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Media Confirmations about : Mass trials in USA against opponents of Trump, a rain by fiery pieces of

Media Confirmations about : Mass trials in USA against opponents of Trump, a rain by fiery pieces of meteorites that will fall burning on the ground,a big Submarine that will create problems and Russia tolerate damages by war in the air September 2018 – as predicted by  Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published December 29, 2017 :

Kings without Borders – Year 2018

 Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions :  

Trump, Putin, Pope Francis, Jens Stoltenberg, Rothschild, Jack Dorsey, Secretary-General of the Arab League, The Mayor of Jerusalem and …

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published : December 29, 2017

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 Part of Clairvoyant predictions for :

Donald Trump (President of USA) – Year 2018, Money, Republicans against Democrats… , Conquering wars, A lawsuit, Military coup, Russian meddling, Battle between russians and americans, The nationalists win, The health of Donald Trump now – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions December 26, 2017 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

….The Earth has entered into a period of conquests starting from year 2018 – Africa and they will cover the whole Globe – until the Fiery Rain – a rain by fiery piecec of meteorites that will fall burning on the ground –  (Media Confirmation 2). 2018 is a strong month about collecting of money for Trump – it begins with payment by jews and in the same time – there is a threat for his life. Between March and May 2018 – Donald Trump is on scales that May 2018 tilts down and for a short time – he is getting Neurosis – because of a lawsuit. The other heavy moment is the end of May and June 2018 – They see militaries dissatisfied by Trump gathered with his enemies – a military coup is prepared. Here, I see again Russian meddling – about the prevention of the military coup in USA against President Trump. June 2018 – Trump is starting to drop off the centralization of the power in USA. May – June 2018 – Problems inside the Family Trump – with his children and The Trump Organization. June 2018 – I hear a lot of shooting and many deaths of innocent people. July 2018 – A new land is found in Antarctica and September-October 2018 – in the Arctic.(Confirmed).Donald Trump is feeling happy and deceived – part of his money disappear. I see jews going in Israel.

September 2018 are starting the mass trials in USA against opponents of Trump – (Media Confirmation 1). The end of September 2018 – I see a big Submarine that will create problems (Media Confirmation 3), an underwater battle between russians and americans and two countries that mourn for dead people and an ecological disaster. After the misfortune, there is a persecution of russians in USA and eviction of the russian business. The end of year 2018 – Trump is remaining without an energy protection. From the end of November 2018 to the middle of December 2018 – he doesn’t have defenders. Then are coming the nationalists… Donald Trump’s health now – December 26, 2017 – There is pain on the back of the head at left – there is a center affected and is reaching to a constant pain (Neurosis), sick left kidney – increased, sick and painful left pelvic area, increased eye pressure at the right eye, inflamed spine.

Media Confirmations :

1. Trump opponents have raised nearly $2 million in legal fees through crowdfunding – August 24th 2018

In recent months, four people who found themselves on the wrong side of the law and the wrong side of the Trump White House have garnered tremendous public support with tens of thousands of mostly anonymous, small donors offering money to pay for lawyers fees, personal damages and lost income.

2. Fireball Explodes Over Greenland Near US Military Base August 6, 2018

On July 25, an object moving at about 15 miles/second (24.4 kilometers/second), or 54,000 mph (87,000 km/h), was identified near Thule Air Base. The U.S. Air Force did not immediately report the event or respond to the crash, according to The Aviationist. However, Air Force spokeswoman Capt. Hope Cronin said in an email to that no one was injured and that the meteor didn’t affect or harm any activity at the base. Fireball, Greenland, Military Base, Thule Air Base, U.S. Air Force, NASA

3. Russia launches new attack submarine – and it will be ‘INVISIBLE’ to the West

RUSSIA has launched a new attack submarine which is virtually “invisible” to rivals amid rising tensions between Vladimir Putin and the West.

Published 20th September 2018


Only a small part of Clairvoyant predictions for :

Vladimir Putin (President of Russia) – The troops in Syria, regrouping of the army in Russia and on the borders , Elections in Russia. New Great War – against who? Business; Contracts; Explosions of banks ; A change of the political power in Germany; Court? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions December 13, 2017, 10 am. – By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo : December 11, 2017. Time – after the photo.

…….September 2018 – new world contracts – (Media Confirmation 1).Russia tolerate damages by war in the air. There is regrouping and rethinking of (military) actions – (Media Confirmation 2).

October 2018 -….

Media Confirmation:

1. Russia Blames Israel For Plane Shot Down By Syria – September 18, 2018

2. Russia and Turkey Announce Demilitarized Zone in Last Rebel-Held Part of Syria –

#contracts #MiddleEuphratesRiverValley #SyrianObservatoryforHumanRightsmonitoringgroup #ThetroopsinSyria #health #Thenationalistswin #business #SecretaryofStateMikePompeosnewenvoyforSyriaengagement #anopponentofPresidentDonaldTrump #USA #AsSusah #ProblemswithSpacefuel #DOJattorney #Iraq #thedecisionofTrump #moreelectricity #Golanheights #NewGreatWar #newnation #Trumps2016campaign #Problemswithclashes #ClairvoyantHouseDimitrinkaStaikovaanddaughtersStoyankaandIvelinaStaikova #psychicnews #DeirEzzor #VladimirPutin #reconnaissanceplane #Jordan #PeterStrzok #amazon #oneofthewealthiestandmostpowerfuloligarchs #crowdfunding #TahrirAlSham #Turkeybackedfighters #WhiteHousechiefstrategist #Newlife #ElectionsinRussia #onlinedonors #Cohensguiltyplea #Clintonloyalist #personaldamages #StoyankaStaikova #antiTrumptextmessages #IlyushinIl20M90924 #Washington #Israelsarmedforces #NorthAmerica #putin #federalprosecutors #Republicancandidates #JerusalemasCapitalofIsrael #MinisterofDefenceofRussia #hostilities #JacobRothschild #israel #Israelifighterjet #thepresidencyofTrump #Lavrov #Syria #failedbusinessof5europeanenergycompanies #Hereditaryguardianofsecrets #thehardness #Badhealthcondition #financialfraud #ChiefFinancialOfficer #AchangeofthepoliticalpowerinGermany #IvankaTrump #Predictions #Newpeople #psychic #thegenericalcode #Trumpallies #war #criminalcharges #DonaldTrumpJr #Russianmilitaryaircraft #campaignfinanceviolation #clairvoyant #Syrianantiaircraftbatteries #SDFfighters #FormerFBIDirectorJamesComey #JudiciaryandOversightandGovernmentReform #jackdorsey #2018campaign #Stepbystep #Varna #Russia #Tehran #JimJeffrey #ZiyaMammadovandAnarMammadov #hottestnewspredictions #DaughterandAdviserofPresidentDonaldTrump #Trumpsleadership #surveillanceplane #Iranianfighters #NATOinoffensive #Syrianopposition #PartnersofTrumpinAzerbaijan #ISbastion #humanitariancorridors #TheBusinessofTrump #IsraeliF16 #theWorld #NATO #Russianmeddling #GreatBritain #HillaryClintonemailinvestigation #clairvoyantpredictions #Energycorridors #RussiabackedSyrianmilitaryoperation #MalteseOrder #proAssadforces #caliphate #SecretaryGeneral #2018campaigning #ownerofanewland #personalities #Problems #offensive #HouseCommittees #Theintegrity #Battlebetweenrussiansandamericans #SyriasIdlib #Republicancampaign #Russianmilitaryspokesman #DimitrinkaStaikova #SyrianDemocraticForces #judicialproblems #TahrirAlShamalliance #SaudiArabia #RobertMuellersspecialcounsel #IgorKonashenkov #DonaldTrump #SyriaIraqborder #Europe #SergeiShoigu #Policy #AhmedAboulGheit #JensStoltenberg #Egypt #2018midterms #ForeignMinisterMevlütÇavuşoğlu #December2017 #Israelipilots #RogerStone #financialhelp #Problem #iran #Trumpcampaign #ceasefirezones #BenjaminNetanyahu #theNorthAtlanticTreatyOrganization #UNspecialenvoyforSyria #PresidentTayyipErdogan #anallergyfrommicrophonesintheear #ebook #Russiasdefenceminister #TRACECA #terrorism #airstrikes #Portents #Daesh #theeastbankoftheEuphratesRiver #ppositionheldIdlib #SyrianPresidentBasharalAssad #Gold #AnarMammadov #ZiyaMammadov #thepressureoftheEarth #RussianDefenceMinistry #AbusinessinAfrica #ACoupinAzerbaijan #AllenWeisselberg #Idlib #fearsTheprofit #TheTrumpTowerBaku #Rothschild #Clairvoyants #Trumpsformerattorney #SecretaryGeneraloftheArabLeague #Ankara #HussainSajwaniUAE #Assad #Parallelworld #lawyersfees #politicalattack #chemicalweapons #reborn #ceasefireinIdlib #4thBaronRothschild #UNSyriaenvoyStaffandeMistura #jihadists #problemswithhealth #SouthAmerica #TheCEOofTwitter #formerDeputyDirectoroftheFBIAndrewMcCabe #electorate #moscow #Russiabackedregimeforces #Paperbackbook #formertransportationministerofAzerbaijan #Brussels #KingswithoutBorders #Trumpinvestigation #S200rocket #Partners #profitsbymineralsintheSpace #NationalRepublicanCongressionalCommittee #theChurch #RussianForeignMinisterSergeiLavrov #Idlibprovince #MichaelCohenTruthFund #guiltyplea #StormyDaniels #Internalwar #enemiesjews #demilitarizedzone #TrumpsJerusalemannouncement #Court #Alawsuit #IvelinaStaikova #PopeFrancis #NewChurch #money #Trumpopponents #theArctic #TechCorporation #Assadregime #Syrianwar #SergeyShoygu #LatakiaProvince #Russianministry #MichaelCohen #TheTrumpOrganization #kremlin #ZiyaandAnarMammadovAzerbaijan #theDepartmentofJustice #Syriadiplomaticteam #internalJusticeDepartmentreport #SteveBannon #PresidentTrump #airandgroundattack #psychicpredictions #militarydefeats #japan #financialcrimes #theArabLeague #FBIofficials #thehealthofDonaldTrump #specialenvoyforSyriaJoelRayburn #seniorWhiteHouseofficials #Bulgaria #RepublicansagainstDemocrats #Hezbollah #France #reductionofbusinesspersonnel #Conqueringwars #Senateraces #Explosionsofbanks #USbackedSDF #MatthewFCalamari #TheSyrianregime #Russianmilitaryplane #opencontractswithRussia #Syrianforces #Hmeimimairbase #theformerattorneytoPresidentDonaldTrump #JerusalemMayorNirBarkat #USSenaterace #Latakia #wreckage #MidtermElection2018 #militarycoup #formerFBIagentPeterStrzok #oppositionbastion #Trump #2016PresidentialElection #humanitariancatastrophe #PresidentDonaldTrump #year2018 #Year2018NATO #Syriasbeleagueredrebels #Republicans #WhiteHousechiefstrategistSteveBannon #Trumpassociates #Turkey #onthewrongsideofthelaw #theUnitedKingdom #extremists #Syrianmissiles #coveragainstmissiles #Africa #Damascus #contributionsforNATO #PresidentofUSA #year2019 #StaffandeMistura #JaishAlEzzainsurgentgroup #rebelfighters #terroristorganizations #PrinceAlwaleedBinTallalAlSaud #when #Balkancountries #Britishinvestmentbanker #ejectedfromPresidentDonaldTrumpsorbit #palestine #legalfees #IsraeliPrimeMinister #Adiscovery #Syrianantiaircraftdefences #Russianbackedoffensive #Germany #formercampaignaideMichaelCaputo #RussianPresidentVladimirPutin #CapitolHill #civilians #Syriancrisis #Israelsambassador #TheMayorofJerusalem #regroupingofthearmyinRussia #PrinceMohammedBinSalmanAlSaud #chlorinegas #Hamaregion #PresidentofRussia #chemicalattack #militaryactionsinAfrica #CFO


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