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Recep Erdogan (President of Turkey) – Energy Corridors, Business partners, Construction of Pow

Media Confirmations about : Turkey is breaking relationships with France and the European Union , the Isolation of Recep Erdogan by the West ,Muslim Brotherhood  and Erdogan – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book:


 Three Clairvoyants predicting to : Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan, Putin, Trump…

Published – January 27, 2018

 Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

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Recep Erdogan (President of Turkey) – Energy Corridors, Business partners, Construction of Power Plants, Kurds, Muslim Brotherhood. Relationships with Russia, Palestine, Israel, the European Union, Africa, South America… A conquering war with refugees… to Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria. Entering in Bulgaria at the city of Bourgas – how ? Goal – Israel ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 6, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

 Photo : January 5, 2018. Time – after the photo.

Recep Erdogan’s health January 6-7, 2018 : I see very intense pain at the right eye and the back of the head at left. He has sick muscles on his back, the hands and pains at the stomach. He will have three surgical operations on the stomach : liver, intestines and prostate. In the moment the both lungs are sick, there’s a hormonal imbalance – stress hormones, strong pain in the bones : the shoulders and left knee. I see sick kidneys and very strong falling and raising of the blood pressure – now.

So far Turkey is in two camps. Now, first is deleted the first camp – the European Union, then follows the deletion of the second camp (political and military), but Turkey is remaining in a third camp with Russia and the construction of Energy Corridors – Oil and Gas – directed at Western Europe and in the future – very profitable. First the money will bring more loss compared with old profits by energy. Only two persons will win in Turkey – by the Energy Corridors and then there’s a multiple increasing of the profits, but then will be three persons – until the putting of external border of the profits. These Energy corridors are leading to a construction of four power plants that will export electricity at East. Now, on first place is the Security, the Police and the Military as the most important structure. I see breaking of relationship with France and the European Union because of the lack of money. 

January 2018 will be tough month connected with money, terrorism, internal war with Kurds and relationships with “Muslim Brotherhood”. A new aid ( including military aid) is prepared for Palestine (after January 20, 2018). I see the end of January until the middle of February 2018 – many meetings, military preparation of a ship and soldiers for protection – intervention in the relationships Israel – Palestine – as help.

February 2018 is a bad month – begins the closing of doors for Erdogan and his isolation by the West.

March 2018 – there intervention by the Russians – Moscow – in the negotiations for the Energy Corridors and Turkey again is sitting on the table of negotiations as important player – for a short time ( until March 15, 2018). Then, there’s a travel – Africa, South America and the Far East and new trade and political contracts. The real goal of that travel are contracts for weapons and the uniting of “Muslim Brotherhood” with other organizations (most of them terrorist organizations). From the end of March 2018 and April begins the redirection and cleaning of refugees. Then Erdogan is preparing for a conquering war – at the front are the refugees (foreigners) and both with them are entering also mainly Turks (as military personnel). Begins the new conquest of Turkey to Greece and Bulgaria. The goal is Cyprus, Greek islands and part of South Bulgaria – almost until the city of Bourgas. The entering of the Turks is happening step by step – until their gathering and then is given a signal of conquest – as an internal riot (rebellion). The date is not chosen , the Russians will know and  they will agree. But according the present thoughts in the head of Erdogan – it will happen around May or June – the day is not chosen – it will depend by external factors – a disclosure. Whether he will succeed – Erdogan is betting on that card to remain one of the World leaders. What I see June 2018 – a lot of blood and he is happy. The main battle will be toward Israel….

Media Confirmations :

1. FEBRUARY 1, 2018 / 10:58 AM / UPDATED 13 HOURS AGO 

After Turkish anger, France’s Macron plays down Syria warning 

2. Turkey Angry at Macron for Armenian Genocide Comments, Syria Warning

3. As Turkey’s economy tanks and its political isolation increases, these political ends include maintaining Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian rule. JANUARY 26, 2018

4. Muslim Brotherhood crumbling around Erdogan 

 January 24, 2018 

#TelAviv #PKK #health #AlAqsaMosque #Finance #politics #HassanRouhani #PresidentTrumpsenvoyforInternationalNegotiations #business #thesandsofSyria #USsanctionscase #politicalcrisisinIran #Aleppo #Iraq #TurkishbankerHakanAtilla #BlackLivesMatter #invasion #theTrumpadministration #DeirEzzor #VladimirPutin #Kurdishfighters #Jordan #HashemiteKingdomofJordan #AldarKhalil #Haideralabadi #Kilisprovince #Healthdiagnosis #EuropeanUnioninvestments #NaturalCataclysms #elections #profitablebusiness #Manbij #Athreat #DemocraticFederationofNorthernSyria #SyrianElections #Washington #NewleaderofHezbollah #Erdogan #theKurdsIsrael #Lebanon #Greece #RecepTayyipErdogan #anattemptforacoup #IsraeliPalestinianpeace #TurkishForeignMinisterMevlutCavusoglu #billionaires #israel #Iranyear2019 #ProblemswithRussia #Syria #Davutoglu #Naturalcataclysm #thePresidentofIran #KingAbdullahIIofJordan #Predictions #PopeBenedict #psychic #population #war #energyfield #clairvoyant #election #Aconqueringwar #newterritories #MH370 #ablackmachine #Qatar #IslamicState #HassanNasrallahHezbollah #PresidentBarackObama #ManuelValls #Attacksoverthesea #terroristorganization #united #autonomousrule #Religion #IsraelisandPalestinians #clairvoyantpredictions #new #militiasoftheFreeSyrianArmy #PalestinianAuthorityPresidentMahmoudAbbas #UsElections2016 #credits #icyregion #theleaderofQatar #Syriancivilwar #NuclearPowerplant #Iran #northernSyria #Goal #CizireandKobane #Jerusalemannouncement #TurkishArmy #Problems #OperationOliveBranch #thenegotiationforpeace #theborderwithTurkey #NicosAnastasiades #SaudiArabia #Waryear2018 #Kurdishmilitants #feeding #DonaldTrump #internationalunion #WorldPredictions2017 #TurkishSyrianBorder #MeetingwiththePope #Bilderberggroup #migrantcrisis #HassanNasrallah #Exploitationofnewenergyfieldsdeposits #shootingsinSyria #TheEuropeanUnion #energycorridors #Politicians #EnteringinBulgaria #Saudis #KurdistanWorkersParty #Omens #KingAbdullahII #RAQQA #EuphratesRiver #BenjaminNetanyahu #kurds #refugees #Peace #terrorism #ThehealthofDevletBahceli #DemocraticUnionPartyPYD #BRUSSELSATTACKS #groundoffensive #ALIKHAMENEI #inverseluck #Attacks #magic #AyatollahAliKhamenei #FrenchpresidentEmmanuelMacron #EmirTamimAlThaniQatar #Trials #DevletBahceli #TheUnitedStates #Ankara #Businesspartners #UNSecurityCouncil #thecityofBourgas #TurkishNationalistMovementParty #ClairvoyantDimitrinkaStaikova #Vatican #SouthAmerica #capitalinEastJerusalem #moscow #battleswithTurkey #Kurdistan #tanks #MahmoudAbbas #Battles #theKurdishledplans #Verysuccessfulbusiness #MuslimBrotherhood #KurdishYPGYPJ #Afrinregion #theGreyWolvesorganization #HusamZomlot #nuclearbomb #YPGledmilitia #Iraqyear2018 #royalfamily #Coalitions #PopeFrancis #money #RefugeesfromandinIraq #HillaryClinton #Syrianwar #ElectionsinLebanon #StephenHawking #ConstructionofPowerPlants #Contaminateddrinkingwater #gasfields #details #Macron #TurkishPresidentRecepTayyipErdogan #WorldPredictionsthatcametrue #AmericansandRussians #psychicpredictions #WarwithPalestine #SyrianKurdishYPGmilitiainAfrin #BankofEngland #banks #BasharalAssad #Bulgaria #GeorgeSoros #IsraeliPrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu #Syriangovernmentforces #Jerusalem #Hezbollah #France #thegoldofQatar #Negotiations #TheterritoryoftheKurds #separatedonparts #Kilis #Afrin #Rojava #ClairvoyantStoyankaStaikova #TurkeysAttack #RelationshipswithRussia #Davos #Confirmation #EmirTamimbinHamadAlThani #MiddleEast #PresidentDonaldTrump #year2018 #SyrianDemocraticForcesSDF #specialoperationstroops #PresidentHassanRouhani #thePLOAmbassadortotheUnitedStates #ClairvoyantIvelinaStaikova #preparation #investors #theKurdishState #Turkey #Africa #RecepErdogan #theArabSpring #year2019 #Temporarynewleaders #MiddleEasterneconomy #Anarchitect #SyriasKurds #KurdishmilitantsinSyria #Internationalcontracts #Interestingmeetings #palestine #Cyprus #ItalyEarthquake #ThemysteryoftheMillennium #TurkeysBorderWithSyria #Prominentassassinations #Palestinianleadership #Healthproblems #Newbusiness #mysteries #theWestBank #JasonGreenblatt #SecretaryofStateRexTillerson #Iranyear2018 #Natoallies #SyrianKurdishcantonofAfrin #theKnesset #Turkeysoperation


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