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MEDIA CONFIRMATION of : “#Azerbaijan #army moves into second district handed back by #Armenia – Nove


MEDIA CONFIRMATION of :Azerbaijan army moves into second district handed back by Armenia – November 24, 2020as predicted by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova in her New Ebook and Paperback Book published November 11, 2020 :

THIRD WORLD WAR , BLOOD , TERRORISM Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions 2020 – 2021 for the Defense Ministers of : Japan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Nagorno – Karabakh conflict 2020 , USA , Russia, Iran, the Grey Wolves of Turkey , …

By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova , Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova Published : November 11, 2020

ORDER THE EBOOK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A GIFT FROM US : Henrietta Lacks Immortal Cell Line – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions October 30,2020 to the Mother of COVID-19 – the Hela Cells . A cell which consists of three parts : the first part – 8 cores, second part – 7 cores, third part – 6 cores with different genetic codes. A symbiosis in humans. A war with the COVID virus. How the mankind will solve the problems with the HeLa cell and COVID-19 now and the Egyptian history

By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna ​2020 ©Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova

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Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for :

Zakir Hasanov ( Defence Minister of Azerbaijan ) – Internal coup , When is the end of Nagorno – Karabakh conflict 2020 ? – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions , October 27 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant House” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna

Photo : October 17, 2020. Time of the Clairvoyant reading – after the photo


In addition : Clairvoyant reading to Defence Minister Zakir Hasanov ( Azerbaijan ) – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova – October 27 , 2020

Photo : Sept. 17 , 2020. Time – after the photo

Zakir Hasanov’s health : I see pain on the back of the head , it is like inflammation of the brain. It is like he has three minds (personalities ). He feels pain at the throat , enlarged thyroid gland , problems with the breathing ( shortness of breath ) , pain at the back of the tail bone , ill prostate and intense pain at the one leg. He is trying to keep good shape with training , but his body cant stand no longer to the physical and mental stress.

Zakir Hasanov is seeing a lot of death between the soldiers. A travel to Russia. He sees many electrical wire fences. Directed rockets.

Zakir Hasanov doesn’t see the recent end of the Nagorno- Karabakh conflict. There is an upcoming sending of new military units there. (MEDIA CONFIRMATION)

October 2020 – I see Azerbaijan struck by a rocket , a lot of money are given for mining of the area of battle actions. I see explosions , electricity and rockets.

November 2020 – I see three areas where the azerbaijanis have placed their soldiers (MEDIA CONFIRMATION)

– railroads. Explosion to one of them in the beginning. I see a large sum of money divided on two parts. Afterwards there is falling in a hole and then I see sharp rising ( success ) of Azerbaijan. December 2020 – I see …



Azerbaijan army moves into second district handed back by Armenia – November 24, 2020

Azerbaijan said Wednesday its forces had entered the second of three districts to be handed back by Armenia as part of a deal that ended weeks of fighting over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The defence ministry in Baku said in a statement that “units of the Azerbaijani army entered the Kalbajar region on November 25” under the deal signed earlier this month by Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia.


Military equipment of Armenian army transported to Baku by trains (Photo) – November 21, 2020

#health #Chairman #USA #DavidTonoyan #DefenseMinisterofIran #Nobodyszones #leaders #DefenceMinisterofAzerbaijan #StoyankaStaikova #HenriettaLacks #USDefenceSecretary #Atlantis #BLOOD #DefenseMinister #Armenia #world #war #storm #clairvoyant #RussianDefenceMinister #Russia #Azerbaijan #DefenceMinisterofArmenia #sky #AhmetYigitYildirim #Internalcoup #DimitrinkaStaikova #thirdworldwar #leader #newkindoflife #clairvoyantreading #NagornoKarabakhconflict2020 #TheSpace #iran #HeLacells #terrorism #Turkishfarrightorganization #JapansMinisterofDefence #earthquakes #DevletBahceli #ocean #tornado #Battles #TheGreyWolvesofTurkey #theTurkishNationalistMovementParty #IvelinaStaikova #SergeyShoigu #psychicpredictions #japan #MHP #NobuoKishi #movement #ÜlküOcakları #NagornoKarabakhconflict #MarkEsper #Endofthewar #Fukushima #Future #Japan2021 #ImmortalCellLine #BrigadierGeneralAmirHatami #ZakirHasanov


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