Media Confirmation of : “Leads on Dresden jewel heist suggest Arab clan involvement ” – December 13, 2019 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions Published November 26, 2019 :
Dresden Museum heist ( Priceless diamonds stolen ) – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions November 26 , 2019 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna. The jewelry doesn’t have a buyer – they will be for sale. Details about the thIeves – their movement + road + where are the diamonds and where they will be ( in what country ) + the future of the thieves + how do they look like and their soft spots – who are the bosses of the heist.
Three Clairvoyants are making clairvoyant readings and selling clairvoyant information. Price of the PDF file – 250 Euro ( no additional questions included in the price , if You want to ask additional questions – You must pay for additional clairvoyant reading – Price – 300 Euro).
Published Online in Our WordPress Blog on November 26, 2019 – https://dimitrinkastaikova.wordpress.com/2019/11/26/dresden-museum-heist-priceless-diamonds-stolen-clairvoyant-reading-psychic-predictions-november-26-2019-by-clairvoyant-house-dimitrinka-staikova-and-daughters-stoyanka-and-ivelina-staik/
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Inside the Dresden Museum the security system has been active , plugged in and working. In the moment of the beginning of the heist I see a man who watched (observed). Two thieves – the first one has a small nose ( slightly snub ) , brown hair ( under the ear ). In the ear he had a device for connection with the second thief , who has been at the end of the room and outside , with a possibility to observe , to give directions who were accepted through a device in the ear.
The second thief – I see a big nose , with slightly curves at the end of the nose, a protruding slightly ahead forehead , slightly elongated scull , slightly oval and protruding chin ( only the nose is making him ugly ). He has the characteristic features of Armenian or Egyptian , mixed with family who is living in the mountains.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION)
The first thief is smaller than the other and he has genes related with eastern race. He has supported appearance ( mainly the head ) . The territory of the Dresden Museum is separated on four parts. The heist is at the northeastern part. The entrance was from northeast. There is a remaining hair from the DNA of the first thief – close to the showcases where the heist is made. The point of the alarm at the southeastern corner has been activated. The second thief ( now I see the top of his hair is going bald ). He is warning and withdrawing in a straight line backwards and then at northeast. There are total 6 people thieves + their leader ( direction northeast from the museum ). Outside there are two cars waiting for them driving at North……..
Leads on Dresden jewel heist suggest Arab clan involvement – December 13, 2019
Investigators probing a sensational heist of antique jewellery from Dresden’s Green Vault Museum last month have in their sights Berlin-based criminal clans with an Arab background, a newspaper report said on Thursday.
#DresdensGrünesGewölbe #TheJewelRoomattheGreenVault #Jewellery #diamondsstolen #GrünesGewölbesJewelRoom #theDresdenGreenDiamond #GrünesGewölbe #BerlinerMorgenpost #burglary #MichaelKretschmer #treasures #collectionofjewellery #Europeslargesttreasurecollections #robbery #Residenzschloss #arttreasures #MarionAckermann #Dresdenmuseumheist #Dresdenstateartcollection #silver #thesecondworldwar #Germanpolice #Theft #Europe #Worldsbiggestheists #theheadofDresdenpolice #sapphire #Gold #museum #heist #CCTVfootage #directorofDresdensstateartcollections #theleaderofSaxony #surveillancecamera #museumsalarm #DresdensGreenVaultMuseum #antiquejewellery #GreenVault #theftexperts #diamonds #hydraulicspreadingtool #Thieves #TsarPeterIofRussia #artauctionhouse #HermannHistorica #Dresden #ivory #DresdensRoyalPalace #robbers #TheDutchartdetectiveArthurBrand #Burglars #pearl #AugustustheStrong #Germany #VolkerLange #investigators #theElectorofSaxony #DresdenGreenVaultrobbery #diamondjewellery