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New Ebook : Billionaires,Politicians,The Price of the Oil – A game of war – Clairvoyant/Psychic pred

New Ebook : Billionaires,Politicians,The Price of the Oil – A game of war – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for Jeff Bezos, Scott Duncan,George Soros, Bill Gates ….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova Ivelina Staikova Stoyanka Staikova

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Table of Contents : 1.Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir – Money by USA, Problems with Great Britain, Buying of the Experiment MH370, Common enterprises, New offshore bank + assault – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions – 17.04.2016,9am 2.Fethullah Gulen (Turkish preacher,Former imam, writer and Political figure) – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about year: 2014, 2015 and 2016. Character, Health, Business, weak points, investments in Cyprus, Greece and Bulgaria – Gulen and Erdogan – siamese twins – already separated but still competing-18.04.2016, 3pm. 3.Fayez al-Sarraj (Prime Minister of of the United government of Libya in Tripoli) – A war, chemical attacks, poisoned water, bought with gold, hard battles – when? -Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions – – 19.04.2016,9am. 4.Philip Hammond (British Foreign Secretary) – What will happens in Libya from April to September 2016 ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions-19.04.2016,10 am. 5.Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran) – The war for the price of the oil between Iran and Saudi Arabia – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for each month from April to September 2016, Coalitions against Israel, Contracts, Wars – 20.04.2016, 3pm. 6.Jens Stoltenber (Secretary – General of NATO) – NATO-Russia Council Meeting on April 20, 2016 – conversations, problems, international situation – Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Israel – wars. In the future ,conversations with Moscow, Keeping of the peace. War, Secrets and Future – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions – 21.04.2016,9 am 7.Alexander Grushko (Russia’s ambassador in NATO) – About the NATO – Russia Council meeting on April 20, 2016 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions- 22.04.2016,10 am. 8.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Kremlin meets with Vladimir Putin on April 21, 2016 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions – 22.04.2016,11am.

Billionaires – Mysterious, Hidden, Scandalous,Personal life – girlfriends and marriage, Heirs,Business, Money and World Power – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions of Jack Dorsey, George Soros,Jeff Bezos, Carlos Slim,Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud,Georg Schaeffler ,Warren Buffett,David Thomson, Alice Walton, Lee Shau Kee, Jorge Paulo Lemann ,Carl Icahn, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Scott Duncan, Charles Koch,Michael Bloomberg, Robert Mercer, Mark Zuckerberg, Li Ka – Shing Their Clairvoyant Calendar about Year 2016 Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna. Published on : 12.02.2016 Table of Contents : 1.Jeff Bezos (The Owner of Amazon) – “Who is he? Investments, Future… – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 29.01.2016,11am. 2.Carlos Slim Helu (Mexico) – “Investments of money, Health,Business,Future investment in the Space” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions- 30.01.2016,10am. 3.Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud (Saudi Arabia) – “The future of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East seen through his eyes in year 2016” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 31.01.2016,9am. 4.Georg Schaeffler – “Germany beyond all”,”Future,Present, Storm with explosion, Marriage” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 01.02.2016,9am 5.Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) -“Business – in everything and above all countries, Inheritance, Transport,Money, Space…Will his Company be great also after Buffett? ” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 02.02.2016,10am. 6.David Thomson (The Owner of Reuters) – “This is the Man – Steel : He will survive always, health, business, assaults” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 03.02.2016,10am. 7.Alice Walton (Owner of Wal-Mart) – “She is born with the feeling to give love to her relatives and to receive such” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions-04.02.2016,10am. 8.Lee Shau Kee (Hong Kong Billionaire) – “Money, Investments 2016, Who will manage the business?” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 05.02.2016, 9am. 9.Jorge Paulo Lemann (Brazil Billionaire) – “Health, Business 2016 : Underground and Above the ground” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 05.02.2016,10am. 10.Carl Icahn (USA Billionaire) – “Power, Order, Money -2016 -lonely winner” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions- 06.02.2016, 9am. 11.Donald Trump (US Election 2016) – “The truth is that Donald Trump wants to be a warrior in a battle until the end, but certain situations and people will take him out of the game” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 07.02.2016, 9am. 12.Bill Gates – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about Each month of year 2016 – Victories, Business, Political coups and …. – 07.02.2016, 10am. 13.Scott Duncan (American Billionaire) – February 8, 2016 , “Clairvoyant Calendar 2016 : Old Partners – New enemies, Business 2016, A child, Business war, Lawsuit, New energy field – problems, Merger + Girlfriend + Wife….- Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions- 08.02.2016, 9am. 14.Jack Dorsey (The owner of Twitter) Febr.2016- “About Twitter, the business and personally about Jack Dorsey” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 10.02.2016, 1 pm. 15.George Soros (10.02 2016) – “Invasion, massacre, money, banks, Lebanon, Syria, Albania, Egypt, Iraq, Greece, Cyprus, USA – Empire in the empire, heirs, future ” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 10.02.2016, 2 pm. 16. Charles Koch (One of the most politically influential billionaires in the U.S.) – Health,US Election 2016,Business, Problems with Prosecution and Court,Problems in Egypt, Deals in Europe,Psychic Predictions 2016 – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 13.10.2015,2 pm 17.Michael Bloomberg (Sponsor and Decision for US Election 2016) – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 21.10.2015,9 am. 18.Donald Trump (US Election 2016) -“Money,Rises and forcedly waiting” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 22.10.2015 19.Robert Mercer (Billlionaire, Sponsor of the Campaign of Ted Cruz – US Election 2016, co-CEO of Renaissance Technologies – a hedge fund) – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 23.10.2015,3 pm. 20.Mark Zuckerberg (Chairman and CEO of Facebook) – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions – 26.10.2015, 5pm. 21.Li Ka-Shing (The Richest person in Asia)- “He likes the research,intelligence,secrets,alien technologies and the future…” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Reading -March 4,2015,11am. + Hottest News Predictions – April 2016 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions and their exact Media Confirmations about : • The reason for the death of Prince, Arctic Military Bases of Russia and war about territories and energy fields in the Arctic ,Mississippi -Problems with coals 2016 and In the state will be opened many new industrial sites – connected with energy,The state of Vermont will pass in the end of the Winter big Air – Icing wave, which comes from South, but it will meet with very cold air, Dilma Rousseff (President of Brazil) – and Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about Brazil – Between Brazil and neighboring country on their border – there will be a construction there and April 2016 – There will be administrative procedures, Syrian refugees coming in Rhode Island March 2016 , Effort to collect more sales tax -Oklahoma April 2016 ,”Thirteen Departments Fighting Brush Fire in Western Nebraska” ,TRAIN WRECK SPILLS TONS OF SODA ASH NEAR AMERICAN FALLS – Idaho,February 2016 and Super Volcanoes in Idaho More Powerful Than Yellowstone, freezing of big energy project in North Carolina and new company with capitals which are waiting to be recovered the project , New Ebook :Billionaires, Intelligence Services, United Nations Secretary-General Selection 2016, Terrorism, Politicians,Business and World Predictions 2016 – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions, Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for the Hijacker of EgyptAir plane Flight MS181 hijacked between Alexandria and Cairo and forced to land in Larnaca International airport of Cyprus

#SaudiArabia #conversations #contracts #aliens #stagnation #health #CEO #HassanRouhani #chemicalattacks #business #USA #SpaceCompany #Iraq #Cairo #Wars #stockmarketinvestments #Formerimam #ThereasonforthedeathofPrince #invasion #Awar #Councilmeeting #VladimirPutin #Jordan #amazon #NATORussia #LeeShauKee #CharlesKoch #GeorgeSoros #Commonenterprises #2015and2016 #BillGates #Company #Reuters #Lebanon #Greece #massacre #MarkZuckerberg #GulenandErdogan #PhilipHammond #writer #billionaires #israel #FethullahGulen #industrialsites #Syria #JeffBezos #internationalsituation #BlueOrigin #BerkshireHathaway #SaudiArabiaForeignMinisterAdelalJubeir #project #WarrenBuffett #world #Predictions #LeeShauKee #psychic #boughtwithgold #war #clairvoyant #East #Hidden #jackdorsey #MH370 #siamesetwins #Russia #WhatwillhappensinLibyafromApriltoSeptember2016 #Amazonfounder #Alexandria #poisonedwater #ThewarforthepriceoftheoilbetweenIranandSaudiArabia #CarlosSlimHelu #energyfieldsintheArctic #RobertMercer #NewEbook #Inthefuture #SecretaryGeneralofNato #NATO #GreatBritain #weakpoints #Iran #energy #bigAirIcingwave #People #Problems #OpenSocietyFoundations #JeffBezos #Twitter #FayezalSarraj #Oklahoma #Problemswithcoals2016 #DonaldTrump #Yellowstone #Europe #Forbesranking #PresidentofIran #Egypt #migrantcrisis #Nebraska #Politicians #DavidThomson #Hijacker #ClairvoyantCalendar #CoalitionsagainstIsrael #NorthCarolina #hijacked #BenjaminNetanyahu #technologies #ISIS #terrorism #Heirs #marriage #WalMart #pipeline #hardbattles #MichaelBloomberg #likashing #Facebook #Albania #Mississippi #scottduncan #water #Secrets #share #NATORussiaCouncilMeeting #DonaldTrump #RocketLanding #BillGates #Character #CharlesKoch #Personallife #intelligenceservices #Investments #conversationswithMoscow #LiKaShing #MoneybyUSA #USElection2016 #JensStoltenber #oil #space #Lybia #Turkishpreacher #Winter #Keepingofthepeace #DavidThomson #PrimeMinisterofoftheUnitedgovernmentofLibyainTripoli #thepriceoftheoil #Refugess #HongKong #JorgePauloLemann #worldswealthiestpeople #RussiasambassadorinNATO #girlfriends #MichaelBloomberg #Syrianrefugees #UnitedNationsSecretaryGeneralSelection2016 #PsychicpredictionsforeachmonthfromApriltoSeptember2016 #Soros #BuyingoftheExperiment #SpaceBusiness #AlexanderGrushko #Politicalfigure #Kuweit #JorgePauloLemann #PrinceAlwaleedBinTalalAlsaud #Psychicpredictionsaboutyear2014 #WorldPredictions2016 #SuperVolcanoes #money #GreeceandBulgaria #salestax #ScottDuncan #Scandalous #kremlin #Newoffshorebank #Palestina #PrinceAlwaleedBinTalalAlsaud #BezosExpeditions #psychicpredictions #conglomerate #liquidator #Power #RobertMercer #banks #AliceWalton #philanthropist #GeorgeSoros #threat #investmentsinCyprus #WarrenBuffett #AliceWalton #funding #BillionairesMysterious #Mysterious #RenaissanceTechnologies #waraboutterritories #RichestAmericans #CarlosSlim #deflation #ArcticMilitaryBases #West #CarlosSlim #EgyptAirplaneFlightMS181 #Future #GeorgSchaeffler #investors #Turkey #GeorgSchaeffler #DilmaRousseff #kindle #Personallifegirlfriendsandmarriage #Agameofwar #billionaire #corporation #ThestateofVermont #assault #BritishForeignSecretary #RhodeIsland #forbes #when #WorldsRichestPerson #CarlIcahn #Jackdorsey #IsraeliPrimeMinister #Cyprus #ClairvoyantpredictionsaboutBrazil #Germany #MarkZuckerberg #Crown #PresidentofBrazil #hedgefund #Shareholder #CarlIcahn #Idaho #administrativeprocedures


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