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MEDIA CONFIRMATION of  : “#Trump wanted to fire #DefenseSecretary #MarkEsper” and “#Trump Surprises


MEDIA CONFIRMATION of  :  “Trump wanted to fire Defense Secretary Mark Esper” and “Trump Surprises Germany With Plan to Withdraw 9,500 U.S. Troops” – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her  book Published December 20, 2019 :

The Devil and 2020 Election in USA – Psychic predictions to : The Devil and Demons, The Director of CIA and FBI, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, NATO Secretary General, Russia`s Foreign Minister, The Chief of the Pentagon, Michael Bloomberg…

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova , Ivelina Staikova Published : December 20, 2019



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Only a Small Part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions  for :

Mark Esper (US Defense Secretary , Pentagon Chief ) – Clairvoyant \ Psychic predictions December 14 , 2019 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.

Photo: December 13 , 2019 Time – after the photo

……May 2020 – I see successes, and after them – there is already a new woman staying beside him who will become a wife later.

June 2020 is a quick month – there are many travels and quick decisions of contracts and withdrawals. (MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)

He will feel a threat about his work position (in the future, it is a threat for a shuffle). (MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)

July 2020 – Despite Mark Esper is….




Trump Surprises Germany With Plan to Withdraw 9,500 U.S. Troops – June 6, 2020



The Wall Street Journal

Trump wanted to fire Defense Secretary Mark Esper after Esper rejected use of active-duty military to quell protest wave – June 9, 2020


Related Posts and Media Confirmations  :

●New – MEDIA CONFIRMATION of ” #Duma approves #MikhailMishustin as new #Russian PM” – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova – “…February and March 2020 is see cardinal changes in the higher governance and in the Russian administration…”  – in her Book published December 20, 2019 :  The Devil and 2020 Election in USA – Psychic predictions… ● Book with Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions of : The Devil and 2020 Election in USA , U.S. Army Gen. Mark A.Milley , Gina Haspel (Director of CIA), Christopher Wray (Director of FBI) , Jens Stoltenberg (NATO Secretary General), Sergey Lavrov (Russia`s Foreign Minister), Mark Esper (US Defense Secretary), Michael Bloomberg ( Democratic Presidential Candidate ), The Devil and the Demons from the Devil`s Bible ( used material Codex Gigas ) , The Demons : Asmodeus, Azazel, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Belial, Mastema, Lilith, Samael , Joe Biden (2020 Candidate for U.S. President) , Bernie Sanders ( US Senator ) – Bernie Sanders 2020 Presidential campaign , Elizabeth Warren ( U.S. Senator from Massachusetts and Democratic candidate for president in 2020 Elections ) , Cory Booker ( U.S.Senator from New Jersey and Presidential candidate for U.S. Election 2020 ) , Pete Buttigieg (Mayor of South Bend, Indiana , 2020 Presidential Candidate), Julian Castro ( 2020 Presidential Candidate )

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