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Private helicopter with five people on board goes missing over Irish sea en route to Dublin, via Cae

Private helicopter with five people on board goes missing over Irish sea en route to Dublin, via Caernarfon Bay – Where is the missing helicopter? Guilt, six people in the helicopter + one saved for now – Clairvoyant predictions March 30, 2017, 9am. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

The helicopter has fallen on two stages – the first one is controlled – slightly ahead from East to West on East. I see strong nerves – there was a conversation with the land a little before the falling and accusation for guilt. In the helicopter there were total seven people. It is located on an equal distance between the two points of Caernarfon bay and Dublin.

Five people+ the pilot are inside the helicopter. The seventh one , who is a military person is outside. And I see him floating above the water. Five-figure sum is involved – money are payed for this accident. I see separation of the helicopter on two parts – it has fallen between a rock and plateau (highlands) in the water.

The payment for that falling was first a four-figure sum , then there is a payment in addition and becomes five-figure sum. The man, who is guilty has a sharp nose and he is dealing with finances and security (military).

#Barmouth #radarcontact #chopper #SikorskyS92helicopter #Kildareborder #searchoperation #IrishSea #lostradioandradarcontact #constructioncompany #theshoreofDublin #airsearches #IrishSea #extensivesearch #rescueworkers #clairvoyant #KevinandRuthBurke #pleaforhelp #WestonAirportontheDublin #privatehelicopter #hottestnewspredictions #CoastGuardsRescue116helicopter #Coastguardhelicopters #Dublin #DimitrinkaStaikova #UKCoastguarddutycommanderPeterDavies #Caernarfon #helicopter #harbourtownofBarmouth #searchplan #missinghelicopter #aircraft #NorthWalesPolice #searchefforts #CaernarfonBay #huntfortheaircraft #Coastguard #lostradarcontact #MountainRescueTeams #Snowdoniaarea #searchoperationintheCaernarfonBayareaofNorthWales #twinsquirrelredhelicopter #MiltonKeynes #StAthan #Snowdonia #spokesmanfortheUKcoastguard #harbourtown #filmcrews #Maydaybroadcastaction #UKCoastguard #worldpredictions #StaskeConstructionLtd #aerialsearch #CaernarfonBay #seaoperation #NorthWales #IrishCoastGuard #rescuehelicopters


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