MEDIA CONFIRMATION of : “Ukrainian State Emergency Service Refutes Reports About Radiation Release At Rivne NPP” – Sept 23, 2020 and “Ukraine’s Army, NATO soldiers exercise in Khmelnytsky region” – Sept24, 2020 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook Published Dec 4, 2018 :
Ukraine – Russia provocations, War, Gas pipelines, Conquering of territories . Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Petro Poroshenko, Oleksandr Turchinov, Jens Stoltenberg (NATO), the leaders of Crimea and Donetsk, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump at G20 Summit 2018
By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova Published : December 4, 2018

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Only a small part of clairvoyant reading about :
Jens Stoltenberg (Secretary General of NATO) – The present and the future of Ukraine, Intervention, Blockade, A withdrawal – hunger and war, A nuclear explosion, An intervention again, Contract with Russia – Who wins in Ukraine? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 27, 2019 by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
Photo : November 26, 2018. Time – after the photo.
…….There is a forthcoming quick entering of NATO armies in Ukraine and quick leaving out of Ukraine and staying aside as a guard. Why they are leaving Ukraine so quick ?
– I see a heavy irradiation. NATO will give their moral support for a future military actions. The conversations and events in the near future will happen in Ukraine. The apple of discord will be the Nuclear Power Plant, the nuclear fuel which is under the power plant and the future military actions around and inside the Nuclear Power Plant.
I see a big cloud, like a mushroom, above the nuclear power plant – as a nuclear mushroom. This is what frightens Jens Stoltenberg very much.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)
This is what is making them (NATO) move far away from Ukraine – the first time. But, although they are scared – they will return again in Ukraine – in the future. (MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)
NATO will participate in two fronts – Donbass and Crimea, they will surround the whole region with eavesdropping and capturing of sound signals……
Ukrainian State Emergency Service Refutes Reports About Radiation Release At Rivne NPP – September 23, 2020
KIEV (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 23rd September, 2020) The State Emergency Service of Ukraine refuted on Wednesday the information about a radiation release at the Rivne nuclear power plant (NPP), saying that the plant is operating in normally.Earlier in the day, Ukrainian media reported, citing the Varash city council, that the radiation burst was registered at the Rivne NPP.
Ukraine’s Army, NATO soldiers exercise in Khmelnytsky region – September 24, 2020
#theVerkhovnaRada #MinskAgreement #VladimirPutin #SergeyAksyonov #Ukraniannavyvessels #FSBsecurityservice #Crimeanpeninsula #Russianaggression #GermanchancellorAngelaMerkel #Crimea #Luhansk #RussianaggressionagainsttheUkraine #SeaofAzov #UkrainianPresident #OleksandrTurchynov #conflict #Ukrainian #Russia #Ukraineleader #NATOdefenceministerialmeeting #NATO #SecretaryoftheNationalSecurityandDefenseCouncilofUkraine #Georgia #incidentintheBlackSea #DonaldTrump #UkrainianForeignMinisterPavloKlimkin #easternukraine #RussianUkrainianborder #Lefortovojail #Ukraine #electionsinUkraine #seniorWhiteHouseofficial #Russianborderpatrol #Russianpresident #G20leaders #NATOheadquarters #AzovSea #DenisPushilin #NATOsecretarygeneral #theRussianFederation #moscow #theEuropeanCourtofHumanRights #Brussels #Donetsk #USdelegation #RepublicofCrimea #presidentialelection #theGenevaConvention #Ukrainians #petroporoshenko #kremlin #TatyanaPotyaeva #martiallaw #WorldTradeOrganisation #DonetskPeoplesRepublic #InvestigativeCommittee #G20 #G20summitinArgentina #TrumpandXiJinpingofChina #KerchStrait #portofOdesa #UkrainianPresidentPetroPoroshenko #Aggression #Russianbackedrebels #Ukrainiansailors #tradewar #PresidentDonaldTrumpandRussianPresidentVladimirPutin #BuenosAires #BlackSea #Kiev #Ukrainianports #NorthAtlanticCouncil #theNormandyformat #RussianPresidentVladimirPutin #portofMariupol #WhiteHouse