Media Confirmation of : ” Democrats face a split in their party” – November 2019 – as predicted by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” in their New books published March 31,2019 and November 23, 2019 :
WHO WILL WIN U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2020 ? Republicans vs Democrats – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Trump’s 2020 Presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders, Beto O’Rourke , Kirsten Gillibrand , Elizabeth Warren ,Kamala Harris , Cory Booker, Julian Castro….
Part 1
by Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Published March 31, 2019
Price – 50 GBP
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Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions about :
Kirsten Gillibrand ( U.S. Senator , Presidential candidate U.S. Election 2020 ) – Clairvoyant/ Psychic predictions March 24 , 2019 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.
Photo: March 21 , 2019 Time: after the photo
…..December 2019 – problems in the party ( Democrats ) – I see a split on two parts. (Media Confirmation)
Tom Perez (Chairman Democratic Party – USA) – Trump-Ukraine Scandal, the Notes of Jeffrey Epstein – When ? Tough operations and treatment. Who are the first candidates for US Election 2020 ? – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 28, 2019 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikovs” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
ttp://clairvoyant-dimitrinka-staikova.mystrikingly.com http://clairvoyantdimitrinkastaikova.weebly.com http://clairvoyant-dimitrinka-staikova.webnode.com
Photo : October 15, 2019. Time of the clairvoyant reading – after the photo.
In Addition : Clairvoyant reading to Tom Perez (Chairman of the US Democratic Party) – October 28, 2019 – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova
Photo : October 15, 2019. Time – after the photo.
…..November 2019 – Tom Perez is seeing mercenaries on a military mission.
The separation of the Democratic party on two parts (Media Confirmation) – it already has a leader and there is a big lawsuit which is in the base of the news.
December 2019….
Part of the Book :

2020 Election in USA. Trump-Ukraine Scandal, the Notes of Jeffrey Epstein – When ? Trump Impeachment – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : ISIS Leader, Democrats and the Future of USA 2019 – 2020 .World Predictions : Ukraine, Lukoil and Gazprom, China, Iran, Israel… Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova Published November 23, 2019
BUY THE PAPERBACK BOOK FROM AMAZON https://www.amazon.com/dp/1710840943/
BUY the Ebook from our web stores :
http://clairvoyant-dimitrinka-staikova.mystrikingly.com http://clairvoyantdimitrinkastaikova.weebly.com http://clairvoyant-dimitrinka-staikova.webnode.com
Media Confirmation :
Varney: Democrats face a split in their party and the chasm is widening – November 11, 2019
Just one year ago, Democrats had re-taken the House of Representatives.Now, FOX Business’ Stuart Varney said they are “at each other’s throats.”
Women Activists Form New Group Separate From RI Democratic Party After Dispute On Bylaws
November 19, 2019
#Electronics #ballisticmissiles #Toughoperations #militaryaidtoUkraine #Defenseindustry #GAZPROMManagementCommittee #health #thenewleaderofISIS #RussianOilCompany #Chairman #Arevenge #HassanRouhani #business #HunterBiden #USA #Photo #Rocketengines #impeachmentprobe #Wars #lawsuit #RhodeIslandDemocraticParty #NegotiationWar #Chief #Orbitallaunchvehicles #Whatwillhappen #Energywar #JeffreyEpstein #PresidentTrumpslawyerFormerNYCMayor #Trumpspersonallawyer #socialists #NorthernIran #Trumpimpeachment #Healthdiagnosis #PresidentialElection2020inUSA #energypolicy #Iranian #Epstein #Israelspoliticalparty #StoyankaStaikova #SenBernieSanders #WaragainsttheJews #Candidates #Unitingofterritories #rocketlaunch #Gazprom #Burisma #AlexanderDegtyarev #MetalsfortheSpaceIndustry #VAGITALEKPEROV #israel #President #treatment #designer #Aerospaceindustry #AlienSpaceobject #YuzhnoyeSDO #Minerals #2020Alabamapresidentialprimary #JoeBidenandhissonHuntersdealingsinUkraine #illegallobbying #JoeBiden #clairvoyant #Whatwillhappeninthefuture #theWarinLibya #Jeffrey #asplitofearth #theHouseofRepresentatives #BennyGantz #Death #rockets #China #USdiplomats #USambassadortoUkraine #MultimillionaireFinancier #Satelliteimage #failed #new #LunarLanderHopper #AlexeyMiller #PresidentZelenskiy #energy #underinvestigation #spacecraft #Problems #PresidentofChina #DimitrinkaStaikova #changes #DonaldTrump #Spaceflights #Germans #StateDepartmentofficials #PresidentofIran #FederalElectionCommission #caucus #leader #clairvoyantreading #TheSpace #ClairvoyantCalendar #iran #Ukraine #naturalgas #VictorShokin #formervicepresident #ThewarinUkraine #Democraticparty #aninsurancepolicy #Gold #Where #federalprosecutor #campaignfinanceviolations #dealofTrump #20192020 #YuzhnoyeDesignOffice #Ukrainiancorruptioninvestigation #theDarksideoftheMoon #2020election #TomPerez #theDemocraticParty #UkraineScandal #theHumanraceontheMoon #seizure #impeachmenthearings #NewHampshire #theMoon #Greenland #year2020 #IgorFruman #thebattleforUral #HongKong #coup #Battles #nuclearpolicy #Ural #theImamKhomeiniSpaceCenter #formerNewYorkCitymayor #VolodimirZelenskiy #Democrats #PresidentofUkraine #FullMoon #GoogleEarth #IvelinaStaikova #ДержавнеконструкторськебюроПівденне #OrbitalSciencesCorporation #money #HillaryClinton #Giuliani #XiJinpin #Giulianisassociates #OleksandrDehtiariov #AbuIbrahimalHasimialQurashi #TradeWarTruce #psychicpredictions #SecretaryPompeo #leading #2020ElectioninUSA #foreignpolicydealingsinUkraine #UkrainianoilcompanyBurisma #USAttorney #wishescometrue #TrumpUkraineScandal #Notes #TheWhiteHouse #time #2020race #Thefuture #Billionairebusinessman #worldpredictions #Trump #Lukoil #PresidentDonaldTrump #ElectoralCollege #satellites #SenElizabethWarren #Ukrainesformerprosecutorgeneral #Iowa #deposit #LevParnas #RudyGiuliani #light #formerNewYorkCityMayorMichaelBloomberg #PresidentofUSA #secretorder #YuzhnoyeStateDesignOffice #year2019 #Houseimpeachmentinvestigator #Bloomberg #theOvalOffice #when #OilandGas #BlueandWhite #spaceindustry #theBidenfamily #theNotesofJeffreyEpstein #seaterritories #impeachmentinquiry #theDemocratParty #Impeachment #Yuzhmash #ISISleader #USElection2020 #Son #Tsyklonrocketfamily #investigationintoJoeBiden #Whatwillhappenwith #Products