Meral Akşener (Leader of the IYI Party - Turkey) - Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions March 3,2023 : Turkey elections, The opposition against Erdogan - who will win ? - by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova
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Meral Akşener‘s health diagnosis : March 3,2023 she has problems with the breathing and the respiratory tract. I see pus going down from the sinus channels to the nose and her ears are also inflamed. The disease is also affecting the muscles of her back and I see sick lungs. She is passing through COVID 19. I see pain in the breasts and the belly. Inflamed liver. Disease in the uterus and ovaries. Behind her are staying many Militaries. I see Turkish military leaders and people on high positions from the financial business. A lot of money are given for the starting of riots and coups against Recep Erdogan (the president of Turkey). I see the splitting of the parties from the opposition against Erdogan - they will remain only four at the end. I see scandals between them - they fight and argue about money- they can’t divide the money between them.
March 2023 - Turkey will be divided on parts - West - Northwestern part will suffer by heavy earthquakes. The quakes will be strong, but I don’t see so many deaths, as February 2023. The southern part of Turkey - I see riots and protests there, the big amount of money will go to Eastern Turkey.
April 2023 - I see big excitements. Meral Akşener will have problems - I see death and mortal danger around her - it is connected with a hospital. The four political parties in the opposition against Erdogan are uniting - I see them successfully to share the money between them and to direct the money to their political centres.
May 2023 - Erdogan will take care for no Russian intervention in the Turkey’s elections. I see that he will also successfully stop the intervention from Militaries and the opposition in Turkey is split again. From four united parties they are staying together in two couples. I see the active intervention of criminal groups (groupings) in the Turkey’s elections.
Erdogan wins. But Turkey is loosing money. From big amounts of money - I see decreasing of the profits, the poverty and inflation are increasing in Turkey.
May/June 2023 - I see radiation in the air. Meral Akşener will be on a funeral. She thinks that as something good for her. I see signals that from Turkey are going to the Space.
June/July 2023 - I see Meral Akşener to travel in a wealthy country in the Middle East. She will have many meetings with rich people.
July/August 2023 - I see protests, riots and strikes - money directed to Northern Turkey - at first, they are drastically reduced, then - stopped. The most poor and suffered by earthquakes regions will be left without support.
August/ September 2023 - I see a private army (mercenaries) - they are connected with the construction and real estate companies in Turkey. September/October 2023 - Turkey is starting military actions against Russia. I see actions that looks like an attack.
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