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New Ebook and Paperback book : Parade of Hottest News Predictions with 83 Media Confirmations about

New Ebook and Paperback book :

Hottest News Predictions with 83 Media Confirmations about Year 2018 – World Predictions That Came True by Clairvoyants Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

Published  – December 29, 2018

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Table of Contents  :

Parade of Hottest News Predictions with  83 Media Confirmations about Year 2018 – World Predictions That Came True by Clairvoyants Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova

  1. Donald Trump – Media Confirmation about problems with Steve Bannon, Intelligence Agency, expanding of offshore drilling from Atlantic to Arctic oceans as Predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published December 29, 2017 – Kings without Borders – Year 2018 Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova публикувано 7.01.2018 г., 8:00 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  2. Media Confirmation about Kim Jong-un and North Korea invited on the table for negotiations as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : California Midterm Senate and Gubernatorial Elections 2018 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to all candidates + Robert Mueller (Russia probe), The heir of Samsung, Kim Jong-un, Kim Wall and Peter Madsen , Solar Eclipse 2017 and…. Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova – Published – September 6, 2017 публикувано 10.01.2018 г., 8:18 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  3. Media Confirmation about :Turkish army has entered Syria’s Afrin and January 2018 – increasing of russian military campaigns in Siberia – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Kings without Borders – Year 2018 Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : December 29, 2017 публикувано 21.01.2018 г., 14:01 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  4. Media Confirmation about Lebanon’s new political crisis- ” The end of January 2018 – prominent assassinations in the country – everything is fear , terror and obedience – the aim is control of the country.” – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018 Three Clairvoyants predicting to : Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan, Putin, Trump… Published – January 27, 2018  публикувано 30.01.2018 г., 13:18 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  5. Media Confirmations about : Turkey is breaking relationships with France and the European Union , the Isolation of Recep Erdogan by the West ,Muslim Brotherhood and Erdogan – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book: MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018 Three Clairvoyants predicting to : Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan, Putin, Trump… Published – January 27, 2018 Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  публикувано 2.02.2018 г., 8:50 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  6. Media Confirmation about sparks between Japan and Russia (because of islands) – February – March 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Kings without Borders – Year 2018 Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : December 29, 2017  публикувано 4.02.2018 г., 9:25 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  7. Media Confirmation about Rothschilds heir Nancy Clarice Tilghman is selling a real estate as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Kings without Borders – Year 2018 Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : December 29, 2017  публикувано 4.02.2018 г., 9:40 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  8. Media Confirmation about Samsung heir Lee Jae-yong released from prison February 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : California Midterm Senate and Gubernatorial Elections 2018 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to all candidates + Robert Mueller (Russia probe), The heir of Samsung, Kim Jong-un, Kim Wall and Peter Madsen , Solar Eclipse 2017 and…. Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  публикувано 5.02.2018 г., 12:35 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  9. Media Confirmation about Elon Musk, SpaceX and the Falcon Heavy rocket launch Clairvoyant predictions February 6,2018 about the successful launch ,problems with Falcon Heavy rocket first with the fuel and the fire – down low at the Southeastern part, The second problem is with the small rocket at the at the Eastern part – I see flashing (flame). I see a sabotage, because of money. The main problem is with the fuel and the engines during the launch of the Falcon Heavy rocket, fire in a building (explosion on the drone ship ) as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova and Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova – Clairvoyant House ‘‘ Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova“ – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna. HTTP://SITES.GOOGLE.COM/SITE/DIMITRINKASTAIKOVA  публикувано 9.02.2018 г., 8:55 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  10. Media Confirmation about a threat for war about Israel, problems with airplanes ,a corridor made by Israel inside Syria and increasing of the territory which Israel is conquering as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018 Three Clairvoyants predicting to : Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan… Authored by Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published January 27, 2018  публикувано 10.02.2018 г., 12:28 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  11. Media Confirmation about The Trump Organization’s forthcoming battle, judicial problems for Donald Trump, February 2018 – deals ahead of failure, Trump will be temporary replaced, hard loss – tears, red face and clenched fists, then a retreat from business intentions – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published December 2, 2017 : The Trump Organization, Business, Partners, Policy, Midterm Election 2018, Portents Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to : Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. , Allen Weisselberg ,Matthew F. Calamari , Hussain Sajwani (UAE), Ziya and Anar Mammadov (Azerbaijan) ,Prince Alwaleed Bin Tallal Al Saud , Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – December 2, 2017  публикувано 2.03.2018 г., 6:34 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  12. Media Confirmation about Internal war in the White House by close to Trump people and associates (Gary Cohn resignation) as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book: The Trump Organization, Business, Partners, Policy, Midterm Election 2018, Portents Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to : Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. , Allen Weisselberg ,Matthew F. Calamari , Hussain Sajwani (UAE), Ziya and Anar Mammadov (Azerbaijan) ,Prince Alwaleed Bin Tallal Al Saud , Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – December 2, 2017  публикувано 8.03.2018 г., 9:13 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  13. Media Confirmation about Rex Tillerson (United States Secretary of State) – This mandate of Donald Trump – he will have two Secretaries of State. I see many american military ships and ships of NATO in Mediterranean Sea – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : The End of the World – Casus Belli, Operation “J” – Clairvoyant Predictions about : Rex Tillerson, Mike Pence, General Valery Gerasimov, General Joseph Dunford, Recep Erdogan ,Gen. Herbert McMaster, the secrets of Smithsonian Institution, the war in Syria, Turkey, Iraq… Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – March 2, 2017  публикувано 14.03.2018 г., 7:32 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  14. Trump Organization : Media Confirmations about judicial problems March 2018 predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published – December 2, 2017 : The Trump Organization, Business, Partners, Policy, Midterm Election 2018, Portents Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to : Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. , Allen Weisselberg ,Matthew F. Calamari , Hussain Sajwani (UAE), Ziya and Anar Mammadov (Azerbaijan) ,Prince Alwaleed Bin Tallal Al Saud , Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – December 2, 2017  публикувано 17.03.2018 г., 9:43 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  15. Media Confirmation about H.R. McMaster’s resign and replacement as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book published March 2, 2017 : The End of the World – Casus Belli, Operation “J” – Clairvoyant Predictions about : Rex Tillerson, Mike Pence, General Valery Gerasimov, General Joseph Dunford, Recep Erdogan ,Gen. Herbert McMaster, the secrets of Smithsonian Institution, the war in Syria, Turkey, Iraq… Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – March 2, 2017   публикувано 23.03.2018 г., 12:21 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  16. Media Confirmation about “PALESTINIANS BURN TIRES AS SECOND ‘GREAT MARCH’ PROTEST HEATS UP” – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published January 27,2018 : MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018 Three Clairvoyants predicting to : Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan… Authored by Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  публикувано 7.04.2018 г., 7:06 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  17. Media Confirmation about intervention of saudi arabians in the Energy business of USA – ” Saudi Aramco looks to expand largest US refinery ” – as Predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book: California Midterm Senate and Gubernatorial Elections 2018 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to all candidates + Robert Mueller (Russia probe), The heir of Samsung, Kim Jong-un, Kim Wall and Peter Madsen , Solar Eclipse 2017 and…. Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – September 6, 2017  публикувано 8.04.2018 г., 8:18 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  18. Media Confirmations about : C-130 Savannah military plane crash, NATO naval task force enters Black Sea, Largest Romania-led multinational military drill in the Black Sea as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and  Paperback book :   CIA,Syria Strikes, Third World War – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to – Mike Pompeo, Gina Haspel, General Joseph Dunford, Curtis Scaparotti – NATO, … Vagit Alekperov – Lukoil , Gazprom … Paperback – April 26, 2018 by Dimitrinka Staikova (Author), Ivelina Staikova (Author), Stoyanka Staikova (Author) Buy the Paperback book  from Amazon  публикувано 3.05.2018 г., 14:15 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  19. Media Confirmation 2 about SpaceX – Falcon 9 rocket’s problems with the fuel – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova February 6, 2018 in her Clairvoyant predictions : SpaceX launch its Falcon Heavy rocket – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions February 6,2018 by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova – Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria,Varna.   публикувано 6.05.2018 г., 13:02 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  20. Media Confirmation 2 about Mahmoud Abbas’ Health Deteriorates, and Israel Prepares for Bloody Succession Fight as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published in Amazon January 27, 2018 : MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018   Three Clairvoyants predicting to :  Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan… Authored by Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova   публикувано 7.05.2018 г., 13:13 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  21. Media Confirmations about Air Strikes in Syria – May 2018 –  Israel vs Iran –  Partition of Syria: US and Israel eye Golan Heights oil as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova and Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova in the Ebooks and Paperback books : CIA,Syria Strikes, Third World War – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to – Mike Pompeo, Gina Haspel, General Joseph Dunford, Curtis Scaparotti – NATO, … Vagit Alekperov – Lukoil , Gazprom … Paperback – April 26, 2018 and MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018   Three Clairvoyants predicting to :  Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan…   публикувано 11.05.2018 г., 8:36 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  22. Media Confirmations about Bashar al-Assad’s Law Number 10 land grab, Mahmoud Abbas (President of Palestine) – War and Health problems and Benjamin Netanyahu – …From May 2018 many mercenaries are gathering in the fight of Palestine with Israel as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback  book Published  January 27, 2018 : MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018  Three Clairvoyants predicting to : Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan…  публикувано 16.05.2018 г., 17:27 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  23. Media Confirmation about ” HSBC to invest up to $17-billion by 2020 in push for growth” – JUNE 11, 2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Book published May 23, 2018 :   Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23,  2018  John Flint (CEO of HSBC Holdings) – Buying of shares of other banks and HSBC becomes the most powerful European bank. Opening of new offices, new oil fields, profitable military contracts, including gas pipelines, contracts with Russia, investments in Space objects (satellites), Lawsuits connected with real estates in USA – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 16, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.  публикувано 13.06.2018 г., 11:09 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  24. Media Confirmation about  California Gov. Jerry Brown’s  California Budget Compromise and Jerry Brown backs fellow Democrat Gavin Newsom for California governor June 2018 – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her   New Ebook and Paperback book published April 5, 2018 : Midterm Elections 2018 , Scandals,Billionaires,Republicans and Democrats – Presidential Election 2020 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Tom Steyer, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama , Cambridge Analytica ,Robert Mueller ….  The Future of USA 2018 – 2030 …  публикувано 14.06.2018 г., 20:49 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  25. Media Confirmation about  Jerry Brown’s successor as governor of California is Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom June 13, 2018 – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book – Published – September 6, 2017: California Midterm Senate and Gubernatorial Elections 2018 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to all candidates + Robert Mueller (Russia probe), The heir of Samsung, Kim Jong-un, Kim Wall and Peter Madsen , Solar Eclipse 2017 and…. Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published – September 6, 2017  публикувано 14.06.2018 г., 20:53 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  26. Media Confirmation about Tesla CEO Elon Musk accuses employee of sabotage as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Hottest News Predictions Published February 6,2018 –  SpaceX launch its Falcon Heavy rocket – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions February 6,2018 by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova – Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria,Varna. Published 6.02.2018 г., 11:36 By dimitrinka staikova публикувано 19.06.2018 г., 18:08 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  27. Media Confirmation about Jens Stoltenberg (NATO Chief ) – June 2018 – the politics of NATO will be in crisis again. Begins the clenching of the hand into fist and gathering of the forces in the Middle East, Europe, America – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published : December 29, 2017 : Kings without Borders – Year 2018 Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions :  Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  публикувано 20.06.2018 г., 17:12 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  28. Media Confirmation about Gina Haspel ‘s (Former Deputy Director of CIA) new assignment as CIA Director as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova and Published Paperback April 26, 2018 in her  New Ebook and Paperback book : CIA,Syria Strikes, Third World War – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to – Mike Pompeo, Gina Haspel, General Joseph Dunford, Curtis Scaparotti – NATO, … Vagit Alekperov – Lukoil , Gazprom … Published Paperback – April 26, 2018 by Dimitrinka Staikova (Author), Ivelina Staikova (Author), Stoyanka Staikova (Author)  публикувано 22.06.2018 г., 12:26 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  29. TURKEY’S ELECTIONS – Media Confirmation 2 about the Victory of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and a lot of blood on the Turkey’s elections June 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published January 27, 2018 : MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018  Three Clairvoyants predicting to : Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan, Putin, Trump… Published – January 27, 2018  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Buy the Paperback book from Amazon-   публикувано 25.06.2018 г., 21:29 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  30. Media Confirmation about Najib Razak, #MH370 and the construction of a Spaceplane for Saudi Arabia March 14,2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book – Publication Date: February 26, 2016 – The wars -Syria, Turkey, Lybia, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq…Leaders, Zika Virus, Brexit, Battle for oil , gas and control Between two fires – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions -Published on February 26,2016  публикувано 3.07.2018 г., 19:10 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  31. Thailand cave rescue – #thamluangcave #thamluang #ถ้ำหลวง #13ชีวิตติดถ้ำ – Media Confirmation  about Thai cave rescue operation ends with all 12 boys safe, rescued on groups of 3, 4 boys and there was and attempt for the use of boat (Elon Musk’s mini-submarine) for their salvation as predicted July 1, 2018  by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna –   публикувано 10.07.2018 г., 16:31 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  32. Media Confirmation about Jean-Claude Juncker’ health – ” The European Union leader was seen stumbling, walking awkwardly and losing his balance several times ahead of a gala dinner Wednesday”  – July 12, 2018  – Predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her free ebook : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23,  2018   публикувано 13.07.2018 г., 8:44 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  33. Media Confirmation about  ThyssenKrupp’s reorganization and the resignation of the CEO Hienrich Hiesinger  July 2018 –  predicted  May 23, 2018 by  Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Free New Ebook : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23, 2018   публикувано 23.07.2018 г., 12:52 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  34. Media Confirmation about Revival of Iran August 2018 – “EU agrees 18 million euro development aid for Iran” – Predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova January 3, 2018 in her Ebook and Paperback book  Published  January  27, 2018 : MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018   Three Clairvoyants predicting to :  Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan… Authored by Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova   публикувано 24.08.2018 г., 14:12 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  35. Media Confirmation about 2018 – A new land is found in Antarctica  – “Giant canyons discovered in Antarctica – May 24, 2018 – Predicted  by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova December  26, 2017 in her Ebook and Paperback book Published  December 29, 2018 : Kings without Borders – Year 2018  Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions :   Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  публикувано 24.08.2018 г., 14:14 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  36. Media Confirmation about : a provocation by Jews – September 18,2018 a russian plane shot down by Syria because of Israel, Russia and Turkey Announce Demilitarized Zone in Last Rebel-Held Part of Syria as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : New Ebook : Banks,Dollars,War, Energy, Euro – World Predictions 2018 and 2019 : Foreign minister of China,Central bank of Argentina), Bank ofItaly, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Bank of Russia,Idlib Syria, HSBC By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : September 18, 2018    публикувано 19.09.2018 г., 20:33 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  37. Media Confirmations about : Mass trials in USA against opponents of Trump, a rain by fiery pieces of meteorites that will fall burning on the ground,a big Submarine that will create problems and Russia tolerate damages by war in the air September 2018 – as predicted by  Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published December 29, 2017 : Kings without Borders – Year 2018  Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions :   Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : December 29, 2017  публикувано 22.09.2018 г., 20:28 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  38. Media Confirmation about Russian electronic gadgets sent to Syria’s Hmeimim to disrupt the functioning of radars and communications systems on aircraft trying to approach the Syrian shores as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :  Banks,Dollars,War, Energy, Euro – World Predictions 2018 and 2019 : Foreign minister of China,Central bank of Argentina, Bank of Italy, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Bank of Russia,Idlib Syria, HSBC By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova   публикувано 25.09.2018 г., 21:02 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  39. Media Confirmation about “Thyssenkrupp Is Considering Splitting Into Two Companies –  September 27, 2018” as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova May 23, 2018 in her Free New Ebook : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23, 2018   публикувано 28.09.2018 г., 21:46 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  40. Media Confirmation 4 : Elon Musk’s lawsuit is crossed out – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova February 6, 2018 in her predictions about : SpaceX launch its Falcon Heavy rocket – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions February 6,2018 by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova – Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria,Varna.   публикувано 2.10.2018 г., 14:07 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  41. Media Confirmation about: NAFTA deal reached  and Russia delivers new missile defense system to Syria, despite US warnings as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her new Ebook and Paperback book : Banks,Dollars,War, Energy, Euro – World Predictions 2018 and 2019 : Foreign minister of China,Central bank of Argentina), Bank ofItaly, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Bank of Russia,Idlib Syria, HSBC By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : September 18, 2018   публикувано 3.10.2018 г., 14:22 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  42. Media Confirmation about  replacing of  senior government officials by Trump “Nikki Haley announced her resignation as US ambassador to the United Nations” October 10, 2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book  published December 2, 2017 : The Trump Organization, Business, Partners, Policy, Midterm Election 2018, Portents  Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to : Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. , Allen Weisselberg ,Matthew F. Calamari  , Hussain Sajwani (UAE), Ziya and Anar Mammadov (Azerbaijan) ,Prince Alwaleed Bin Tallal Al Saud , Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud …   Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova   Published – December 2, 2017    публикувано 10.10.2018 г., 20:10 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  43. Media Confirmation about a War between Donald Trump and Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell October 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her New Ebook and Paperback book published September 18,2018 : Banks,Dollars,War, Energy, Euro – World Predictions 2018 and 2019 : Foreign minister of China,Central bank of Argentina), Bank ofItaly, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Bank of Russia,Idlib Syria, HSBC By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : September 18, 2018   публикувано 17.10.2018 г., 20:29 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  44. Media Confirmation about  : Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown Wins Re-election  – November 6, 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book published April 5, 2018 : Midterm Elections 2018 , Scandals,Billionaires,Republicans and Democrats – Presidential Election 2020 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Tom Steyer, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama , Cambridge Analytica ,Robert Mueller ….  The Future of USA 2018 – 2030 …  Published April 5, 2018 By  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova   публикувано 8.11.2018 г., 14:23 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  45. Media Confirmation about  : Sen. Chris Murphy Wins Re-Election In Connecticut -November 6, 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book published April 5, 2018 :  Midterm Elections 2018 , Scandals,Billionaires,Republicans and Democrats – Presidential Election 2020 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Tom Steyer, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama , Cambridge Analytica ,Robert Mueller ….  The Future of USA 2018 – 2030 …  Published April 5, 2018 By  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova    публикувано 8.11.2018 г., 14:25 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  46. Media Confirmation about : Democratic NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Wins 3rd Term on the Midterm elections 2018 – November 6, 2018  as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her  Ebook and Paperback book published April 5, 2018 : Midterm Elections 2018 , Scandals,Billionaires,Republicans and Democrats – Presidential Election 2020 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Tom Steyer, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama , Cambridge Analytica ,Robert Mueller ….  The Future of USA 2018 – 2030 …  Published April 5, 2018 By  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova    публикувано 8.11.2018 г., 14:28 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  47. Media Confirmation about : Senator Elizabeth Warren Wins Second Term In The US Senate  – November 6, 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her New Ebook and Paperback book published April 5, 2018 :   Midterm Elections 2018 , Scandals,Billionaires,Republicans and Democrats – Presidential Election 2020 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Tom Steyer, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama , Cambridge Analytica ,Robert Mueller ….  The Future of USA 2018 – 2030 …  Published April 5, 2018   публикувано 8.11.2018 г., 14:30 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  48. Media Confirmation about : ” Senator Kirsten  Gillibrand Re-Elected In New York ” – November 6, 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book published December 2, 2017 : The Trump Organization, Business, Partners, Policy, Midterm Election 2018, Portents  Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to : Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr. , Allen Weisselberg ,Matthew F. Calamari  , Hussain Sajwani (UAE), Ziya and Anar Mammadov (Azerbaijan) ,Prince Alwaleed Bin Tallal Al Saud , Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud …   Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova   Published – December 2, 2017     публикувано 8.11.2018 г., 14:34 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  49. Media Confirmation about : European People’s party backs German MEP Manfred Weber to lead European commission after Juncker and  Finland’s ex-PM Stubb loses nomination to EU Commission top job – November 8, 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her  new Ebook and Paperback Book published  October 28, 2018 : Brexit – Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland 2018 – 2019. The European Union – Elections 2019 – the next European Commission President ? British Royal Family – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Theresa May, Sinn Fein ….and World Predictions 2018/19  By Clairvoyants Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  Published : October 28, 2018     публикувано 9.11.2018 г., 15:09 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  50. Media Confirmation : Boris Johnson backs brother Jo’s decision to quit over Brexit – November 9, 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her New Book published October 28, 2018  : Brexit – Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland 2018 – 2019. The European Union – Elections 2019 – the next European Commission President ? British Royal Family – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Theresa May, Sinn Fein ….and World Predictions 2018/19  By Clairvoyants Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  Published : October 28, 2018   публикувано 10.11.2018 г., 13:01 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  51. Media Confirmation : Deutsche Bank offices searched in German money laundering investigation – November 29,2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Free New Ebook :Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova    публикувано 29.11.2018 г., 19:14 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  52. Media Confirmation : Vice-Admiral Kostyukov appointed as chief of Russia’s military intelligence  – December 10,2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Clairvoyant  prediction published November 22, 2018 – DEPUTY GRU Chief Vice Adm. Igor Kostyukov – diseases – where is the cause ? A choice for the next GRU  Chief  – who will be? How the deceased Chief of  the Russian GRU General Colonel Igor Korobov got sick ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic  predictions  about  year 2019 for the health and the job of Igor Kostyukov  – November  22, 2018, 11 am – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.   12.12.2018

  53. Media Confirmation about  : Marine Le Pen and violent protests and terrorism in the beginning of December 2018. There will be many arrested people from the party of Marine Le Pen…. – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her book published October 28, 2018 –  New Book : Brexit – Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland 2018 – 2019. The European Union – Elections 2019 – the next European Commission President ? British Royal Family – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Theresa May, Sinn Fein ….and World Predictions 2018/19  By Clairvoyants Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  Published : October 28, 2018    публикувано 12.12.2018 г., 16:38 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  54. Media Confirmation about : Terrorist actions in Europe – December 2018 and closing of borders – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova October 2018 in her new  Book : Brexit – Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland 2018 – 2019. The European Union – Elections 2019 – the next European Commission President ? British Royal Family – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Theresa May, Sinn Fein ….and World Predictions 2018/19  By Clairvoyants Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  Published : October 28, 2018   публикувано 12.12.2018 г., 16:40 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  55. Media Confirmation about Brexit Chaos, Separation in the society because of Brexit,the government is making everything possible for the calming of the population- “Theresa May to face vote of no confidence from Tory MPs”  – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her book published  October 28, 2018 : New Book : Brexit – Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland 2018 – 2019. The European Union – Elections 2019 – the next European Commission President ? British Royal Family – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Theresa May, Sinn Fein ….and World Predictions 2018/19  By Clairvoyants Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova  Published : October 28, 2018      публикувано 12.12.2018 г., 16:43 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  56. Media Confirmation about: Attempts of Turkey for conquering and obstruction for Cyprus about a natural gas corridor, European Parliament to raise funds for its Space Programme and The construction of underground corridors is reaching Turkey as Predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova May 23, 2018 in her free Ebook and Paperback book Published May 2018 : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23,  2018  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova     публикувано 14.12.2018 г., 13:40 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  57. Media Confirmation about  Attempts for assassination of Hassan Nasrallah (Leader of Hezbollah) year 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published January 27, 2018 : MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018  Three Clairvoyants predicting to : Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan… Authored by Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published  January 27, 2018 Buy the Paperback book from Amazon-   публикувано 14.12.2018 г., 13:42 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  58. Media Confirmation about : Jordanian protesters with yellow vests and demonstrations across the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan December 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova January 4, 2018 in her Ebook and Paperback book Published  January 27, 2018 : MIDDLE EAST PREDICTIONS 2018  Three Clairvoyants predicting to :  Bashar al-Assad, Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (Qatar), Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Benjamin Netanyahu, the Leaders of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (Hezbollah), Devlet Bahceli , Kurdistan… Authored by Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published  January 27, 2018 Buy the Paperback book from Amazon-   публикувано 14.12.2018 г., 13:44 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  59. Media Confirmation about The 2019 Libyan general election will be held in Libya sometime in early 2019, though they were originally expected to be held on 10 December 2018 ,and where is the missing libyan gold- as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions  for Sale July 18, 2018 : Libya Elections 2018 – 2020. Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions  for Sale about : Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, Fayez al-Sarraj (Prime minister of Libya), Mustafa Sanalla (Chairman of Libya ‘s National Oil Corporation), Khalifa Haftar (the head of the  Libyan National Army), Ali Zeidan (Former Prime minister of Libya). Candidates for libyan presidential elections 2018 and the people who are funding the Libyan Elections . Author : Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova – Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna. Buy only from Our Clairvoyant Shop at    публикувано 15.12.2018 г., 11:10 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  60. Media Confirmation about the lack of Honey Sherman’s will – December 12, 2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova June 27, 2018 in her Clairvoyant reading and predictions For Sale : Information for #BarrySherman (the founder of #Apotex) and his wife #HoneySherman –  #homicide , #murders, safe -deposit boxes , #key , #inheritance,  #company, #medicament,  #merger, #russians, #jews – Clairvoyant reading and predictions For Sale – June 26, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria,  Varna.     публикувано 15.12.2018 г., 11:12 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  61. Media Confirmation about : The Australlian Billionaire James Packer –  November ,December 2018 – “documents connected with construction, a power plant, a hotel will start favorably for him. At the end of the year 2018 – his shares on the world market will be increased. And very slowly, his life is going back to normal.” – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova April  5, 2018 in her  Ebook and Paperback book : Midterm Elections 2018 , Scandals,Billionaires,Republicans and Democrats – Presidential Election 2020 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Tom Steyer, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama , Cambridge Analytica ,Robert Mueller ….  The Future of USA 2018 – 2030 …  Published April 5, 2018 By  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Buy the Paperback book from Amazon – Buy the Ebook only from the Authors –    публикувано 16.12.2018 г., 17:33 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  62. Media Confirmation about : Russia Is Getting Ready for War in the Arctic, Russia – problems with EU and Nord Stream 2 Pipeline as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova April 13, 2018 in her CLAIRVOYANT /PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS FOR SALE : A complete and detailed Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : war 2018 Russia-USA – a Third World War and energy war : Sergey Shoygu ( Minister of Defense of Russia ) , Vagit Alekperov (President of Lukoil ), Leonid Fedun (Vice President of Lukoil), Alexey Miller ( CEO of the Russian Energy Company Gazprom) –    публикувано 16.12.2018 г., 17:35 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  63. Media Confirmation about TRAPPIST-1  is habitable planet as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for Sale published April 30, 2017 : Six celestial bodies in a ring + aperture (entrance) + seventh celestial body + a small Sun + One very big Sun + Celestial body against the aperture –  Alien Civilization of the “Greys”  – Clairvoyant reading to TRAPPIST – 1 (an- ultra cool dwarf star, located 39.5 ly from the Sun in the constellation Aquarius. The dwarf star is host to seven terrestrial planets).   публикувано 16.12.2018 г., 17:36 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  64. Media Confirmation about the Key participation of Israel in CERN Experiments  as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova May 24, 2018 in her CLAIRVOYANT /PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS FOR SALE : Only in our Clairvoyant Shop : Fabiola Gianotti (CERN Director – General) – A storage for Antimatter,  Very strong and powerful  electrical energy is produced  – it shifts underground layers and affects to the  Earth’s rotation  – When? The  road of the antimatter  to Israel.  A black cloud and lightning wind to Syria and Iran – the antimatter  in the  Third  World War. Problems with the strong  energy and it’s production – with bounce. A new kind of energy is created  – by antimatter and…  Year 2018 – creation of new device about  hibernation during  the  Space travels. A choice. War. When  the new achievements of CERN  will come into use by Israel  – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions May 18,2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from  Europe, Bulgaria, Varna Photo : March 27,2018. Time of the  clairvoyant reading – after the photo is made.   публикувано 17.12.2018 г., 16:27 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  65. Media Confirmation about  “Argentina peso TUMBLES to LOWEST level against US dollar in almost two MONTHS” – November 27, 2018 –  as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Clairvoyant/psychic predictions published in Twitter August 31, 2018 and in her Ebook and Paperback book published September 18, 2018 : New Ebook : Banks,Dollars,War, Energy, Euro – World Predictions 2018 and 2019 : Foreign minister of China,Central bank of Argentina), Bank ofItaly, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Bank of Russia,Idlib Syria, HSBC By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : September 18, 2018   публикувано 17.12.2018 г., 16:29 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  66. Media Confirmation: Trump says he’s nationalist November 12, 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published  December 29, 2017 – Kings without Borders – Year 2018  Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions :   Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : December 29, 2017   публикувано 17.12.2018 г., 16:31 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  67. Media Confirmation about Pope Francis’s problems with the eyes and only from September 2018 – I see the returning of the faith, bravery and and the will for fight of Pope Francis – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published December 29, 2018  : Kings without Borders – Year 2018  Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions :   Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and … Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : December 29, 2017   публикувано 17.12.2018 г., 16:33 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  68. Media Confirmation about Voya Financial Inc (VOYA) Shares Bought by Hsbc Holdings PLC – December 18, 2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook Published May 23, 2018 : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23,  2018  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova    публикувано 18.12.2018 г., 12:04 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  69. Media Confirmation about Trumps problems with protests, with the administration in the White House and with the mining companies December 2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook published December 4, 2018 : New Ebook : Ukraine – Russia provocations,  War, Gas pipelines, Conquering of territories . Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions  for : Petro Poroshenko, Oleksandr Turchinov, Jens Stoltenberg (NATO), the leaders of Crimea and Donetsk, Vladimir Putin  and Donald Trump at G20 Summit 2018 By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova  Published : December 4, 2018   публикувано 18.12.2018 г., 12:07 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  70. Media Confirmation about mobilization of the population of Ukraine, There will be a Blitz War in Donbass ,Ukraine  will receive help from the West (UN General Assembly’s resolution) – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook published December 4, 2018 : New Ebook : Ukraine – Russia provocations,  War, Gas pipelines, Conquering of territories . Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions  for : Petro Poroshenko, Oleksandr Turchinov, Jens Stoltenberg (NATO), the leaders of Crimea and Donetsk, Vladimir Putin  and Donald Trump at G20 Summit 2018 By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova  Published : December 4, 2018   публикувано 18.12.2018 г., 12:11 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  71. Media Confirmation about Russian projects in Africa and  For Russia – Around December 10, 2018 will begin the problems with NATO, armies, ships, because of Ukraine – there is a simulation of tension and provocations with airplanes…. – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book published December 4, 2018 :  New Ebook : Ukraine – Russia provocations,  War, Gas pipelines, Conquering of territories . Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions  for : Petro Poroshenko, Oleksandr Turchinov, Jens Stoltenberg (NATO), the leaders of Crimea and Donetsk, Vladimir Putin  and Donald Trump at G20 Summit 2018 By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova  Published : December 4, 2018    публикувано 19.12.2018 г., 12:55 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  72. Media Confirmation about  : China answers to the hidden war ; There is a beginning of problems with the Stock markets in USA and Great Britain…. – December 2018 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book published September 18, 2018 : Banks,Dollars,War, Energy, Euro – World Predictions 2018 and 2019 : Foreign minister of China,Central bank of Argentina), Bank of Italy, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Bank of Russia,Idlib Syria, HSBC By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : September 18, 2018   публикувано 19.12.2018 г., 12:57 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  73. Media Confirmation about “TO HELP UKRAINE IN THE BLACK SEA CAME THE SHIPS OF NATO” – December 18, 2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook published December 4, 2018 : New Ebook : Ukraine – Russia provocations,  War, Gas pipelines, Conquering of territories . Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions  for : Petro Poroshenko, Oleksandr Turchinov, Jens Stoltenberg (NATO), the leaders of Crimea and Donetsk, Vladimir Putin  and Donald Trump at G20 Summit 2018 By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova  Published : December 4, 2018    публикувано 19.12.2018 г., 12:59 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  74. Media Confirmation about Political Crisis in Germany – December 2018  – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook Published May 23, 2018 : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23,  2018  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova   публикувано 20.12.2018 г., 13:36 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  75. Media Confirmation about Lebanon is uniting with Iran against Israel , the end of year 2018 – the world will be engaged with North Korea and the coalition around her –  as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook Published May 23, 2018 : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23,  2018    публикувано 20.12.2018 г., 13:40 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  76. Media Confirmation about Launch of Spy Satellite On Russian Rocket – December 18, 2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book published September 18, 2018 : Banks,Dollars,War, Energy, Euro – World Predictions 2018 and 2019 : Foreign minister of China,Central bank of Argentina), Bank ofItaly, Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Bank of Russia,Idlib Syria, HSBC By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published : September 18, 2018   публикувано 20.12.2018 г., 13:41 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  77. Media Confirmation about the Privatization of the US war in Afghanistan by Blackwater Security Company and Erik Prince December 2018 after Trump Orders Big Troop Reduction in Afghanistan – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook Published : November 14, 2018 Only in our Clairvoyant Shop  : Libya , the Libyan Elections and Candidates. Details about the Russian plans for Libya. And what will happen with the private army of Erik Prince in Afghanistan – and his company Blackwater USA – Academi ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 2018 to : Khalifa Haftar, Fayez al-Sarraj, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi , Jean-Yves Ollivier , Yevgeny Prigozhin , Russian General Valery Gerasimov and Sergey Shoygu (Minister of Defense of Russia)…. by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna Published : November 14, 2018     публикувано 21.12.2018 г., 17:01 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  78. Media Confirmation about “Israel, Greece and Cyprus Back EastMed Gas Pipeline”, “Turkey to increase troops in Turkish Cyprus” – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her free Ebook Published – May 23,  2018  : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23,  2018  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova   публикувано 21.12.2018 г., 17:02 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

  79. Media Confirmation about Ukraine begins military actions with the support of NATO, gradually surrounding of Donbass and Crimea (December 20,2018) ….. – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook published December 4, 2018 : New Ebook : Ukraine – Russia provocations,  War, Gas pipelines, Conquering of territories . Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions  for : Petro Poroshenko, Oleksandr Turchinov, Jens Stoltenberg (NATO), the leaders of Crimea and Donetsk, Vladimir Putin  and Donald Trump at G20 Summit 2018 By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova  Published : December 4, 2018   публикувано 21.12.2018 г., 17:04 ч. от dimitrinka staikova

Media Confirmation about : Steve Bannon will  receive at the end of year 2018 – recognitions, money, gold and supporters – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook published August 16, 2018  :  Trade War 2 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to :  Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin ,Steve Bannon ,David Solomon (The new CEO of Goldman Sachs) ,Cyril Ramaphosa (President of South Africa) ,Henri de Castries (Chairman of Bilderberg Group), Andrew Brunson (American Pastor in Turkey), Tim Cook (CEO of Apple Inc) . Authors : Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova,  Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova Published  : August 16, 2018

публикувано 26.12.2018 г.

Media Confirmation about Libya :  3 dead in attack on foreign ministry building in Tripoli December 25, 2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova November 14, 2018  in her Latest – CLAIRVOYANT /PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS FOR SALE – Only in our Clairvoyant Shop : Libya , the Libyan Elections and Candidates. Details about the Russian plans for Libya. And what will happen with the private army of Erik Prince in Afghanistan – and his company Blackwater USA – Academi ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 2018 to : Khalifa Haftar, Fayez al-Sarraj, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi , Jean-Yves Ollivier , Yevgeny Prigozhin , Russian General Valery Gerasimov and Sergey Shoygu (Minister of Defense of Russia)…. by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna Published : November 14, 2018

публикувано 26.12.2018

Media Confirmation about  Apotex, the drug company of Barry Sherman (killed) – a new deal is prepared with a new players  – the old ones  falls out….    “Barry Sherman’s son tells Apotex CEO to leave”  – Dec. 18, 2018″ -as predicted June 27, 2018 by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her  CLAIRVOYANT /PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS FOR SALE :      Information for Barry Sherman (the founder of  Apotex) and his wife HoneySherman –  homicide , murders, safe -deposit boxes , key , inheritance,  company, medicament,  merger, russians, jews – Clairvoyant reading and predictions For Sale – June 26, 2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria,  Varna.

публикувано 26.12.2018

Media Confirmation about forthcoming Elections in Israel – “NETANYAHU’S COALITION COLLAPSES; ISRAEL HEADING TO ELECTIONS ON APRIL 9TH –  12/24/18″– as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her free Ebook Published – May 23,  2018  : Wars – Trade, Steel, Banks,Energy, Nuclear and energy from Antimatter – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions: MH370, Benjamin Netanyahu  – EastMed,Greece, Cyprus,  Iran, Deutsche bank,  HSBC bank,  ThyssenKrupp , CERN and Xi Jinping – by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova Published – May 23,  2018  Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

публикувано 26.12.2018

#Terror #launch #Midterm #provocations #droneship #Finance #WorldPredictions2014 #RexTillerson #ErikPrince #business #USA #politicalcrisis #Iraq #SecretaryofStates #CentralbankofArgentina #Wars #assassinations #BlackLivesMatter #resignation #ArcticOcean #sabotage #VladimirPutin #Jordan #California #Healthdiagnosis #RobertMueller #SyriasAfrin #FalconHeavyrocket #offshoredrilling #StoyankaStaikova #Washington #Candidates #Erdogan #IvelinaStaikovaandStoyankaStaikova #Crimea #Lebanon #putin #UnitedStates #Greece #RecepTayyipErdogan #militaryactions #thefuel #Dollars #billionaires #israel #Published #Syria #Davutoglu #Russianprojects #antimatter #OperationJ #TrumpOrganization #CRISPR #troops #KhalifaHaftar #ThyssenKrupp #IntelligenceAgency #TheEndoftheWorld #Conqueringofterritories #IvankaTrump #Predictions #HSBCBank #DeutscheBank #OleksandrTurchinov #PopeBenedict #psychic #tension #population #war #YevgenyPrigozhin #DonaldTrumpJr #clairvoyant #worldpredictionsthatcametrue #IdlibSyria #UNgeneralassembly #mobilization #theLeadersofPalestine #jackdorsey #MH370 #MinisterofDefenseofRussia #siberia #SpySatellite #Russia #genetics #privatearmy #Qatar #KimJongun #Azerbaijan #steel #RussianGeneralValeryGerasimov #hottestnewspredictions #Election2020 #PresidentBarackObama #PrinceMohammedBinSalmanAlSaudtheWhiteHouse #ManuelValls #SpaceX #BankofRussia #China #Academi #NATO #GreatBritain #clairvoyantpredictions #MediterraneanSea #UsElections2016 #CERN #energy #EastMedGasPipeline #TurkishArmy #BlitzWar #Problems #Senate #DimitrinkaStaikova #judicialproblems #NicosAnastasiades #Atlantic #SaudiArabia #trade #FayezalSarraj #Russianplans #DonaldTrump #MikePence #WorldPredictions2017 #Policy #JensStoltenberg #Bilderberggroup #Donbass #migrantcrisis #militaryships #TheEuropeanUnion #Politicians #iran #Ukraine #Libya #Gaspipelines #BenjaminNetanyahu #SolarEclipse2017 #ebook #Peace #terrorism #Portents #theleaders #SaifalIslamGaddafi #BRUSSELSATTACKS #GubernatorialElections2018 #euro #AllenWeisselberg #Rothschild #XiJinping #BankofItaly #rocket #obedience #KimWall #Media #stockmarkets #ZiyaandAnarMammadov #DevletBahceli #SecretaryGeneraloftheArabLeague #Uncategorized #Ankara #explosion #Missingpeople #HussainSajwaniUAE #engines #ClairvoyantDimitrinkaStaikova #Russiaprobe #Vatican #Paperbackbook #USwar #KingswithoutBorders #ForeignministerofChina #Partners #LeeJaeYong #Donetsk #Kurdistan #JeanYvesOllivier #resolution #UkraineRussiaprovocations #Samsung #MuslimBrotherhood #HSBC #royalfamily #IvelinaStaikova #MediaConfirmations #WorlPredictions #PopeFrancis #money #FalconHeavy #HillaryClinton #BlackwaterSecurityCompany #Isolation #SergeyShoygu #StephenHawking #ElonMusk #BlackwaterUSA #theLibyanElections #TheTrumpOrganization #petroporoshenko #kremlin #General #SteveBannon #psychicpredictions #GeneralValeryGerasimov #BankofEngland #japan #PeterMadsen #Nuclear #banks #BasharalAssad #GeorgeSoros #Hezbollah #heir #France #WorldPredictions2015 #MatthewFCalamari #EastMed #MidtermElections2018 #worldpredictions #MidtermElection2018 #Confirmation #Trump #EmirTamimbinHamadAlThani #MiddleEast #airplanes #West #year2018 #SyriaStrikes #GaryCohn #GRU #BlackSea #Turkey #realestate #Africa #TurkishCyprus #Kidnapping #RussianRocket #afghanistan #fear #PrinceAlwaleedBinTallalAlSaud #NancyClariceTilghman #Cyprus #ItalyEarthquake #Germany #Science #TheMayorofJerusalem #Privatization #russianmilitarycampaign #G20Summit2018 #WorldPredictions2019 #NorthKorea #CasusBelli #BankofJapan


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