Media Confirmation of Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions about The Withdrawal of Lincoln Chafee in Us Elections 2016 – Published in Ebook – USA Election 2016 -Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions to :Jeb Bush,Hillary Clinton,Donald Trump,Bernie Sanders,John Kasich,Rick Perry,Martin O’Malley…: World Predictions about USA- USA Elections 2016 Kindle Edition
Publication Date: July 24, 2015
– Media Confirmation -” Long-shot Democrat Lincoln Chafee drops out of 2016 presidential race” –
Chafee, whose campaign announced his withdrawal in a statement, told Democrats at a meeting… Chafee had consistently been polling under 1% nationally, and in early states, and his campaign was plagued by gaffes.Friday 23 October 2015 15.50 BST
Lincoln Chafee (Us Elections 2016) – “Depression, Calendar,Health Diagnosis” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – July 24 -2015, 2pm.
He can control his hands. This is remarkable – because he has problems with the spine and both legs – High Blood pressure and it will become higher, strong pain. I see also the thyroid gland ahead of surgical intervention. There are written on his destiny two scars – only on the thyroid gland – i’m not talking about the face. On the right side of the heart i see constriction. On the right side of his head i feel pain. He must keep a strict diet to move forward with that sports spirit. Totally,for these years his health is normal.
I see slowly withdrawal by the big contest. Totally, i see six chosen democrats – this one doesn’t win the sympaties. His soul is in depression. Right from the middle of October 2015 he succeeds to break through the wall and to meet with the Firsts which are deciding until the end of the year. He thinks only about region connected with war. From the begining of year 2016 is starting the successful moment for business connected with energy.
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