Media Confirmation of : ‘November and December 2019 are beginning the problems with Ireland…’, ‘Brexit will be partial. At this stage – Great Britain with the one foot is independent , and with the other foot it will be in the European Union…’,’There will be a problem also with the money Great Britain has…’, ‘There is a forthcoming equal partnership in the European Union in the team of a future president of the European Commission’ – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published January 26, 2019 :
Brexit, US Shutdown, Wars,Venezuela Coup, Norway Kidnappers, Middle East 2019. Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions for : Iran, Lebanon, Syria – Bashar Assad, Recep Erdogan – Turkey, Huawei, Israel Defense Forces, Theresa May ,Corbyn, Farage, Nancy Pelosi
Author : Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova
Published : January 26, 2019
Buy the Whole Ebook only from the Author – Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova on web site :
In the Ebook and Paperback book published in Amazon are not published the clairvoyant/psychic predictions about : Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran), Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey),Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to one of the kidnappers of the wife of Norwegian billionaire – Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen – January 19, 2019 ,Nigel Farage, Nicolas Maduro
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Buy the Paperback book from Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Shutdown-Venezuela-Kidnappers-Psychic-Predictions/dp/1795180412/
Theresa May (Prime Minister of Great Britain) – Brexit – “one spoon each hour”. Will it be allowed to Great Britain to vote for the European Union ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 18, 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.
photo: January 10, 2019. Time – after the photo
….November and December 2019 are beginning the problems with Ireland which will also affect the European Union – they all gather to solve the problems.(Media Confirmation 1)
Brexit will be partial. At this stage – Great Britain with the one foot is independent , and with the other foot it will be in the European Union using all the benefits. (Media Confirmation 2).
There will be a problem also with the money Great Britain has until now and with stopping of the future European earning.(Media Confirmation 3).
There is a forthcoming equal partnership in the European Union in the team of a future president of the European Commission (Media Confirmation 4)
and more distant plans for the conquering of the power in the European Union.
Media Confirmations :
Media Confirmation 1 – ‘Pathway’ to Brexit deal hits usual obstacles on the Irish border’ – October 14, 2019
Media Confirmation 2 – ‘From deal to delay: what happened with Brexit in October?’ – October 31, 2019
October 31: The last Brexit deadline arrives. Despite Boris Johnson’s previous repeated assertions that Brexit will happen on Halloween, “no ifs or buts”, “come what may”, “do or die”… the UK is still in the EU.
Media Confirmation 3 – ‘An unprecedented EU fight is coming over who will pay the UK’s share of the budget after Brexit’
Media Confirmation 4 – ‘Von der Leyen says she’ll ask UK for commissioner if Brexit is delayed’ Prospect of extension ‘looks very good,’ incoming European Commission chief says. – October 24, 2019
#TrumpCanceled #antiIslamfocus #EgyptsministerofInvestmentandInternationalCooperation #Brexitparty #stagnation #Maduro #Pelosisstrategy #UrsulavonderLeyen #HassanRouhani #LabourleaderJeremyCorbyn #pollution #politicalcrisis #Americantroops #defensesystem #JacobReesMogg #BorisJohnson #palestinian #Cairo #Labourleader #unifiedDemocraticcaucus #economiccrisis #CheopsPyramid #116thCongress #AbdelFattahAlSisi #Irishborder #Syriannuclearreactor #TrumpShutdown #IslamicJihad #Egyptseducationsystem #Venezuelanmilitaryhighcommand #WorldEconomicForuminDavos #GeneralAvivKochavi #Washington #EUdeparture #USdiplomaticstaff #Egyptiandistributors #Venezuelangenerals #Lebanon #businessenvironment #theMaduroregime #corruption #RecepTayyipErdogan #LeoVaradkar #Hebron #israel #militaryintelligence #Syria #theElectoralCommission #theIslamicRepublic #Conservatives #BorisJohnsonsgovernment #bankingsector #tEUschiefnegotiator #IranianinfrastructureinSyria #ShutdownStories #freetradeagreements #realdonaldtrump #FridayThoughts #presidentofVenezuela #UKcustomsarea #Ukipleader #PennsylvaniaAvenue #NancyPelosi #Hamas #theHouseofRepresentatives #coupdetat #SpeakerPelosi #federalworkers #Russia #Tehran #theNationalCrimeAgency #NancyPelosi #theEuropeanCommission #Israeliterritory #Iranians #localelectionsacrossEngland #China #longrangerocket #SaadHariri #PresidentofVenezuelaNicolasMaduro #HugoChávez #industrialhubs #theHouseofCommons #USsanctions #fiscalconsolidation #IRGCcommander #EgyptianPresidentAbdelFattahalSisi #Iran #oppositionleader #theGazaStrip #Israelielections #IronDomemissiledefensesystem #Egyptianauthorities #MichelBarnier #WorldEconomicForum #EUcustomsunion #Pelosi #basharassad #Policy #PresidentofIran #Brexitextension #Egypt #congressionalDemocrats #missilebarrage #rogerstoneindictment #Trumpsborderwall #Brexittalks #PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu #Venezuelan #PrimeMinisterofLebanon #Britishpolitics #HouseSpeakerNancyPelosi #electionsinEngland #DamascusAirport #EndTheShutdown #StateoilcompanyPDVSA #mutiny #imperialistUnitedStatesgovernment #democracy #MiddleEasterncountries #TrumpCrimeFamily #regionalinsecurity #Brexit #Israeliairstrikes #Trumpsshutdown #UKparliament #shutdown #SpeakerNancyPelosi #terroristattacks #Brexitdelay #IDF #thearmedforces #HouseDemocraticmajority #headoftheparliament #GeneralVladimirPadrino #Britishparliament #RenZhengfei #IranianforcesinSyria #MinorityLeaderChuckSchumer #QassemSoleimani #commanderofIransRevolutionaryGuardCorpsQudsForce #IDFsgroundforces #Israelis #Brussels #theNationalAssemblyNigelFarage #MajGenresYitzhakBrik #AnneElisabethFalkevikHagen #HouseMinorityLeaderKevinMcCarthy #MrMaduro #Brexitdeal #presidentofTurkey #EgyptianPresident #coup #headoftheEuropeanparliament #ShutdownImpact #PresidentPelosi #GovernmentShutdown #USwithdrawalfromSyria #proBrexitparty #Madbouli #borderwallwithMexico #Democrats #MrGuaido #thedefenceminister #AntonioTajani #theConservativeparty #USChamber #longrangeheavymissiles #partyleaders #TheJewishstate #SenateMajorityLeaderMitchMcConnell #Caracas #EuropeanCommissionPresident #theCapitol #TheSpectatorIndex #Maduroloyalists #NorthernIreland #PresidentofHuaweitechnologies #TheLabourleader #BasharalAssad #theArabSpringrevolution #MassachusettsSenatorElizabethWarren #PresidentofSyria #IDFchiefofstaff #Hezbollah #Healthcare #PrimeMinisterMostafaMadbouli #TheWhiteHouse #putsch #Egyptians #regionalmarket #politician #NicolasMaduro #Ukip #GovernmentShutdown #Trump #Tory #USdiplomats #TrumpCaves #MiddleEast #Education #PresidentDonaldTrump #generalelection #DUP #Israelistrikes #Republicans #investors #militaryintervention #Turkey #Switzerland #Speaker #Crime #OperationHouseofCards #SaharNasr #shutdowncrisis #AlAttabamarket #bordersecuritysystem #IranianpresenceinSyria #EuropeanUnion #economicgrowth #Iraniantroops #Chavistas #labour #humancapital #TomHagen #monetarypolicies #JeremyCorbyn #mountHermon #LtGenAvivKochavi #JuanGuaido