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New Zealand Whales died in a mass stranding on Farewell Spit, near Golden Bay ….- Reasons,The guilt,

New Zealand Whales died in a mass stranding on Farewell Spit, near Golden Bay ….- Reasons,The guilt, Future – Clairvoyant reading February 13,2017,10am. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.


What is definitely seen is that there is a human intervention and there is no natural force. I see a floating object – a ship or submarine, which was moving from Southeast to Southwest to New Zealand. This ship has broadcasted very strong signals in the water. The ship was traveling for New Zealand, that’s why there were pods of whales who permanently are being stranded ashore. The movement of this ship is slow, it is searching the seabed on squares. The sounds of their scanners influence very bad to the spine and the brain of the pilot whales – they superimpose tension, which is leading them to a suicide. The syndrome looks like the Mad Cow disease – the pain is terrible and it is removed only with the touch of human hands – they transmit the accumulated energy and then calm down – if the brain is not already impaired. The experiments are used for fishing and this is financed by banks…. – it will continue also in the future.

#Finance #business #stranding #ProjectJonah #sweepingspit #Healthdiagnosis #FarewellSpit #CookStrait #Washington #distresssignals #worldnews #billionaires #beached #echolocation #carcassesofhundredsofwhales #StewartIslandoffthecoastoftheNewZealandmainland #Predictions #psychic #war #clairvoyant #worldpredictionsthatcametrue #MH370 #strandedwhales #Conspiracy #clairvoyantpredictions #sanddunes #DimitrinkaStaikova #theorists #conspiracytheorists #Bilderberggroup #NewZealandauthorities #migrantcrisis #NewZealand #Politicians #52magnitudeearthquakeearlytodaynearKaikoura #massstrandings #Peace #terrorism #Whalerescuers #Fridaystranding #whalecarcasses #Uncategorized #coastline #ClimateChange #pilotwhalescameashore #Christchurchearthquake #whalesnavigationsystems #GoldenBay #marinemammals #beachedwhalecrisis #psychicreading #NewZealandwhales #localnaturereserve #IvelinaStaikova #money #shallowwaters #news #psychicpredictions #currentwaveofmassbeachingsinNewZealand #banks #whalecrisis #strandingrates #pilotwhales #worldpredictions #apodofwhales #Theshallow #whalesattemptingsuicide #EuropeanUnion #DepartmentofConservation #Rescuers #SouthIsland


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