from one phase to another. It is forthcoming during the searching of the primary source to be explored the ocean bottom close to Australia – they will find slightly oval yellow stones with the size of a palm , with radiation ( irradiance ) , when the stones are leaving out of the water there is a machine down , I see the shining of glass – part of it has an oval shape too. I see creatures inside , that look like people – they are very , very weak – I see only bones , they are tall and they are moving smooth , they doesn’t talk , but make sounds that overflow. Above their machine there is a sharpedged energy protection – the things are repeling. And so – it is not a natural anomaly. The Coronavirus is a preparation for merger of two worlds. Merger with the people.
There is waiting until September 2020 – then are beginning the first manifestations of these creatures – they like meat. This is as Intelligence mission. October and November 2020 is starting the most scary. In the sky will be seen as ” falling stars “. A weapon against them is laser targeting and later – laser covering.