Media Confirmation of : “Russian PM in hospital after testing positive for coronavirus” May 2020 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova in Her Hottest News Predictions published January 2020″
This blog post is published January 16, 2020 here :
Hottest News Predictions 2020 by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova”
Mikhail Mishustin (Vladimir Putin’s nomination for Prime minister of Russia ) – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic Predictions January 16 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.
photo: January 15 , 2020 Time of the Clairvoyant reading – after the photo.
Mikhail Mishustin’s health January 16 , 2020 :
I see a cold – at left. In his mouth at left there are problems with teeth and a cyst tooth bag – at the front ,up at left. The inflammation is going also in the left ear. There is strong pain now in the liver , the pain is moving to the stomach – it is swelling very strong. I see inflammation of the left kidney and urinary tract + high blood pressure. At the back there is pain from the neck to the pelvic area in the muscles , the spine and the left shoulder. Except the cold in the neck , there is tightening of blood vessels in the neck at right , and this constriction is going at the right hand. Now , there is pain at the right pelvic area. I see an old bruise ( physical strike ) at the left of the back ( as breaking ). What is more interesting in the physiology is at the tailbone.
He is interested in : food – everything connected with it , sex , special qualities – tastes in the alcohol. He likes physical training and it is using it in his everyday life – doesn’t matter in what shape. But if he is making a threat – You must better stay far from him – he has very quick movements. He is magnificent analyst connecting the mind with the speed of his movements. “Everything in this life is a prey and a catch”. His family is precious for him , but not the loyalty to a woman. He is loyal only to his patron. January 2020 – there is as a moment for thinking , and then I hear congratulations for him. The first connection Mikhail Mishustin is making ( project , talks ) is with militaries. There is confirmation of orders about relocation of armies. There is placing of divisions close to water at North – as a protecting wall – there is fear expected to come true – from North. The second concern for him – the grain , then follows Moscow – placing of more strict order. There is a temporary lull with the oligarchs – around a month.
February 2020 is a month of feeding , war in Libya , constructions in Africa , coalitions , there is beginning of slight problems with Erdogan ( because of Libya ) , there is starting of movement of American armies on the border with Iraq – Turkey and Syria. A new weapon is send as a tank – a robot which is moving by air , air and on the ground – it is dark , small one , it is scouting and militant.
I see February – March 2020 – there is buying of land that becomes a military zone – Turkey.
March 2020 – I see shooting of a bomb that is moving upwards and downwards ( up and down ) and forward – there is a joy and victory about military actions.
March and April 2020 – Moscow is threatened. Mikhail Mishustin must beware at left. The star that is keeping him has left the left side of his body unprotected. His DNA will be saved.( Media Confirmation)
In addition : A Clairvoyant reading to Mikhail Mishustin ( Putin’s nomination for Prime minister of Russia ) – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova January 16 , 2020
I see a going underground and meetings with people in an underground hall. There is an underground power that is ruling Russia. I see Intelligence ( reconnaissance ) connected with a chain of five huge companies ruling. January 2020 – Mikhail Mishustin will be elected for a Prime minister of Russia , I see pain in his head going down his spine. I see a military person with high rank behind his back. Russia will have problems with ships and I see very increased satellite communication – there is sending of signals to the Space. February 2020 – I see the Russian militaries on the road – movements at south. There are problems with lawsuits , the judicial system. March 2020 – I see building of a wall , border , barriers. April 2020 – I see militaries at South. There is digging and construction underground. I see active preparation of Russia for a war . May 2020 – Problems with railway cargo. Health diagnosis : There is pain in the eyes , headache , pain in the nose and teeth , ill throat , problems with the breathing , pain in the heart , ill liver , kidneys and urinary tract.
In addition : A Clairvoyant reading to Mikhail Mishustin (Putin’s nomination for Prime minister of Russia) – by Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova – January 16 , 2020
Photo : January 15 , 2020 Time – after the photo.
He suffers by strong headache – there are zones with a strong pain on his head – part of the reason is an old trauma on the head. There are problems with the breathing – I see the both lungs affected. I see inflammation of a kidney , pain down low in the region of the belly and often urination. The problems with the lungs are more serious – they are affecting the heart. There are pains in his both hands and the right knee. They are talking about a document , a lawsuit. The question is if there will be a lawsuit or other kind of decision against certain people. Then comes an expanding of the business , going upwards ( promotion ) through taking. Then follows a recent lawsuit , and an attempt for murder of a very wealthy man with a sole power. Then I see health problems for him – there is going in a hospital because of problems with the head.( Media Confirmation)
I see sending of deputats in the jail. An attack during a travel. And a danger connected with the extraction of energy.
Russian PM in hospital after testing positive for coronavirus – May 1, 2020
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