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Queen Maxima of the Netherlands sister Ines Zorreguietta – killed – Clairvoyant/Psychic

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands sister Ines Zorreguietta – killed – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for sale June 8,2018 by  Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from  Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

In the moment of the death of Ines Zorrequietta – there is injured left eye, suffocation, pain in the heart, a hit down low at the stomach and scars near the knees. There was a slight scar above the left knee in the past. The right hip was singled – without blood irrigation.  She was tied up also down low at the stomach.  The right knee was swollen.

This death is not suicide. The announcement for suicide is a negotiation.  There was only a homicide and a murder with torture and hanging.  Ines Zorreguietta has protected her family. There was a thrown and crushed by her papers. There were a tears in her eyes, pain and farewell – four people were external and there is a fifth person – a close to her person were participating in her murder. There was a golden ring taken back.

The external purpose of the murder was diversion from the real aim. The whole family Zorreguietta will be attacked. The next one is her brother…. – When ?

Who is the killer ? Why? How and when will suffer also the Queen of the Netherlands Maxima ?

The hanging – an echo from Nazis and captured treasures  by the  Second World War and the real reason for that murder, about the father of Ines Zorreguietta  and about the future leader of Argentina.

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Price of the Pdf file – 100 Euro

In addition by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova – part of Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands sister Ines Zorreguietta  – I see Ines lying down with pain in the stomach and from the waist  down I see a rope hung on the  ceiling above her. She was thinking about a royal  person with problems.  She also saw a person in the prison (behind bars) – I see a very angry man. I see something separated on two parts and a person on bed.


#Amsterdam #JuanZorreguietaCerruti #InésZorreguieta #DUTCHKING #militarydictatorship #AlmagroneighborhoodinBuenosAires #QueenMaximaofHollandsyoungersister #MaríaZorreguietaLópez #EatingDisorders #PrincessAriane #mentalhealthissues #MurióInésZorreguieta #psychologist #suicide #thesisonsuicide #governmentofArgentina #Argentina #Zorreguieta #QueenMaxima #DimitrinkaStaikova #QueenofHolland #ÁngelesZorreguietaLópez #QueenMaximaofHollandssisterInésZorreguieta #DutchPrimeMinisterMarkRutte #PresidentMauricioMacriMacri #QueenMaximassister #QueenMaximaofHolland #breakdownofarelationship #KingWillemAlexander #GeneralJorgeRafaelVidela #caseofsuicide #foreseeing #QueenMaximaoftheNetherlands #Anorexia #Dutchgovernment #MariadelCarmenCurruti #DoloresZorreguietaLópez #mentalhealthclinic #JorgeHoracioZorreguieta #Holland #Depression #RoyalPalaceinAmsterdam #JorgeZorreguieta #ArgentinasDirtyWar #theDirtyWarinArgentina #lahermanadelareinaMáximadeHolanda #RIJKSVOORLICHTINGSDIENST #hanging #MartínZorreguietaCerruti #postmortemexamination #BuenosAires #Zorreguietafamily #ArgentinasNationalCriminalandCorrectionalProsecutorsOffice


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