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MEDIA CONFIRMATION OF : “…the #life remains on the backstage” in #Trump2020 #campaign  – seen throug


MEDIA CONFIRMATION OF : “…the life remains on the backstage” in Trump 2020 campaign  – seen through the eyes of Brad Parscale (Trump 2020 Campaign Manager) – predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her NEW EBOOK published March 24, 2020 :

Detailed internal information about the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders. The Hidden Truth about the Coronavirus . Hottest News Predictions about the future of the world – ApocalypseClairvoyant/Psychic predictions to : Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Recep Erdogan, Bernie Sanders and his Campaign Manager US Election 2020, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and his Trump 2020 campaign manager, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, James Gorman (Morgan Stanley Bank), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director – General of the World Health Organization – WHO) , Dr.Erica Bickerton ( Pirbright Institute , Group Leader of the Coronavirus group , Coronavirus Patent owner ), Center for disease and control ( CDC )

By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova Published March 24, 2020

Language – English Type of File – PDF file Published – March 24, 2020 World Count – 16288 Number of pages – 37


Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for :

Brad Parscale (Trump 2020 Campaign Manager) – Fears, Trump 2020 Campaign, War, Money, Coronavirus. Everything about him, when is the decisive moment and how he remains in the game ? – Clairvoyant /Psychic predictions March 14, 2020 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.

Photo : February 21, 2020. Time – after the photo

….April and part of May 2020 – I see a briefcase before Trump and an order for launch of rockets and dropping of bombs. I see creation of a war. Then comes a lull – an Election battle and patriotism again.

In Trump 2020 campaign the emphasis is to patriotism, nationalism, war and money – the life remains on the backstage….(MEDIA CONFIRMATION)


Trump order shows lack of concern for human life – May 27,2020


Trump Is Out for Blood with His Tweet Pledging to “Start Shooting” at Minneapolis Uprising – May 28, 2020



Center for #disease and control ( #CDC ) – Through the eyes of Director #RobertRedfield – Clairvoyant /Psychic Predictions March 22 , 2020 : In what part of #USA there will be no #Coronavirus ? The distribution of #COVID19 in USA. What #mutation of the Coronavirus ( in what ) is passing ? How does the treatment and the research look like ? The future now and….. After five years they will find it from DNA of old bones – the animal looks like a small dinosaur with parts of wings , bigger head , more poison and more dangerous – it has existed for a short time. His heads are growing up after cutting – encrypted bloodsucker , vampire. The DNA will have a connection with cuttlefish , and the next connection is a man – this is the new. Year 2028 – 2030 – there will be results in the discover of a new type of man…. – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.

#Moscowmeeting #researcher #chronicrespiratorydisease #drycough #humanitariancrisis #Apocalypse #shortnessofbreath #SARSCoV2 #DNAsamples #DrAnthonyFauci #clinicaltrial #VladimirPutin #Turkishtroops #TurkishGreekborder #diarrhoea #diabetes #respiratoryillness #RussiascampaigninSyria #Erdogan #respiratoryinfections #FaizShakir #putin #BarackObama #RecepTayyipErdogan #pneumonia #Crisis #MorganStanleyBank #syrianarmy #treatment #DirectorGeneralTedrosAdhanomGhebreyesus #WHOsemergingdiseasesandzoonosesunit #vaccine #CoronavirusPandemic #Sochideal #Centerfordiseaseandcontrol #DrEricaBickerton #war #lungcell #JoeBiden #clairvoyant #illness #Syriangovernment #formerPresidentoftheUSA #CDC #infectiousdisease #pandemic #Russia #russianmilitary #SouthKorea #Death #Election2020 #coronavirusoutbreak #COVID19virus #China #BernieSanders #NATO #PirbrightInstitute #theNationalInstituteofAllergyandInfectiousDiseases #WorldHealthOrganization #TedrosAdhanomGhebreyesus #M4highway #opposition #Trump2020CampaignManager #Turkishforces #MariaVanKerkhove #malaria #IgorKonashenkov #coronavirus #DonaldTrump #TurkishSyrianBorder #viralproteins #runnynose #iran #Idlibcrisis #cardiovasculardisease #refugees #securecorridor #SyrianPresidentBasharalAssad #WHOsheadquartersinGeneva #Idlib #Russianpresident #humancellularproteins #hospital #DirectorRobertRedfield #TheUnitedStates #campaignmanager #Ankara #tiredness #virus #Olderpeople #CoronavirusPatent #thePasteurInstituteinParis #infection #TomPerez #cancer #DemocraticUSPresidentialcandidate #medicine #Coronavirusdisease #disease #MuslimBrotherhood #chiefexecutiveofficer #WHO #theWorldHealthOrganization #Syrianoffensive #Singapore #Idlibceasefire #Italy #symptom #foreignpolicy #sigma1receptor #BradParscale #COVID19 #TurkishPresidentRecepTayyipErdogan #pains #PresidentTrump #psychicpredictions #bacteria #nausea #fever #sorethroat #WHOofficials #Warfooting #TheWhiteHouse #JamesGorman #chloroquine #MiddleEast #Coronavirusgroup #GroupLeader #medicalproblems #Turkey #Turkishpresident #drug #DirectorGeneral #PresidentofUSA #healthcrisis #laboratory #Owner #theDemocraticNationalCommittee #SenatorBernieSanders #Healthproblems #migrationcrisis #USElection2020 #aches #GovAndrewMCuomoofNewYork


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