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Media Confirmation of Brexit  extension – a request for extending of time for Brexit March 2019, and

Media Confirmation of Brexit  extension – a request for extending of time for Brexit March 2019, and Great Britain will vote for in the European  Election – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book published in Amazon January 26, 2019 :

Brexit, US Shutdown, Wars,Venezuela Coup, Norway Kidnappers, Middle East 2019. Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions for : Iran, Lebanon, Syria – Bashar Assad, Recep Erdogan – Turkey, Huawei, Israel Defense Forces, Theresa May ,Corbyn, Farage, Nancy Pelosi

Author : Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova

Published : January 26, 2019

Buy the Complete  Ebook only from the Author – Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova on web site  :

In the Ebook and Paperback book published in Amazon are not published the clairvoyant/psychic predictions about : Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran), Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey),Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to one of the kidnappers of the wife of Norwegian billionaire – Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen – January 19, 2019 ,Nigel Farage, Nicolas Maduro




Order your Ebook today, Donate with PayPal – 50 GBP and You will receive the PDF file in the next 24 hours with Email delivery

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2019© Copyrights Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova


Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for :

Theresa May (Prime Minister of Great Britain) – Brexit – “one spoon each hour”. Will it be allowed to Great Britain to vote for the European Union ? – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 18, 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.

photo: January 10, 2019. Time – after the photo

….The beginning of March 2019 starts with demonstrative actions from the European side – a request for extending of time – from March to September 2019 and a subsequent grace period of one year. Great Britain is a hostage of all or nothing. There will be no new referendum with Theresa May. But everyone is waiting for the (European) Elections. The will is a German to be elected for a President of the European Commission. Then follows the coming to power of Jeremy Corbyn and a new referendum for the remaining of Great Britain in the European Union. Will it be allowed to Great Britain to vote for the European Union ? – with an official document – Yes.

April 2019 – the chair on which is sitting Theresa May already ….

Media Confirmation  :

1.Brexit: Will EU leaders agree to an extension? – March 15, 2019

EU politicians breathe deep, shuddering sighs at the thought of prolonging the cross-Channel agony of the Brexit process.

EU leaders’ silence after Thursday’s vote by the House of Commons to delay Brexit may also have been because they realise – whatever their individual opinions on an extension – that they are obliged by law to come to a unanimous decision. And they won’t reach that decision until they are all stuck in a room together, which they will be at an EU summit in a week’s time.


2. The EU is willing to extend Article 50—as long as Britain has a plan – March 14, 2019

3. How Britain would vote in the European election

LONDON — As the Brexit saga drags on, an uncomfortable scenario has reared its head: If Brexit is significantly delayed, the U.K. will have to participate in the European Parliament election in May.

#MaysBrexitdeal #TrumpCanceled #antiIslamfocus #EuropeanCommissionerforEnergyUnion #EgyptsministerofInvestmentandInternationalCooperation #Brexitparty #stagnation #Italysfarrightleader #Maduro #Pelosisstrategy #UrsulavonderLeyen #VicePresidentoftheEuropeanCommission #HassanRouhani #SNPleaderNicolaSturgeon #LabourleaderJeremyCorbyn #EuropeanPeoplesPartyEPP #pollution #politicalcrisis #Americantroops #defensesystem #UKvoters #JacobReesMogg #BorisJohnson #CommissionPresident2019 #palestinian #Cairo #NicolaSturgeon #EmmanuelMacron #DemocraticUnionistParty #Maysgovernment #unifiedDemocraticcaucus #economiccrisis #CheopsPyramid #116thCongress #AbdelFattahAlSisi #BritishPrimeMinisterTheresaMay #Syriannuclearreactor #Irishborderplan #UKfinancialmarkets #TrumpShutdown #IslamicJihad #DominicRaab #Egyptseducationsystem #Venezuelanmilitaryhighcommand #WorldEconomicForuminDavos #SNPScottishNationalParty #LeaderoftheEPPGroupintheEP #Britishlawmakers #JeanClaudeJuncker #GeneralAvivKochavi #Washington #Européennes2019 #EUdeparture #USdiplomaticstaff #Egyptiandistributors #EuropeanLeft #Venezuelangenerals #Lebanon #businessenvironment #ChancellorPhilipHammond #theMaduroregime #corruption #RecepTayyipErdogan #matteosalvinimi #LeoVaradkar #BuckinghamPalace #Brexiteers #Hebron #israel #LordAdonis #militaryintelligence #MarkRutte #Syria #CandidatesforCommissionPresident2019 #Britain #theElectoralCommission #theIslamicRepublic #ScottishLabour #Brusselsbloc #Conservatives #PeterAltmaier #bankingsector #IranianinfrastructureinSyria #ShutdownStories #freetradeagreements #MarineLePen #Westminster #realdonaldtrump #FridayThoughts #presidentofVenezuela #ItalysGeneralLabourUnion #Ukipleader #PvdA #EuropeanParliamentelection #farrightNorthernLeague #PennsylvaniaAvenue #SinnFéincandidate #NancyPelosi #TreasurySelectCommittee #Hamas #theHouseofRepresentatives #coupdetat #SpeakerPelosi #federalworkers #Russia #Europa #EUelections #Tehran #theNationalCrimeAgency #NancyPelosi #Israeliterritory #nodealBrexit #Iranians #localelectionsacrossEngland #China #longrangerocket #SaadHariri #PresidentMichaelDHiggins #PresidentofVenezuelaNicolasMaduro #Euractiv #SinnFéinsupporters #HugoChávez #Denmark #GreatBritain #industrialhubs #theHouseofCommons #USsanctions #fiscalconsolidation #IRGCcommander #Spitzenkandidatprocess #EgyptianPresidentAbdelFattahalSisi #Iran #oppositionleader #theGazaStrip #Israelielections #hardlinepolitician #IronDomemissiledefensesystem #Egyptianauthorities #MichelBarnier #WorldEconomicForum #EUForeignPolicy #UKgovernment #PartyofEuropeanSocialistsPES #EUstructures #Pelosi #basharassad #PedroSanchez #Policy #PresidentofIran #DUPleader #Egypt #AlexanderStubb #Brexitvote #congressionalDemocrats #BritainsEUexit #WilliamandHarry #TheEuropeanUnion #missilebarrage #Britishcitizens #centrerightpolitician #rogerstoneindictment #Trumpsborderwall #Libya #Brexittalks #PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu #Venezuelan #PrimeMinisterofLebanon #HelleThorningSchmidt #Scotland #Ireland #dealBrexit #Eurosceptic #HouseSpeakerNancyPelosi #PrinceCharles #electionsinEngland #Europespoliticians #taxpolicy #DamascusAirport #EndTheShutdown #StateoilcompanyPDVSA #mutiny #princeWilliam #Socialdemokratiet #BankofEnglandGovernorMarkCarney #imperialistUnitedStatesgovernment #KristalinaGeorgieva #democracy #MiddleEasterncountries #TrumpCrimeFamily #regionalinsecurity #TheresaMay #Brexit #Israeliairstrikes #Trumpsshutdown #shutdown #SpeakerNancyPelosi #terroristattacks #Scottishgovernment #ItalianInteriorMinisterMatteoSalvini #FransTimmermans #IDF #thearmedforces #HouseDemocraticmajority #headoftheparliament #GeneralVladimirPadrino #RenZhengfei #IranianforcesinSyria #EuropeanCouncilPresidentDonaldTusk #DukeandDuchessofCambridge #MinorityLeaderChuckSchumer #Brexitwithdrawaldeal #Junckersteam #OppositionLabourPartyleaderJeremyCorbyn #theUNhighcommissionerforhumanrights #QassemSoleimani #commanderofIransRevolutionaryGuardCorpsQudsForce #secondBrexitreferendum #IDFsgroundforces #Israelis #Brussels #theNationalAssemblyNigelFarage #MajGenresYitzhakBrik #AnneElisabethFalkevikHagen #MichelleBachelet #HouseMinorityLeaderKevinMcCarthy #ChristianKern #SinnFein #MrMaduro #Brexitdeal #DukeofCambridge #EUnegotiatorMichelBarnier #presidentofTurkey #EgyptianPresident #AllianceofConservativesandReformistsinEuropeACRE #coup #headoftheEuropeanparliament #ScotlandsFirstMinister #ShutdownImpact #PresidentPelosi #GovernmentShutdown #Brexitnegotiations #USwithdrawalfromSyria #proBrexitparty #Spitzenkandidaten #EUschiefnegotiator #Madbouli #ALTERNATIVEEurope #borderwallwithMexico #Democrats #EUUKtradedeal #MaryLouMcDonald #MrGuaido #Frenchpolitician #thedefenceminister #theBritishgovernment #Governmentsbudgetplans #AntonioTajani #EuropeanElections2019 #theConservativeparty #USChamber #longrangeheavymissiles #EUleaders #partyleaders #TheJewishstate #SenateMajorityLeaderMitchMcConnell #Brexitsecretary #Caracas #EuropeanCommissionPresident #CSUparty 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