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Media Confirmations about Wildfires in California predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in he

Media Confirmations about Wildfires in California predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

California Midterm Senate and Gubernatorial Elections 2018 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to all candidates + Robert Mueller (Russia probe), The heir of Samsung, Kim Jong-un, Kim Wall and Peter Madsen , Solar Eclipse 2017 and….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – September 6, 2017


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Part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :

Antonio Villaraigosa (Mayor of California , Democratic candidate for California gubernatorial election 2018 ) – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions September 3, 2017  – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – August 31, 2017. Time – after the photo.

He works in a team – he can’t be independent. He can’t take independent decions. He is consulted by a sponsor about the business. He will be powerful competitor, because there is an army behind him.

It is forthcoming about California to pass through big natural disasters – storms, fires, pollution…. The competition will do exactly that : They will…..


Part of Clairvoysnt/Psychic predictions about :

Robert Mueller (Special Counsel in Russia Probe) – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions August 4, 2017 – Robert Mueller between the star of Moscow, the intervention of Saudi Arabia in the Energy business and his choice about USA. The investigation about impeachment of Donald Trump and the Russian meddling in US Election 2016 – What he will investigate? When he will be ready? Military intervention and participation, war footing, business and money – when? The jews in the business ? New US Election – When?

Intervention of the russians in the business and replacement of people on leading positions – now…. – Clairvoyant predictions/Psychic reading August 4, 2017 by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

 Photo – June 21, 2017. Time – after the photo.

•…….The nuclear power plants, the energy fuel, the intervention of saudi arabians in this business and attempts to be destabilized the situation in USA with fires, riots and attacks on this business.



Media Confirmation :

At least 10 dead as fires rage in Northern California

October 10, 2017

#LisaMcCormick #Incumbentsintentunknown #NewMexico #AlbertOlszewski #RobertRitchieKidRock #LenaRoseEpstein #MarciaSquierGreen #MayorofCalifornia #DannyDrew #DianneFeinstein #PaulDeLong #business #DavidAWebber #LukeMesser #AaronGwaltney #BobMenendez #SpecialCounselinRussiaProbe #Connecticut #SolarEclipseAugust2017 #JeffBartos #BusinessmanJohnHCox #MartinHeinrich #California #JohnChiang #CaliforniaGovernors #RobertMueller #CraigAllenSmith #DavidHildebrand #MaryJoWalters #Nevada #DebbieRicaWilson #DougMarks #RobertNardolilloRepublican #Hawaii #Washington #Candidates #GovernorDougDucey #TomCarper #DeedraAbboud #Democratic #TonyMonetti #RichardRikkiVaughn #KelliWard #electionpredictions #ClairvoyantPsychicpredictionstoallcandidates #MatthewRosendale #LateresaAnnJones #RichardSherzan #Montana #DominicRapini #JerryLeonCarroll #Delaware #SupremeLeaderofNorthKorea #PatrickMorrisey #JonTester #DeanHeller #LarryMarvin #TopherBrennan #Libertariancandidate #StephenJamesSchrader #RonMurray #MarciaRobertaThorne #NoahDyer #TheheirofSamsung #RobertFlanders #Democraticcandidate #JamesMackler #ChuckSchumer #BenCardin #TamikaLyles #Texas #AndrewTakami #Tennessee #KimJongun #Minnesota #Utah #JohnMelendez #Intent #hottestnewspredictions #HeidiHeitkamp #RogerWicker #DisabilityParty #BernieSanders #theRussianmeddlinginUSElection2016 #midterm #JoeWendt #TimGildersleeve #EdwardJanowski #Missouri #StefanodeStefano #BetoORourke #Wisconsin #CynthiaAyers #SherrodBrown #Maine #TheheirandViceChairmanofSamsungElectronics #JeffFlake #DustinPeyer #AllenWaters #AmyKlobuchar #EugenePattersonHarris #CharlesJuniorHodge #Senate #ClayJohnson #MariaCantwell #SaudiArabia #AngusKing #UnitedStatesSenate #UnitedStatesSenateelections2018 #NorthDakota #Pennsylvania #KirstenGillibrand #PaulAddis #JohnJamesRepublican #KimWallandPeterMadsen #BobbyMahendra #Nebraska #StacyGeorge #JesseSbaih #DavidGarcia #DebbieStabenow #CraigBowden #DavidHadley #Electoralhistory #SteveFarley #BoCopley #SolarEclipse2017 #HeidiWellman #Libertarian #JimMoss #GovernorKayIvey #impeachmentofDonaldTrump #shareholders #DelaineEastin #RafaelArdenJonesSr #AndrewUDStraw #EvanJenkins #TimothyCharlesKalemkarian #BobbyLawrence #SpaceinvasionintheArctic #KevinNicholson #Virginia #JohnSchiess #Massachusetts #GeoffDiehlRepublican #BobCaseyJr #Mississippi #Independent #ChrisRussell #NewYork #JaneRaybould #JohnHCox #fallenangels #TedCruz #Results #MitchellKentVice #JayCraddock #Republican #JoeDonnelly #Indiana #AngelicaEarl #JonTesterDemocratic #MickRich #CarenLancona #GovernorAsaHutchinson #GovernorBillWalker #Russiaprobe #Incumbentrunning #MaryLindstrom #JenniferGiGiFerguson #PaulaJeanSwearengin #SeanAThom #CaliforniaStateSuperintendentofPublicInstruction #CaliforniaStateTreasurer #BobCorker #JoeAllen #LeeJaeYong #JimChristiana #TammyBaldwin #MatthewCorey #Senator #RonWallace #Ohio #sales #SamsungElectronics #SteveStokes #DebFischer #RobertPYoungJr #SheldonWhitehouse #ScottErnst #Democrats #ShivaAyyadurai #TimKaine #RichardThomasMead #SamFaddis #Republicancandidate #NicolasTutora #39gubernatorialelections #JonSvitavsky #JoshMandel #JensenBohren #JackyRosen #ToddRokita #ChuckBoyce #IrasemaHernandez #formerNFLplayerRoseyGrier #Wyoming #NewJersey #KielRichardStone #EricBrakey #DaleKerns #GovernorJerryBrown #hydrogenbombs #Warfooting #Vermont #JennyWilson #OrrinHatch #DannyTarkanian #2018UnitedStateselections #ChristopherCountryman #AnnMarieAdams #LouBarletta #WestVirginia #JohnBarrasso #LieutenantGovernorGavinNewsom #GavinNewsom #RoseyGrier #MikeBraun #State #ElizabethWarren #MitchMcConnell #deals #BillNelson #JoshuaFordIndependent #Maryland #DanMcQueen #DonaldRAdams #ClaireMcCaskill #Republicans #MichaelEisen #Democraticheldseats #DouglasHowardPierce #TroyDowning #Financialharvest #JimNewberger #TomCampbell #CoreyStewart #TerryHenderson #RickSaccone #MichaelGibbons #Arizona #UnitedStatesgubernatorialelections2018 #MarkHurt #ZoltanIstvan #JoeManchin #ChrisMurphy #RhodeIsland #LarryCrim #Party #UnitedStatesHouseofRepresentativeselections #Senators #formerStateAssemblymanDavidHadley #AustinPetersen #Michigan #florida #DariusMitchell #DustinRayWebb #NorthKorea #Incumbent #FolasadeAdeluola #AndrewShecktor #AntonioVillaraigosa #MazieHirono #JamesDevine


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