Media Confirmation of “Donald Trump visits hospital for unscheduled two-hour medical checkup “- November 17, 2019 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Book published October 5, 2017 :
World Predictions and Prophecies 2019 – 2020. Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about : the Impeachment of Trump, Saudi Aramco, Israel ,LUKOIL, Gazprom, Hassan Rouhani, Ursula von der Leyen, Mike Pompeo, Credit Suisse, the Vatican…
by Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Published October 5, 2019
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Donald Trump ( President of USA ) – Yes , this is Trump – the same health diagnosis as Hillary Clinton before a seizure , His health , Business , Lawsuit , Impeachment , 2020 Election – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions September 29 , 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna
Photo: September 24 , 2019
Time of the clairvoyant reading – after the photo
Donald Trump’s health:
At September 24 , 2019 I see an inflamed cold at the nose , disease problems in the both eyes. Except reduction of the vision , I see formations in the tear duct of the right eye filled with blood and a formation ( as cysts ) above the left eye – he will feel them as swelling. The throat at right is slightly inflamed. There is a swollen thyroid gland and well shaped cysts at left. The heart is ill , it will suffer in its lower part because of gases in the stomach. I see an inflammation of the bones – now – the bones of : the both arms , the pelvic area ( bilateral ) , his spine is bold in the beginning and in the end – it is very inflamed. From the inflammation the pain is going at the back of the head at left and the back of the muscles – at left. His right arm has tightened blood vessels – non treated by a passed stroke. The function of balance is very impaired – I see a strong inflammation of the tailbone – his health diagnosis is repeating the health diagnosis of Hillary Clinton before a seizure , but it is even worse. Except the playing of the blood pressure , because of the heart and pancreas the blood pressure is falling very low. Aside of his body under his clothes, I see a device which is giving him energy ( double ) , as two circles aside of the belly button. They are giving him a strong energy. I see inflamed urinary tract , left kidney , and problems in the blood and liver. He is feeling more pain at the right shoulder and the bone of the right arm. The reduction of his vision and the way he walks will show his physical condition. He often sighs when sitting. He is recovering. Donald Trump has power for governance. He is breathing difficult because of the sinus channels….
He doesn’t like when someone wants money from him. I see a strong wish for travel to Florida and a rest.
Now – October 2019 – he is worried by Canada, the centers for research there -medicines , Space projects. I see documents for business and the business participation of Trump – the documents are signed in Canada – International consortium with the participation of Jews. There is a forthcoming business war in Canada and a shift ( displacement ) of ( business ) layers that will be until the New year 2020 and it will burn more intense March 2020.
October 2019 – I see problems of Trump with the Federal reserve , Budget , Markets – shares. After the middle of the month is starting an energy war between ships of USA. October is the month of the fish and the problems with the fish ( vital ). It will be found a hole in an underwater cave and the first from that hole is leaving dead fish and hot water, and then the lava of an underwater volcano. There is a warning since September 2019 . At the end of October 2019 I see a theft – money that will be missing on paper ( in documents ). The Federal reserve and the Budget will be affected , they will search for a possibility about investments from rich people. A chasing ( persecution ) of the foreign business has begun – with legal actions and a demand for money. I see the searching of the way to Trump from the German business in USA.
November 2019 – For Donald Trump I see problems with rain , bad mood and a revenge. I see problems with the Intelligence and the military advisers around him. His heart will feel bad ( November 2 , 12 around 27 – year 2019 ) – a disease. At the end of November 2019 – money and contracts are poured out in his feet – he has everything except calmness. There is a beginning of investigation about Impeachment – the first document is November 2019 which is giving a start and investigation.Then I see problems in the head of Donald Trump – often headaches and medical tests. (MEDIA CONFIRMATION)…………….
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Media Confirmation :
Donald Trump visits hospital for unscheduled two-hour medical checkup – November 17, 2019
Saturday’s test came as House investigators on Capitol Hill were interviewing a White House budget official as part of the impeachment inquiry. Trump has insisted he did nothing wrong.
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By Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Published October 25, 2019
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