MEDIA CONFIRMATION of : “AstraZeneca participant in the Phase 3 trial of the company’s experimental COVID-19 vaccine candidate developed a serious spinal inflammatory disorder”
And “The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given emergency authorisation to use plasma to treat Covid patients”
Sept 2020 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her book published August 5, 2020 :
US Election 2020, The Heir of Angela Merkel – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Coronavirus vaccines companies – business, antibodies. World Predictions for COVID-19 and the future of : Libya, Iran,China, Russia, Germany and USA. Breaking of the seven seals of Apocalypse and God Yahweh and Psychic predictions to the Devil and the new Christ
Published : August 5, 2020
By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna
Language – English Type of File – PDF file Published – August 5, 2020 World Count – 18 181 Number of pages – 39 Order Your Ebook today, Pay with Western Union Online – 50 GBP and You will receive the PDF file (32 Pages) in the next 24 hours with Email delivery + A Gift from Us : the Ebook –The Devil and 2020 Election in USA – Psychic predictions to : The Devil and Demons, The Director of CIA and FBI, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, NATO Secretary General, Russia`s Foreign Minister, The Chief of the Pentagon, Michael Bloomberg…Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova , Ivelina Staikova – Published : December 20, 2019
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2020 ©Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Only a small part of Clairvoyant reading about :
Pascal Soriot ( CEO of AstraZeneca ) on COVID – 19 Vaccine – the products of the company are quality , because they are coming from the creator. The best of the company as a medicine with antibodies – now and in the future. Through which experiments is passing the Coronavirus vaccine ? – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions July 17 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.
Photo : May 26 , 2020. Time – after the photo
. ….The pain in the head is number 1 about the treatment of the Coronavirus. It is moving all over the body , but its main place is at the base of the head ,
The experiments will go on – they count on a person who will produce antibodies in its blood. They already had such person – a woman – in the past.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)
I see her blood processed with centrifuge , connected with a snake blood ( again female ) – and this is used as a medicine with antibodies…..
…..Begins a new era in the searching of a new medicine for Coronavirus – through the blood.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)
A blood is taken, it isconnected with the blood of at least one more person , it is send in the Space for a certain time , then the blood is …
Covid-19 vaccine trial participant had serious neurological symptoms, but could be discharged today, AstraZeneca CEO says – September 9, 2020
The participant who triggered a global shutdown of AstraZeneca’s Phase 3 Covid-19 vaccine trials was a woman in the United Kingdom who experienced neurological symptoms consistent with a rare but serious spinal inflammatory disorder called transverse myelitis, the drug maker’s chief executive, Pascal Soriot, said during a private conference call with investors on Wednesday morning.The woman’s diagnosis has not been confirmed yet, but she is improving and will likely be discharged from the hospital as early as Wednesday, Soriot said.
US allows emergency use of blood plasma treatment for coronavirus patients – August 24, 2020
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given emergency authorisation to use plasma to treat Covid patients.The technique uses antibody-rich blood plasma from people who’ve recovered from the disease and has already been applied to 70,000 people in the US – in trials or for the gravely ill.
#AZD1222 #PascalSoriot #HassanRouhani #remdesivir #regionalsecurity #Apocalypse #Iraq #AstraZeneca #Golanheights #vaccinemakers #DrAnthonyFauci #theNationalInstitutesofHealth #VladimirPutin #vaccines #TrumpAdministration #theKingdomofJudah #india #PharmaceuticalCorporation #Lebanon #Sanofi #NorbertRöttgen #pneumonia #Otezla #RegeneronPharmaceuticalsandSanofi #transversemyelitis #KandidatfurdenVorsitzderCDU #JampJ #KhalifaHaftar #Preclinical #RegeneronPharmaceuticals #Tehran #FoodandDrugAdministration #SanofiPasteur #Roche #China #theNationalInstituteofAllergyandInfectiousDiseases #COVID19patients #biotechnologycompany #PresidentofChina #Merck #LibyanNationalArmyFieldMarshal #BioNTech #drugmakers #DonaldTrump #mRNA1273 #IranianPresident #KhirbetQeiyafa #Novavax #Kevzara #AlbertBourla #JohnsonampJohnson #iran #2020ChristianDemocraticUnionofGermanyleadershipelection #Altimmune #candidateforAngelaMerkelsheir #RajnathSingh #StephaneBancel #CoalitionforEpidemicPreparednessInnovations #Moderna #CytoDyn #chloroquinephosphate #Iraniangovernment #mRNAvaccine #XiJinping #hydroxychloroquinesulfate #ChancellorofGermany #AlexGorsky #JensSpahn #horsemenofapocalypse #BillampMelindaGatesFoundation #COVID19treatments #Vaxart #infection #leronlimab #FDA #MikaelDolsten #JampJschiefscientificofficer #VirBiotechnology #DNAbasedvaccine #AngelaMerkel #DrPaulStoffels #BARDA #REGNCOV2 #GodYahweh #COVID19Vaccine #NIAID #IranianDefenseMinisterAmirHatami #bilateralties #HeatBiologics #BNT162program #Federalministerofthehealth #CEPI #Pfizerschiefscientificofficer #COVID19 #ModernaCEO #AS03adjuvantsystemforvaccines #antibodytherapeutics #COVID19therapy #TakedaPharmaceutical #JohnsonandJohnson #Actemra #Germanpolitician #AdCOVID #Wuhan #GlaxoSmithKline #coronavirustreatment #InovioPharmaceuticals #PersianGulfregion #KennethFrazier #theBiomedicalAdvancedResearchandDevelopmentAuthority #ShanghaiCooperationOrganizationSCOsummit #DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices #IransDefenseMinistry #coronavirusvaccineprojects #SarsCov2 #CDUleadershipcandidateforsuccessorofAngelaMerkel #Turkey #AmgenandAdaptiveBiotechnologies #Pfizer #Antibodytreatment #PresidentofUSA #RocheHoldingsAG #theUniversityofOxford #GileadSciences #GeneralsecretaryoftheCommunistPartyofChina #PresidentofRussia #drugmaker #spinalinflammatorydisorder