Today – February 9,2019 We are starting our new book : “The rich also cry….. ” with Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :
1.Meghan Markle;
2.Jacques de Molay (last Grand Master of the Knights Templar);
3.David Pecker (chairman and CEO of American Media,publisher of National Enquirer, Star, Sun) – if we find a fresh photo of him
Meghan Markle (Duchess of Sussex) – Health Diagnosis. A Pregnancy that threatens the live of Meghan and the life of one of her babies – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions February 9, 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
Photo : February 7, 2019. Time – after the photo.
Meghan Markle’s Health Diagnosis :
Now – I see increased eyes pressure. In the future, there will be often allergic reactions at the eyes – as lacrimation. She has a slight Flu and inflamed throat, constriction in the left artery – ear and neck. For this moment- the more serious diseases of Meghan Markle are in the thyroid gland, the heart – they will influence to the one of the two fertilized eggs . There is also inflammation of the Bile (gall). She will feel pain in the heart, on the back – over the waist – the muscles and the left pelvic area. There is an old disease at the left kidney and now – very strong gases. I see pain (without disease) at the right thigh.
In her there are shaped two fertilized eggs – the one is located at left (slightly up) in this moment, and the other one is almost on the middle. As whole – the both eggs are coming from the left side – they are well separated. The egg located in the middle and down low will be risky. There is a disease in the heart – she must have a treatment and to stay calm.
I see treatment, at first – she will feel better, but then – there will be problems again. The crises will repeat another four times. The Pregnancy will be very heavy. In the future – I see Meghan Markle in a mountain area on holiday.
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European and World Royal Families -Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions about Europe and the World 2016-2019
The New World Order
Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
Publication Date: June 5, 2016
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Table of Contents –
#contracts #dictatorship #EuropeanCommissionerforEnergyUnion #Excalibur #health #TheHolyLance #Italysfarrightleader #UrsulavonderLeyen #VicePresidentoftheEuropeanCommission #ThePrinceandGrandMasteroftheSovereignMilitaryOrderofMalta #business #SheikhAhmedalTayeb #SNPleaderNicolaSturgeon #TheFutureofSweden #EuropeanPeoplesPartyEPP #territorialinvasions #UKvoters #japaneserace #BorisJohnson #CommissionPresident2019 #Cairo #QueenElizabethII #NicolaSturgeon #Maysgovernment #invasion #USRearAdmiralRichardEBird #MissingEgyptAirflightMS804Whereistheplane #QueenofShebaBalqis #Irishborderplan #DominicRaab #DukeandDuchessofSussex #elections #EnergyContracts #SNPScottishNationalParty #LeaderoftheEPPGroupintheEP #JeanClaudeJuncker #ThefutureofSpain #HofburgPalaceinVienna #Européennes2019 #EuropeanLeft #ChancellorPhilipHammond #TheDukeandDuchess #diseases #pharmaceuticalindustry #rocketlaunchers #matteosalvinimi #BuckinghamPalace #Brexiteers #LordAdonis #ThegraveofJesusChristinMalta #treatment #Syria #Staticelectricity #Avalon #CandidatesforCommissionPresident2019 #marriedcouple #KingHaraldVofNorway #PrimeMinisterofGreatBritain #OperationHighjump #ScottishLabour #Brusselsbloc #WindsorCastle #ImperialCrown #PeterAltmaier #pregnant #MarineLePen #Predictions #USledcoalition #WorldPredictionsaboutGreatBritain2016 #ItalysGeneralLabourUnion #psychic #PvdA #war #farrightNorthernLeague #revolution #SinnFéincandidate #100MostInfluentialPeopleintheWorld #clairvoyant #Pregnancy #GeorgFriedrichFerdinandPrinzvonPreußen #Greatness #Europa #EUelections #nodealBrexit #HolyRomanEmpire #PresidentMichaelDHiggins #pregnantDuchessofSussex #Euractiv #SinnFéinsupporters #TheSpearofDestiny #ThebattleontheSouthPole #Denmark #PatriarchKirill #thewifeofkingSolomon #GreatBritain #theMinisterofDefenceofSaudiArabia #KingofSweden #theHouseofCommons #KingArthur #Spitzenkandidatprocess #businessinAfrica #NewUnions #Pyramids #ElectioninSpain #hardlinepolitician #EmperorofJapan #Ancientlibrary #TheHolySpear 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#theUNhighcommissionerforhumanrights #oil #secondBrexitreferendum #KingArthurandhisrevival #thefutureoftheMilitaryOrderofMalta #Brussels #MichelleBachelet #Spaceinvasion #ChristianKern #QueenofDenmark #ArchbishopofCanterbury #SinnFein #Brexitdeal #DukeofCambridge #FraMatthewFesting #AllianceofConservativesandReformistsinEuropeACRE #ScotlandsFirstMinister #newobjectbetweentwopyramids #aircampaigns #GrandImam #mutualaid #psychicreading #Brexitnegotiations #Internalwar #Spitzenkandidaten #EUschiefnegotiator #KingAbdullahIIbinAlHussein #ALTERNATIVEEurope #ManuelVallsPrimeMinisterofFrance #theroyalfamily #EUUKtradedeal #TheFutureofDenmark #MaryLouMcDonald #Frenchpolitician #thedeathofPrinceRogersNelson #militaryregime #PopeFrancis #Governmentsbudgetplans #AntonioTajani #theKingdomofPrussia #EuropeanElections2019 #diamonds #Turkishartillery #ESSA7Sattelite #HolyChalice #KingofJordan #EUleaders #KingPhilippeofBelgium #HolyGrail #UKGOVERNMENT #Akihito #Brexitsecretary #QueenMargrethe2ofDenmark #DavidCameron #EuropeanCommissionPresident #CSUparty #NorthernIrishunionist #Holland #princeharry #SadiqKhan #ThefutureoftheCrownofGreatBritain #KingSalmanofSaudiArabia #PierreMoscovici #PeoplesVote #Britishpress #Mythologicalisland #alternativetoEurope #AlAzharMosque #PrinceAlwaleedBinTalalAlsaud #MargretheVestager #ProblemswithCrashedplaneofEgyptAirMS804ofBernardBajoletHeadoftheDirectorateGeneralforExternalSecurityFranceMay2016 #psychicpredictions #nerves #NorthernIreland #japan #StGeorgesChapel #GermanEmpire #BritishRoyalFamily #CryptsinMalta #Americanactress #MeghanMarkle #LiberalDemocrats #theEmperor #EUcustomsarrangements #Troubles #Scottishpoliticalparties #KingCarlXVIGustafofSweden #problemswiththeGovernment #theLanceofLonginus #princessoftheUnitedKingdom #MeghanMarkleandPrinceHarry #USNavalmissionintheAntarctic #Thefuture #PrinceofPrussia #SpaceDisasters #MatteoSalvini #worldpredictions #GeorgFriedrichFerdinand #ThefutureofNorway #NottinghamCottage #MarošŠefčovič 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