Media Confirmation : Vice-Admiral Kostyukov appointed as chief of Russia’s military intelligence – December 10,2018 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Clairvoyant prediction published November 22, 2018 –
DEPUTY GRU Chief Vice Adm. Igor Kostyukov – diseases – where is the cause ? A choice for the next GRU Chief – who will be? How the deceased Chief of the Russian GRU General Colonel Igor Korobov got sick ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about year 2019 for the health and the job of Igor Kostyukov – November 22, 2018, 11 am – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
You can read the whole Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions which is for sale, in addition to Our Clairvoyant Predictions for Libya :
Photo: November 2, 2018. Time – after the photo.
From the left: Russian President Vladimir Putin, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Head of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia and First Deputy Defense Minister Valery Gerasimov, and Deputy GRU chief, Vice Adm. Igor Kostyukov walk to attend a meeting marking the centenary of Russia’s military intelligence, GRU in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Nov. 2, 2018 . Putin hailed the agency, saying that he highly appreciates intelligence information and analytics it provides. (Alexei Druzhinin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) (AP)
Igor Kostyukov ‘s health : At November 2, 2018 he was sick – sick throat, inflammation of the left ear, pain at the joints – left shoulder, left palm, pain and inflammation on the back of the neck and in the part of the head – at right, pain and inflammation at the spine and the both kidneys, inflammation in the muscles on the back at right, a slight pain at the right knee. Above the right knee I see bigger scars, above the left knee – there is a smaller scar.
The inflammation in the kidneys must be treated – I see an increase of the mass there. Now -he is raising a high blood pressure. I see a bruise at the pelvic region. So far in the time – he has problems with his vision and the pressure in his eyes (the both eyes). Everything in his life is passing through his soul (he is sensitive). At November 2,2018 he had a pain in his heart (a constriction of the left part), a constriction in the Duodenum, I see problems with the mucosa of the stomach (the right side), a constriction in the bile, weak blood irrigation of the liver. And the both lungs in the moment are reacting to a Flu. What is more serious and there is a forthcoming surgery for him is about the removing of a part (the right part) of……….
…..I see under his leadership two organizations. It is forthcoming for him at first to subordinate to itself the management of GRU – it happens on stages. Then follows the uniting with a powerful energy company and he is staying as a chief behind Vladimir Putin. There are three more people, at lower positions, that remain in the history. After the death of the GRU Chief (General Colonel Igor Korobov) – a woman is showing three proposals about GRU Chief (men), and they will drop out later.
There is a forthcoming proposal by Putin with six candidates – by two offices – three people each and the conclusion of three contracts. Then follows an explosion of one of the candidates while he is driving a car. Then, there is nerves and a reduction of the candidates to four people. At the end will remain two, the first one is crossed out…..
You can read the rest of that Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions which is for sale in addition to Our Clairvoyant Predictions for Libya :
Media Confirmation:
Vice-Admiral Kostyukov appointed as chief of Russia’s military intelligence — source
December 10, 11:43UTC+3
A source says vice-Admiral Igor Kostyukov has been appointed as the head of the main intelligence directorate (GRU) of Russia’s General Staff
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