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​#MEDIA CONFIRMATION OF  :  #Explosion and a #Chemical rain in #Lebanon near water August 5, 2020 –


​MEDIA CONFIRMATION OF  :  Explosion and a Chemical rain in Lebanon near water August 5, 2020 – seen through the eyes of General Aviv Kochavi (Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces) – as predicted by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova in her Book published  January 26, 2019 :

New Ebook and Paperback book :

Brexit, US Shutdown, Wars,Venezuela Coup, Norway Kidnappers, Middle East 2019. Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions for : Iran, Lebanon, Syria – Bashar Assad, Recep Erdogan – Turkey, Huawei, Israel Defense Forces, Theresa May ,Corbyn, Farage, Nancy Pelosi

Author : Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova Published : January 26, 2019

In the Ebook and Paperback book published in Amazon are not published the clairvoyant/psychic predictions about : Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran), Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey),Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to one of the kidnappers of the wife of Norwegian billionaire – Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen – January 19, 2019 ,Nigel Farage, Nicolas Maduro



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​To Order Your Ebook with Western Union Online  – 1. Login in 2. Select  “Cash at Agent Location ” 3. Send the exact price of the Ebook – 50 GBP to : ● Receiver Name : First Name – Stoyanka , Second Name – Staikova ●Country  – Bulgaria ●City – Varna 4. You will receive by Western Union  a confirmation email with the Tracking Number  (MTCN); After You make the payment via Western Union, send us an email to  with the information  : ​1. The Name of the Ebook You have  ordered SENDER NAME (First and Last name) and MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number  – WESTERN Union’s payment tracking system). After We receive Your payment details  (SENDER NAME and MTCN) and the name of the Ordered Ebook – We will send You an email with the PDF file of the Ebook.


​General Aviv Kochavi (Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces) – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 17, 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo : January 15, 2019 . Time – after the photo


In addition – Clairvoyant reading to General Aviv Kochavi Jan.17, 2019 – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova

There are total four people who are deciding the military actions of Israel. There are plans for large scale attacks connected with the Golan Heights and an attempt for assault over a big Muslim leader, I see explosion. Their plans are related with water, they are angry – the Russians hinder them. I see a travel and meeting with Russians. Three rockets directed at East. A chemical rain. A chemical black fog…..(MEDIA CONFIRMATION)



Ammonium nitrate: what is the chemical blamed for blast in Lebanese capital? – August 5, 2020

The deadly explosion in Beirut has been blamed on thousands of tonnes of the chemical used in fertilisers and explosives

While the chemicals in the air should dissipate fairly quickly, lingering pollutants can cause problems later, for example if they acidify rain.“If you look at the smoke that came from the blast it’s this kind of blood red colour. That’s because of the nitrogen oxide air pollutants in it,” he said.

Israeli Chief of Staff accuses Iran of planting explosives in Golan Heights – August  10, 2020


Related Posts and Media Confirmations :

● Media Confirmation of  : ” Turkish military, rebels to cross Syrian border ‘shortly ” and and “Turkish presidency using senior figures, intelligence agents to divide opposition – CHP leader” – as predicted by  Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova ” -”  4. Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey) – Health – only strong spirit. Plans, stages of wars : Syria, Iraq, Kurds, Cyprus – provocations; ….Year 2019 – Erdogan is uniting the political authority and reconnaissance –  January 15, 2019″ – part of The Ebook : Brexit, US Shutdown, Wars,Venezuela Coup, Norway Kidnappers, Middle East 2019. Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions for : Iran, Lebanon, Syria – Bashar Assad, Recep Erdogan – Turkey, Huawei, Israel Defense Forces, Theresa May ,Corbyn, Farage, Nancy Pelosi

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