Media Confirmation of : “Sunlight destroys coronavirus quickly, say US scientists” April 23, 2020 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova April 2020 in her NEW EBOOK published March 24, 2020 : Detailed internal information about the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders. The Hidden Truth about the Coronavirus . Hottest News Predictions about the future of the world – ApocalypseClairvoyant/Psychic predictions to : Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Recep Erdogan, Bernie Sanders and his Campaign Manager US Election 2020, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and his Trump 2020 campaign manager, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, James Gorman (Morgan Stanley Bank), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director – General of the World Health Organization – WHO) , Dr.Erica Bickerton ( Pirbright Institute , Group Leader of the Coronavirus group , Coronavirus Patent owner ), Center for disease and control ( CDC )
By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova Published March 24, 2020 2020 © Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Language – English Type of File – PDF file Published – March 24, 2020 World Count – 16288 Number of pages – 37
Order this Ebook today, Donate with PayPal – 50 GBP and You will receive the PDF file in the next 24 hours with Email delivery + A Gift from Us : the Ebook – WHO WILL WIN U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2020 ? Republicans vs Democrats – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Trump’s 2020 Presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke , Kirsten Gillibrand , Elizabeth Warren ,Kamala Harris , Cory Booker, Julian Castro….Part 1by Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova - Published March 31, 2019

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Director – General of the World Health Organization – WHO) – Through his eyes : Types of Coronavirus, attempts for treatment. Preparation for the merger of two worlds. Detailed Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about the expecting and ariving of an alien gene – Clairvoyant /Psychic predictions March 19, 2020 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.
In addition : Clairvoyant reading to Tedros Adhanom ( Director General of the World Health Organization – WHO ) – March 19 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova
He has pain at the spine and the chest , he feels pain when he is moving the lower part of his body. I see two people staying behind his back – the one of them is visible , the other is hidden. It is like he is trying to burry ( close ) his problems underground. He is seeing a connection of the Coronavirus with Russia . He is seeing also problems with the brain activity and the brain cortex caused by the virus. I see a council of three people – hidden and non – famous and they decide what will happen in the world – they define the actions of the world governments for the fighting with Coronavirus – they arecausing protests and riots with a purpose – the people to uprise. I see a contamination through the air , on the wind , with the rain – the virus is falling on the ground and sinking there – on layers. I see the earth surface covered with a thick layer of Coronavirus.
April 2020 – the sun will help for decreasing of the contagion – I see the more intense sun beams reaching to the upper layer of a certain points of the Earth – in the more sunny part of the planet theviruses will start to burn and the contagion is decreasing , at the coldest parts – the people will still be closed.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION) May 2020 – I see many militaries directed to West. The people will be subject to forced blood tests and experiments. June 2020 – I see darkness. There will be people who are rioting , and people who are hiding. There will be more refugees all over the world – I see people hiding in ships and running away with them. July 2020 – I see a launch of many rockets from a sea to the Space.
Sunlight destroys coronavirus quickly, say US scientists – April 24, 2020
######### Killing coronavirus: Summer sun and heat may have ‘powerful’ effect, says DHS officialThe virus could die within one or two minutes, the official said – April 23, 2020
#health #researcher #chronicrespiratorydisease #drycough #medicalprotectivesupplies #shortnessofbreath #coronaviruscrisis #SARSCoV2 #DrAnthonyFauci #clinicaltrial #healthadviser #Nikkei225index #heartdisease #TrumpAdministration #symptoms #Reform #diarrhoea #healthconditions #diabetes #respiratoryillness #publichealthagency #Washington #respiratoryinfections #pneumonia #Crisis #facemask #treatment #DirectorGeneralTedrosAdhanomGhebreyesus #WHOsemergingdiseasesandzoonosesunit #vaccine #SARS #lungcell #illness #coronavirustesting #infectiousdisease #HouseCommittee #acuterespiratorysyndrome #pandemic #respiratorysymptoms #WHOmission #Zika #SouthKorea #Death #hospitalisation #coronavirusoutbreak #COVID19virus #hearing #China #theNationalInstituteofAllergyandInfectiousDiseases #WorldHealthOrganization #epidemic #healthcareprovider #DimitrinkaStaikova #MariaVanKerkhove #malaria #coronavirus #Europe #influenza #thecoronavirus #viralproteins #biomedicalresearch #coronavirusinfection #runnynose #iran #cardiovasculardisease #riskfactors #WHOsheadquartersinGeneva #FederalEmergencyManagementAgency #humancellularproteins #hospital #DirectoroftheCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention #theCDCdirector #CentresforDiseaseControlandPrevention #TheUnitedStates #tiredness #virus #Olderpeople #thePasteurInstituteinParis #infectiouspathogens #infection #outbreak #CDC #cancer #medicine #H1N1flu #chestXray #healthdata #Coronavirusdisease #disease #theMiddleEast #Asia #WHO #theWorldHealthOrganization #Daegu #SouthKoreasCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention #thedirectoroftheCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention #facemasks #Singapore #Italy #symptom #socialdistancing #sigma1receptor #UShealthsystem #Oversight #infectiousperson #COVID19 #WHO #pains #PresidentTrump #bacteria #nausea #fever #chroniclungdisease #quarantine #asymptomatic #sorethroat #WHOofficials #thedirector #DiamondPrincess #TheWhiteHouse #CoronavirusLiveUpdates #chloroquine #cough #highbloodpressure #UScoronaviruscases #medicalproblems #TheChineseCentreforDiseaseControlandPrevention #Shanghai #MiddleEastrespiratorysyndrome #PatientZ #theCDC #patients #DrRobertRedfield #drug #epidemiologist #handwashing #healthcrisis #laboratory #USpatients #Ebola #Healthproblems #aches #WhiteHouse #patient #contagion #Healthauthorities #infectiousdiseases #GovAndrewMCuomoofNewYork #ICUadmissions