Missing EgyptAir flight MS804 – Where is the plane, reasons,nerves, money cargo – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – May 20,2016 ,3pm. http://sites.google.com/site/dimitrinkastaikova Before the departure of the plane, there was a tension which began from the aeroplane shed – its is related with nerves,scandals,the fueling of the jet with two types of energy. The very departure from Paris has happened with a circle around the airport – it is like the pilot has hesitated if to continue the flight. The plane, approaching the place of falling, has entered into a closed zone with a strong whirl – as sound waves. I see the intervention of three Intelligence agencies from three countries. Assumptions for bombs – two bombs -which I don’t see. The back part of the plane, where is the tail, causes a lot of nerves, the room is closed and for now – untouched. Now, i see the airplane on six pieces, but the cockpit and the back part of the plane are closed area. The plane has crashed in the contact with the water. It is related with money which were on the plane. There is a strong current (flow) and the remains (debris) will show near southeastern shore. What I feel in the problem with the falling – a change of the magnetic poles and after a moment their returning back, strong whirlwind and bottom-up sending of swirling gases like a tornado. The region was like triangle, they have entered into its large part and they have moved to the top. The captain of the plane has tried to hold the steering wheel of the airplane, he has seen a land. He was very nervous because of the money. The airplane was near land – Southeastern.
Buy our ebook on Amazon – Psychic Predictions about the missing Malaysia airplane flight MH370: Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions about the missing Malaysia airplane flight MH370-Kuala Lumpur-China-08.03.2014….Kindle Edition
Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions about the missing Malaysia airplane flight MH370-Kuala Lumpur-China-08.03.2014-Scenario for blood,New technology and missing hopes.Author-skype clairvoyant/psychic mrs.Dimitrinka Staikova from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna
#Airbus #JeanMarcAyrault #LiverpoolsJohnLennonairpor #Iraq #suddenswerves #theFrenceforeignminister #Cairo #Terrorattack #AbdulmohsenAlMuteiri #EgyptAir #Algeria #StoyankaStaikova #EgyptianprimeministerSherifIsmail #MirvatZahariaZakiMohamed #ProcterampGamble #Britain #FrenchpresidentFrançoisHolland #EgyptAirflightMS804 #Canadians #clairvoyant #terrorfears #passengers #Belgium #MediterraneanSea #causeofthecrash #CaptMohammedShakir #debris #DimitrinkaStaikova #SaudiArabia #Kuwait #downingtheaircraft #missingEgyptAirFlight804 #terrorism #MohamedMamdouhAhmedAssem #missingplane #anEgyptAirflightattendant #JoaoDavideSilva #explosion #planewreckage #flightMS804 #Australia #departurelounge #survivors #IvelinaStaikova #psychicpredictions #BritishgeologistRichardOsman #Chad #EgyptAirpassengerjet #MohamedSaidShoukair #Egyptians #wreckage #PasantElNbrany #Sudan #AhmedHelal #fromParistoCairo #EgyptsaviationministerSherifFathy #searchteam #Karpathos #technicalfailure #WhiteHouse #Portugal