Media Confirmation of : December 2019 – the western world will be occupied with #Iran – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her BOOK Published November 23, 2019 :
2020 Election in USA. Trump-Ukraine Scandal, the Notes of Jeffrey Epstein – When ? Trump Impeachment – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : ISIS Leader, Democrats and the Future of USA 2019 – 2020 .World Predictions : Ukraine, Lukoil and Gazprom, China, Iran, Israel…
Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
Published November 23, 2019
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Abu Ibrahim al-Hasimi al-Qurashi (the new leader of ISIS ) – Who is he ? Where is he ? And what are his plans for year 2019 – 2020 ? – the new leader of ISIS – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions November 1, 2019 (made without photo) – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikovs” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
Clairvoyant reading made without photo. Time – November 1, 2019.
……December 2019 – the western world will be occupied with Iran, (MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)
and ISIS will surround behind the soldiers against Iran – a concentration in Lebanon. There is a beginning of assassinations of Palestinians in Israel – December 2019 (MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2) .….
1. Pompeo hits out at Iran after deadly US strikes in Iraq and Syria
At least 25 fighters reported killed over revenge strike against Iran-backed Kata’ib Hezbollah
2. IDF defends intel for Gaza strike that killed 9 Palestinian civilians – December 24, 2019
#Electronics #ballisticmissiles #Toughoperations #militaryaidtoUkraine #Defenseindustry #GAZPROMManagementCommittee #health #thenewleaderofISIS #RussianOilCompany #Chairman #Arevenge #HassanRouhani #business #HunterBiden #USA #Photo #Rocketengines #impeachmentprobe #Wars #lawsuit #RhodeIslandDemocraticParty #NegotiationWar #Chief #Orbitallaunchvehicles #Whatwillhappen #Energywar #JeffreyEpstein #PresidentTrumpslawyerFormerNYCMayor #Trumpspersonallawyer #socialists #NorthernIran #Trumpimpeachment #Healthdiagnosis #PresidentialElection2020inUSA #energypolicy #Iranian #Epstein #Israelspoliticalparty #StoyankaStaikova #SenBernieSanders #WaragainsttheJews #Candidates #Unitingofterritories #rocketlaunch #Gazprom #Burisma #AlexanderDegtyarev #MetalsfortheSpaceIndustry #VAGITALEKPEROV #israel #President #treatment #designer #Aerospaceindustry #AlienSpaceobject #YuzhnoyeSDO #Minerals #2020Alabamapresidentialprimary #JoeBidenandhissonHuntersdealingsinUkraine #illegallobbying #JoeBiden #clairvoyant #Whatwillhappeninthefuture #theWarinLibya #Jeffrey #asplitofearth #theHouseofRepresentatives #BennyGantz #Death #rockets #China #USdiplomats #USambassadortoUkraine #MultimillionaireFinancier #Satelliteimage #failed #new #LunarLanderHopper #AlexeyMiller #PresidentZelenskiy #energy #underinvestigation #spacecraft #Problems #PresidentofChina #DimitrinkaStaikova #changes #DonaldTrump #Spaceflights #Germans #StateDepartmentofficials #PresidentofIran #FederalElectionCommission #caucus #leader #clairvoyantreading #TheSpace #ClairvoyantCalendar #iran #Ukraine #naturalgas #VictorShokin #formervicepresident #ThewarinUkraine #Democraticparty #aninsurancepolicy #Gold #Where #federalprosecutor #campaignfinanceviolations #dealofTrump #20192020 #YuzhnoyeDesignOffice #Ukrainiancorruptioninvestigation #theDarksideoftheMoon #2020election #TomPerez #theDemocraticParty #UkraineScandal #theHumanraceontheMoon #seizure #impeachmenthearings #NewHampshire #theMoon #Greenland #year2020 #IgorFruman #thebattleforUral #HongKong #coup #Battles #nuclearpolicy #Ural #theImamKhomeiniSpaceCenter #formerNewYorkCitymayor #VolodimirZelenskiy #Democrats #PresidentofUkraine #FullMoon #GoogleEarth #IvelinaStaikova #ДержавнеконструкторськебюроПівденне #OrbitalSciencesCorporation #money #HillaryClinton #Giuliani #XiJinpin #Giulianisassociates #OleksandrDehtiariov #AbuIbrahimalHasimialQurashi #TradeWarTruce #psychicpredictions #SecretaryPompeo #leading #2020ElectioninUSA #foreignpolicydealingsinUkraine #UkrainianoilcompanyBurisma #USAttorney #wishescometrue #TrumpUkraineScandal #Notes #TheWhiteHouse #time #2020race #Thefuture #Billionairebusinessman #worldpredictions #Trump #Lukoil #PresidentDonaldTrump #ElectoralCollege #satellites #SenElizabethWarren #Ukrainesformerprosecutorgeneral #Iowa #deposit #LevParnas #RudyGiuliani #light #formerNewYorkCityMayorMichaelBloomberg #PresidentofUSA #secretorder #YuzhnoyeStateDesignOffice #year2019 #Houseimpeachmentinvestigator #Bloomberg #theOvalOffice #when #OilandGas #BlueandWhite #spaceindustry #theBidenfamily #theNotesofJeffreyEpstein #seaterritories #impeachmentinquiry #theDemocratParty #Impeachment #Yuzhmash #ISISleader #USElection2020 #Son #Tsyklonrocketfamily #investigationintoJoeBiden #Whatwillhappenwith #Products