Media Confirmations : “Israel’s War Footing Against the Coronavirus” and “…Benny Gantz will unite with Benjamin Netanyahu because of war and military actions” April 2020 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova September 2019 –
This post is originally published September 19,2019 –
Part of the New Ebook and Paperback book :
World Predictions and Prophecies 2019 – 2020. Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about : the Impeachment of Trump, Saudi Aramco, Israel ,LUKOIL, Gazprom, Hassan Rouhani, Ursula von der Leyen, Mike Pompeo, Credit Suisse, the Vatican…
by Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Published October 5, 2019
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Benny Gantz ( leader of Israel’s political party Blue and white) – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions September 19 , 2019 – by Clairvoyant House”Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna
Photo : September 18 , 2019 Time of the clairvoyant reading – after the photo
Benny Gantz’s health at September 18 , 2019:
There are strong pains in : the right eye , right pelvic area , on the back of the head – at right , from the pericranium to the neck , right kidney , the back of the left thigh and left knee. The spine and the right kidney are inflamed. The right part of the thyroid gland is enlarged. In the moment the kidney is inflamed because of many energy drinks. There is a slight enlargement also of the liver. Behind him is staying double power – from one side Benny Gantz is rich and behind himself there are rich and loyal people and from the other side behind him are staying the first world leaders. He also has the support of the above the ground power (authority) , and the underground authority and the connection between the two worlds. He is feeling the money and the power only with the left side of his body. Now , Benny Gantz sees money before himself , war – road war. He is dedicated to the cause , he doesn’t afraid of bullets ( because he is seeing a shooting against himself ). He is feeling a winner. He has begun a slowly seizure of power.
September 2019 – Money and support is coming at Benny Gantz from all over the world. He is making steps to the formation of government. The first step is unsuccessful. One more election ( choice ) must pass – this is the results of the voters , intervention of state authority who will decide the election results – I see in the beginning two votes more , then it is increasing to five ( there will be a hesitation for six , but it will remain five ). This is the first round –
later Benny Gantz will unite with Benjamin Netanyahu because of war and military actions.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)
It is forthcoming Israel to be in a war footing.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)
Until two years there will be a circle (of enemies) from South and opened boundaries at North. In the future , there are forthcoming changes of the boundaries of Israel to North and East. The war footing (military regime) during these two years will change for a light to a strict mode and the contrary. After two years is unpredictable.
In addition : Clairvoyant reading to Benny Gantz ( Israeli politician ) by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova September 19 , 2019
I see a crying woman behind his back. The woman is holding him with hands . There is also an old military man behind his back related with Intelligence. Before him are staying three obstacles which are stopping him – a big one , middle and small obstacle. I see a forthcoming launch of two rockets. There is an Intelligence agency organising riots and there is a battle , a battle for a big energy deposit surrounded by all sides. There is an upcoming crazy business for Benny Gantz – I see the signing of many (huge amounts) of contracts connected with submarines and weapons. It is forthcoming the uniting of Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu – I see the support of the Intelligence behind them and there are two kinds of armies at their feet -the state army is before them , the private army is staying behind them. September 2019 – I see a victory for Benny Gantz – a lot of money will be given to the militaries ( for weapon ). October 2019 – there is a forthcoming business , but he will feel limited , closed by eavesdropping and monitoring.November 2019 – I see a travel and business with Russia. December 2019 – there is a travel at South. Talks with three men related with ships and transportation.
This post is originally published September 19,2019 –
Part of the New Ebook and Paperback book :
World Predictions and Prophecies 2019 – 2020. Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about : the Impeachment of Trump, Saudi Aramco, Israel ,LUKOIL, Gazprom, Hassan Rouhani, Ursula von der Leyen, Mike Pompeo, Credit Suisse, the Vatican…
by Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Published October 5, 2019
Netanyahu and Gantz Meet, Issue Joint Statement on ‘Progress’ Toward Unity
After their meeting at the Prime Minister’s Residence, the two instructed their negotiation teams ‘to try and finalize a coalition agreement as soon as possible’
April 3, 2020
Israel’s War Footing Against the Coronavirus
In the fight against the pandemic, some familiar tactics are deployed. – March 11, 2020
#HolySeesdelegation #TelAviv #OPEC #gasindustry #UrsulavonderLeyen #CaspianSea #politics #StateDepartment #HassanRouhani #Trumpadministrationpeaceplan #KurdishYPGfighters #Abqaiq #Iraq #AlexanderAnanenkov #crudeoilcargo #crudeoiltransportationproject #sharedservices #WestBank #oilsupply #Netanyahu #YisraelBeytenu #Kurdishpopulation #worldslargestoilcompany #privatebanking #the74thsessionoftheUnitedNationsGeneralAssemblyinNewYork #TrumpAdministration #GovernmentofRussia #VonderLeyen #AlMonitor #Karachaganak #JeanClaudeJuncker #theEuropeanParliament #MosheYaalon #Gulfregion #Washington #indictmentoncorruptioncharges #Netanyahugovernment #PresidentRouhani #IsraeliParliament #Gazprom #theHouseIntelligenceCommittee #EshaqJahangiri #israel #ПАОГазпром #coalitiontalks #MrNetanyahu #Syria #theTadawul #unitygovernment #oilcompany #seniorBlueandWhiteleader #Likudparty #presidentoftheEuropeanCommission #TidjaneThiam #northernDeadSea #partyleader #parliamentarymajority #DemocraticPartyofIranianKurdistan #BennyGantz #Likudfaction #Tehran #adeal #ViktorZubkov #2016presidentialrace #militaryactioninSyria #UnitedStatesHouseofRepresentatives #Dubai #Jewishdiaspora #YediotAhronot #Democraticpresidentialcandidates #Gaspipelinetransport #Petrochemicals #northernSyria #AlexeyMiller #Gazprombank #AlexanderNovak #SaudiArabia #DonaldTrump #Ramallah #subpoena #oiltanker #ultraOrthodoxJudaism #Zionistgovernment #iran #Газпром #GulfofOb #MrLiberman #naturalgas #WesternSiberia #PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu #ArabJointList #BenjaminNetanyahu #kurds #SaudiAramcoCEOAminNasser #TheHolySeesSecretaryofState #alJazeera #EuropeanCouncil #shareholders #BlueandWhiteleader #EuropeanUnionMercosurfreetradeagreement #Campaign #exporterofoil #AliKhamenei #HouseDemocrats #Riyadh #spyscandal #OilampMoneyConference #BogdanBudzulyak #AndreyAkimov #adealwiththePalestinians #assetmanagement #Ankara #JordanValley #directoroftheCentralIntelligenceAgency #FransTimmermans #SaudiCrownPrinceMohammedbinSalman #CreditSuisse #Republican #oilgiant #Arabvoters #ValeryGolubev #Palestinians #газоваяпромышленность #PAOGazprom #ideologicalcolonization #moscow #Israelis #Brussels #HeadofrightistYisraelBeiteinuparty #NordStream #حسنروحانی #USMilitary #SecretaryofStateMikePompeo #AngelaMerkel #ultraOrthodox #ChinaNationalPetroleumCorporation #YisraelBeiteinu #PresidentTrumpsimpeachment #Brentcrudefutures #Oversightcommittees #theAramcoattacks #PartyofFreeLifeofKurdistanPJAK #Likud #Arableaders #PopeFrancis #CaspianPipelineConsortium #ShiiteMuslim #centristgovernment #oilproducer #PresidentofLUKOIL #IransArmyGroundForces #UrsRohner #CardinalParolin #Rosneftegaz #GazaStrip #Khurais #CardinalPietroParolin #Kumkol #oilproduction #Knesset #PresidentReuvenRivlin #Almaty #PresidentTrump #Tengiz #GazovayaPromyshlennost #SaintPetersburg #Iraniansecurityforces #IPO #RussiasLukoilShips #Jerusalem #oilfield #TheWhiteHouse #Prosecution #AymanOdeh #KazMunayGasAlikAidarbayev #AvigdorLiberman #Shtokmanfield #bankingsecrecy #theHouseForeignAffairs #centristBlueandWhiteparty #SunniMuslims #Lukoil #ChristianDemocraticUnion #MiddleEast #PresidentDonaldTrump #SouthStream #Israelipolitics #crudeoil #LukoilstradingunitLitasco #Zurich #armychiefofstaff #IranianKurdishmilitantgroups #Switzerland #AlexanderRyazanov #IsraeliElection #barrel #VladaRusakova #Arabparties #Israelisovereignty #IransRouhani #OilandGas #BlueandWhite #FederalAgencyforStatePropertyManagement #investmentbanking #impeachmentinquiry #Impeachment #IransPresident #leaderofthepredominantlyArabJointList #UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly #stockexchange #Petroleum #energysecurity #EuropeanCommission