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#SaadHariri (Prime Minister of #Lebanon) – A war for the #GolanHeights, A new deposit of Preci

Part of the Book :

Brexit, US Shutdown, Wars,Venezuela Coup, Norway Kidnappers, Middle East 2019. Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions for : Iran, Lebanon, Syria – Bashar Assad, Recep Erdogan – Turkey, Huawei, Israel Defense Forces, Theresa May ,Corbyn, Farage, Nancy Pelosi

Author : Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova

Published : January 26, 2019


In the Ebook and Paperback book published in Amazon are not published the clairvoyant/psychic predictions about : Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran), Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey),Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to one of the kidnappers of the wife of Norwegian billionaire – Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen – January 19, 2019 ,Nigel Farage, Nicolas Maduro




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Saad Hariri (Prime Minister of Lebanon) – A war for the Golan Heights, A new deposit of Precious metals, Business with Saudi Arabia, Intervention of the United Nations, A head wound – year 2019, Intervention of Russia (victorious) in the war, A terrorist war and internal war, The star of “Bethlehem” above Lebanon – the new “Jesus Christ” is born, Disasters in Lebanon….. – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 12, 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo : December 12, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Saad Hariri’s health : At December 12, 2018 – I see scars on his back at left. He has strong pain on the back of the head (behind the left ear) and there is a slight pain on the top of the head (the left side). Because of the pain, he raises the blood pressure sharp and that affects the spine and the pelvic region. The stronger pain is at the front of his body – at right, around the right lung and the bile – there is increased acidity in his body. Despite the energy circles the liver and bile, and the heart – there is no disease there. But, I see a strong pain in the stomach – down low, at left – it also affects the male sex organs. There, in the future he will have a treatment and surgery. For now, I see a strong neurosis – a constriction of the blood vessels and muscles, a disease in the left eye. In the future – the left eye will bleed. As gland is also affected the Pineal gland, because of nerves and radiation from monitors.

I see a will for uniting of Muslim countries. In the present moment he remains alone,without uniting. For enemy – he defines USA and the jews. Saad Hariri is seeing his country and the people there as prisoners. For year 2019 – Saad Hariri is seeing the big money in and from Nuclear Energetic (electricity) and their decreasing in the present moment. Then comes the exploitation of an energy field ( energy deposit) by two banks and the discovery of a new smaller energy deposit near the big one. And the war for the Golan Heights. The beginning of year 2019 starts with business talks with Russians – they are connected with war and weapons, with withdrawn territories, conquered back and beginning of a construction ; the finding of a smaller deposit of precious energy metals and a joint exploitation with Russia. I see an union which from business grows into a military union. February 2019 – I see a contract of Lebanon with Saudi Arabia – renewed – for a short time. Problems in the United Nations, because of a war. There is an invasion in Lebanon – by air and by land – from mercenaries – murders and threats to the power (the higher power). February 2019 – I see soldiers on which is tested a new type of drug – with unprecedented atrocities. I see blood that will be sent to Lebanon after attack. February 2019 – I see a wound on the forehead of Saad Hariri – he will survive. March 2019 – He is getting help from Russia and two Muslim countries. Later, even more mercenaries will start to join. March – April 2019 – their enemies will retreat from the Golan Heights. April 2019 is a moment of a World payment with a bank transfer by the Lebanese. April 2019 – there will be many funerals and a new Elections are coming (only for certain places). The end of April and May 2019 – there are new decisions by the World Community and mr. Saad Hariri will remain alone again. The business relationships with Iran are increased again – oil and gas, Summer 2019 – I also see good relationships of Lebanon with Turkey, but It will be connected with a territory and it will be valid for a short period of time. June 2019 is the month of problems for Lebanon with foreign banks and money. July 2019 is the month when mr. Saad Hariri begins a preparation for war and he is investing money and weapons for the arming of the population and mercenaries. A terrorist war is starting inside Lebanon and around it – that will include also kidnappings. August and September 2019 – there will be a contract for the taking of a piece of land – a territory of Lebanon. The publicity will hear later for that. September 2019 – there is intervention of Russia and Russia is protecting Lebanon. Lebanon enters into an official contract with Russia, both with Syria and Iran. September 2019 – I see a bright light above Lebanon as a portent. October 2019 – there is an end a new beginning. A new future warlord is born that will be famous all over the world. October and November 2019 – I see many prayers for people in disaster in Lebanon. The end of November and December 2019 are beginning the new constructions and there is a giving of bread to the population of Lebanon.


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