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Nicolas Maduro (President of Venezuela) – The night of the Venezuelan Election. When and what will h


Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about

Ricardo Sanguino (The Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) – The future of the Party, The future of Venezuela. The era of the gold – New Gold Fields, New Gold money. What will happen on the Venezuelan Election and after that – year 2017 – Rise and fall…. – Clairvoyant predictions July 28, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – June 3, 2017. Time – after the photo.


Nicolas Maduro (President of Venezuela) – The night of the Venezuelan Election. When and what will happen? When starts the internal coup year 2017? What will happen year 2019 – 2020, Health, Clairvoyant calendar.Clairvoyant predictions July 28, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – July 27, 2017. Time – after the photo.

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#RafaelRamirez #theUnitedNationshumanrightsoffice #dictatorship #Maduro #NationalAssemblyVicePresidentFreddyGuevara #Finance #thelatePresidentHugoChavez #Madurosplan #business #waveofunrest #Venezuelastrike #embargo #thegovernmentofPresidentNicolasMaduro #economiccrisis #ClashesinCaracas #criticalhumanitariansituation #assets #545memberconstituentassembly #Madurosconstituentassembly #thenationalassemblyleader #HugoChávez #Venezuelanoil #Washington #streetprotests #OpponentsofVenezuelanPresidentNicolasMaduro #thestreetsinCaracas #oilexports #Bolivar #PuertoRico #USStateDepartment #billionaires #Venezuela #NestorReverol #Syria #VenezuelanPresidentNicolasMaduro #Madurosgovernment #repression #governmentloyalists #psychic #war #Chávez63AñosTuLuchaSigue #clairvoyant #VenezuelasgovernmentstackedNationalElectoralCouncil #Sundaysreferendum #Madurosmentor #DemocraticUnitycoalitionofpoliticalparties #SanCristobal #cracksinunityatUN #PresidentBarackObama #Venezuelanoppositionleaders #UStreasurydepartment #HugoChávez #oppositionforces #LoDijoMaduro #shipping #CiliaFlores #NationalConstituentAssemblyinCaracas #UsElections2016 #teargas #Venezuelacrisis #newVenezuelanConstitution #DonaldTrump #WorldPredictions2017 #oilindustry #Bilderberggroup #migrantcrisis #Venezuelasopposition #governmentban #Politicians #democracyinVenezuela #Peace #terrorism #BRUSSELSATTACKS #theNationalAssembly #amemberofVenezuelasUNdelegation #ChávezPetrolero #Borges #LaConstituyenteSiVa #Venezuelandeathtoll #countrysforeigncurrencyreserves #antigovernmentprotesters #Vatican #publicdemonstrations #ConstituyenteNOva #JulioBorges #Venezuelastotalelectorate #democraticcrisisVenezuela #theheadoftheoppositionledNationalAssembly #countrywideprotests #PopeFrancis #VenezuelanForeignMinisterSamuelMoncada #money #Venezuelans #Venezuelasgovernment #Caracas #Venezuelasconstituentassembly #stateoilfirmPDVSA #WorldPredictionsthatcametrue #BankofEngland #banks #GeorgeSoros #autocraticregime #NicolasMaduro #Constituyente #VenezuelasambassadortotheUnitedNations #Venezuelanofficials #Turkey #Referendumresults #nationwidestrike #IsaiasMedina #theinteriorminister #Venezuelanattorneygeneralsoffice #authoritarianregime #Colombia #SOSVenezuela


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