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Media Confirmation of “NATO to Deter Russia in Black Sea With Heightened Surveillance, U.S. Sa

Media Confirmation of “NATO to Deter Russia in Black Sea With Heightened Surveillance, U.S. Says” April 3, 2019 – as predicted by  Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her  Ebook published December 4, 2019  :

Ukraine – Russia provocations,  War, Gas pipelines, Conquering of territories . Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions  for : Petro Poroshenko, Oleksandr Turchinov, Jens Stoltenberg (NATO), the leaders of Crimea and Donetsk, Vladimir Putin  and Donald Trump at G20 Summit 2018

By Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova 

Published : December 4, 2018

2018 Copyrights Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

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Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :

Jens Stoltenberg (Secretary General of NATO) – The present and the future of Ukraine, Intervention, Blockade, A withdrawal – hunger and war, A nuclear explosion, An intervention again, Contract with Russia – Who wins in Ukraine? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions November 27, 2019 by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

 Photo : November 26, 2018. Time – after the photo.

…..There is a forthcoming quick entering of NATO armies in Ukraine and quick leaving out of Ukraine and staying aside as a guard – (Media Confirmation 1).Why they are leaving Ukraine so quick ? – I see a heavy irradiation. NATO will give their moral support for a future military actions. The conversations and events in the near future will happen in Ukraine. The apple of discord will be the Nuclear Power Plant, the nuclear fuel which is under the power plant and the future military actions around and inside the Nuclear Power Plant. I see a big cloud, like a mushroom, above the nuclear power plant – as a nuclear mushroom. This is what frightens Jens Stoltenberg very much. This is what is making them (NATO) move far away from Ukraine – the first time. But, although they are scared – they will return again in Ukraine – in the future. NATO will participate in two fronts – Donbass and Crimea, they will surround the whole region with eavesdropping and capturing of sound signals – (Media Confirmation 2) They will experience unsuccess in their wishes and the Elections in Ukraine. After April 2019 begins their returning on their previous positions……

Media Confirmation 1 : 

UNIAN: Major NATO exercises start in Black Sea


Published April 5. Updated April 5 at 2:49 pm


Media Confirmation 2

NATO to Deter Russia in Black Sea With Heightened Surveillance, U.S. Says – April 3, 2019

The U.S. plans to offer a package to NATO defense ministers this week that “beefs up surveillance — both air surveillance as well as more of the NATO country ships going into the Black Sea” in support of Ukraine. “It is a package… to assure that there’s a safe passage for Ukrainian vessels through the Kerch Strait [to] the Sea of Azov,” said Kay Bailey Hutchison, the U.S. ambassador to NATO.

Ukraine, NATO will strengthen military presence in Black Sea – April 3, 2019

Ukraine and NATO will carry out joint actions to strengthen the military presence in the Black Sea region, as well as monitor freedom of navigation through the Kerch Strait, regardless of the opinion of the Russian Federation, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said. “NATO will not ask Russia what we can do together and what we should do in the Black Sea. We will just do it. No one will ask and say what is possible and what is not … No one will ask for in order to observe from the sea, from the air and space, to strengthen the military presence or exercises,” Klimkin said in Kyiv on April 5.


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