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Media Confirmations about The World Year 2017 – World Predictions 2017 (December 24, 2016) about : U

Media Confirmations about The World Year 2017 – World Predictions 2017 (December 24, 2016) about : USA, Russia, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, France, Germany…. – By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova –

part of her Ebook and Paperback book :

Hidden Truth -World Predictions 2017 : USA, Russia, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, France, Germany and the planet Earth – Climate Change – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : McDermott’s Castle, Benjamin Netanyahu, King of Thailand, The Stone of Destiny, President of Taiwan, CERN Director-General, The Stone of Scone, Bosnia Giant Sphere, the killer of the Russian ambassador, General Auditor of NATO ….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

2016 © Copyrights Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published  – December 30, 2016

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The World Year 2017 – World Predictions 2017 (December 24, 2016) about : USA, Russia, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, France, Germany…. – By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna

USA 2017 – The leaders in USA will remain three. For two of them, the White House will be narrow and they will be out of the game. Two of them will fist their hand and start a battle for overthrowing the President Trump. Media Confirmation about : Efforts to impeach Donald Trump Efforts began after a series of events in May 2017. (link:

The split of two big energy companies after year 2016 is passing into union. Outside the White House the nation remains divided. In some places, I see unions with the military. I see riots, war footings and proposals for separation of States from USA. see the turning of a lot of money in gold and their leaving from USA. •Media Confirmation about : Gold is seen as an asset that’s turned to in times of rising fear and rising inflation; fear tends to be bad for stocks, and inflation is generally bad for bonds. 6 Sept 2017 (link: Begins the burial of gold in a jewish military areas. I see the creation of hiding places in water – for hiding of gold. The jewish money regroup and disappear. They all wait for the spark of the Third World War.February 2017 is a heavy month with internal unrests (battles) and natural cataclysms for USA. The end of the Spring and the beginning of Summer 2017 – I see new unions because of war and a wish for victory.

Russia 2017 – after a period of failure of deals, begins a new period of constructions of gas corridors and new nuclear plants for production of electricity. •Media Confirmation about : West, Russia battle for control over Balkans natural gas corridors The West and Russia are battling for control of the transport of natural gas through the Balkans, as both sides pursue their geopolitical agenda in the volatile region. AFP | July 16, 2017, (link:

Israel 2017 – Tough year with a lot of tension, unfulfilled and non realized business plans. Israel, this year must pay attention to the water, the sea and the the sea creatures. The power is closed only in Israel.

The crown turns to a burden, nerves and the crown is challenged. I see their leader to be angry and accusations from other countries. •Media Confirmation about : 2,000 turn out as protests against Netanyahu resume near AG’s home .High Court had limited weekly protest calling for PM’s indictment for corruption to 500 demonstrators; Likud coalition chief slams ‘gross violation of court ruling’ August 26, 2017 (link:

Israel will change its leader since year 2017 – I see the head of the present leader in danger. The Solomon’s pillars will be found, but the money will remain closed. The leadership is going in the legends. March 2017 is very heavy for Israel.

Moscow (Russia) 2017 – Year 2017 begins a new union – integration of more countries in union – successful. The way of the success will be only aside and downwards – researching of lands and new territories. •Media Confirmation about : Russia offers a bridge across history to connect Tokyo to the Trans-Siberian railway By The Siberian Times reporter07 September 2017 Scheme would allow epic journeys from London to the Japanese capital with major international crossing between Sakhalin and Hokkaido (link: The sky and the Space will be angry year 2017 and there will be no success there. Year 2017 will be problematic for the health of Putin – liver, gall and skin. There will be a split (cleavage) (temporary) around Moscow of oligarchs. One will die and everything will calm down (from the entourage of Putin). The money will be mainly virtual. The money in cash and in circulation will be less until March 2017. February 2017 is a heavy month – I see a big pit (hole) near Moscow. I see the searching of artifact in Russia – alien and an attempt for stealing (from Russia) of an alien technology (also from a Space town). I see small stones (little stones) which are burning and a technology that enters the Earth to hide. I see red flags and attempts for nationalism. I see hunger and starvation (battle for the bread). Ural and Siberia are in the beginning of their greatness. There is creation of a new empire – leader of the World (until 50 years).

Syria 2017 – is the apple of discord also in year 2017. The wars on 2/3 of the country will stop, except from the side of Lebanon and Israel – there, the wars are starting now. Begins the tightness and cleaning of the areas from ISIS in the lands near Turkey. The war with Turkey will end fast and inglorious for Turkey. Syria will become a center for new constructions in the future. Year 2017, the country will slowly recover from the war. There will be difficulties with the feeding . The international organisations will gradually withdraw from there – except the russian, iranian and afterwards – the chinese – they will help for the recovering of Syria.

  1. Media Confirmation – 

The New Silk Road will go through Syria

China and Syria have already begun discussing post-war infrastructure investment; with a ‘Matchmaking Fair for Syria Reconstruction’ held in Beijing

And they all will be interrested only from the Golan Heights and Mount Hermon. The power will be separated between two people – one of them will be Bashar Al-Assad.

Iraq 2017 – Double game also in year 2017. Iraq wants to see the winner and then will choose. Their intelligence agency is very strong and it is leading the country which is in a controlled chaos. The war is against mercenaries and small groupings. •Media Confirmation about : Iraqi intelligence expects larger number of militants in ISIS convoy By Rudaw 31/8/2017 (link:

Turkey 2017 – One big wound in Europe. First, it will bleed – a lot of people will die and many people will escape from Turkey, then begins a temporary decadence •Media Confirmation about : Thousands of Turkish diplomats, judges, academics have fled to Germany in aftermath of failed coup – Aug. 20, 2017 (link:

– Turkey will give part of its territory to the kurds – to stop the war. After year 2020 – with the coming of new leader begins the rise for Turkey and the union (unification) of the already conquered lands on a peaceful way (through the buying of lands). There are forthcoming for Turkey more great moments in the history.

Macedonia 2017 – there will be again a war about her name. But, in the future two nations will integrate (merge) and in the European Union will remain the name Macedonia (the both nations are orthodox and muslims). •Media Confirmation about : Macedonia says ‘big step’ made in name row with Greece 6.09.2017 (link:

Serbia 2017 – is in the moment of nerves – a standstill and revival of the nationalism. •Media Confirmation about : NEWS 16 FEB 17 Croatia, Albania Complain of Serbia’s Nationalism to NATO (link: I see a lot of currencies in the country. All big thefts will find a port in Serbia.

France 2017 – will be boiling , the people are before revolution. •Media Confirmation about : Emmanuel Macron Is Ready to Push Through a ‘Revolution’ in How France Works Vivienne Walt Sep 07, 2017 (link:

•Protests over French labor overhaul grip Paris, other cities Sept. 12, 2017. (link: The laws are abdicated. The only calmness I see is in the researchers (science) and the historical artifacts. There is a searching for something, but they find it only with guesswork, not actually. The country is separated and it can’t be united. Experiments with chemicals and a person (people) will fail.

Germany 2017 – Important role year 2017 will play the german, austrian, cyprus….banks – the german banking system all over the world. •Media Confirmation about : Europe Needs German-Style Supervision of Small Banks Sep 11 09:05:07 2017 (link: A certain germans have through science and artifacts and money – the power, but they don’t dare and they don’t know when. Other germans want unification, but they don’t have a consolidator. Year 2017 – Does Germany will have the only thing that needs – A LEADER – AND YES AND NO. The first one is a highborn, the second one again doesn’t have aryan blood. On the background of the thin thread – May 2017 – there is election (a choice) for leader from secret leaders. And September, October 2017 – internal war. November 2017 – murders – new plans for Germany and preparation December 2017 for Elections (Choices). The end of year 2017 – I see a lot of death in Germany. One small Scandinavian country is preparing to jump in the world game for greatness…. What is the role and the connection between Germany and Norway year 2017 ?

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