MEDIA CONFIRMATION of : “Another Chinese rocket falls near a school, creating toxic orange cloud“- Sept 8, 2020 and “China Claims Its Coronavirus Vaccine Can Protect Against All Known Mutations – Sept 8, 2020 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova in her Ebook published August 5, 2020
US Election 2020, The Heir of Angela Merkel – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for : Coronavirus vaccines companies – business, antibodies. World Predictions for COVID-19 and the future of : Libya, Iran,China, Russia, Germany and USA. Breaking of the seven seals of Apocalypse and God Yahweh and Psychic predictions to the Devil and the new Christ
Published : August 5, 2020By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna
Language – English Type of File – PDF file Published – August 5, 2020 World Count – 18 181 Number of pages – 39 Order Your Ebook today, Pay with Western Union Online – 50 GBP and You will receive the PDF file (32 Pages) in the next 24 hours with Email delivery + A Gift from Us : the Ebook –The Devil and 2020 Election in USA – Psychic predictions to : The Devil and Demons, The Director of CIA and FBI, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, NATO Secretary General, Russia`s Foreign Minister, The Chief of the Pentagon, Michael Bloomberg…Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova , Ivelina Staikova – Published : December 20, 2019
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2020 ©Copyright Dimitrinka Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova
Only a small part of Clairvoyant reading about :
Xi Jinping ( President of China and General – secretary of the Communist Party of China ) – Health , The wars of China , The war with India – why it is now. Direction from the Space of a dark energy towards the Earth. A new trade war with USA , Financial collaps – when , A research and tests – nuclear winter – when ? , Conquering of the world ( it starts because of a tough feeding of the population ). How China will win the US Election 2020 ? A new medicine about the Coronavirus. Who will select Xi Jinping for his heir ? – Clairvoyant reading / Psychic predictions July 25 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna
Photo : July 21 , 2020. Time of the Clairvoyant reading – after the photo.
In addition : Clairvoyant reading to Xi Jinping ( President of China and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China ) – July 25 , 2020 – by Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova
……September 2020 – I see the launch of a rocket. (MEDIA CONFIRMATION 1)
Experiments with blood , blood cells , four genetic types of the Coronavirus disease.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)
October 2020 …..
Media Confirmation 1 –
Another Chinese rocket falls near a school, creating toxic orange cloud
– September 8, 2020
China Claims Its Coronavirus Vaccine Can Protect Against All Known Mutations – September 8, 2020
#PascalSoriot #HassanRouhani #remdesivir #Apocalypse #Iraq #AstraZeneca #Golanheights #vaccinemakers #DrAnthonyFauci #theNationalInstitutesofHealth #VladimirPutin #vaccines #TrumpAdministration #theKingdomofJudah #PharmaceuticalCorporation #Lebanon #Sanofi #NorbertRöttgen #pneumonia #Otezla #RegeneronPharmaceuticalsandSanofi #KandidatfurdenVorsitzderCDU #JampJ #KhalifaHaftar #Preclinical #RegeneronPharmaceuticals #FoodandDrugAdministration #SanofiPasteur #Roche #China #theNationalInstituteofAllergyandInfectiousDiseases #COVID19patients #biotechnologycompany #PresidentofChina #Merck #LibyanNationalArmyFieldMarshal #BioNTech #drugmakers #DonaldTrump #mRNA1273 #IranianPresident #KhirbetQeiyafa #Novavax #Kevzara #AlbertBourla #JohnsonampJohnson #2020ChristianDemocraticUnionofGermanyleadershipelection #Altimmune #candidateforAngelaMerkelsheir #StephaneBancel #CoalitionforEpidemicPreparednessInnovations #Moderna #CytoDyn #chloroquinephosphate #mRNAvaccine #XiJinping #hydroxychloroquinesulfate #ChancellorofGermany #AlexGorsky #JensSpahn #horsemenofapocalypse #BillampMelindaGatesFoundation #COVID19treatments #Vaxart #infection #leronlimab #FDA #MikaelDolsten #JampJschiefscientificofficer #VirBiotechnology #DNAbasedvaccine #AngelaMerkel #DrPaulStoffels #BARDA #REGNCOV2 #GodYahweh #COVID19Vaccine #NIAID #HeatBiologics #BNT162program #Federalministerofthehealth #CEPI #Pfizerschiefscientificofficer #COVID19 #ModernaCEO #AS03adjuvantsystemforvaccines #antibodytherapeutics #COVID19therapy #TakedaPharmaceutical #JohnsonandJohnson #Actemra #Germanpolitician #AdCOVID #Wuhan #GlaxoSmithKline #coronavirustreatment #InovioPharmaceuticals #KennethFrazier #theBiomedicalAdvancedResearchandDevelopmentAuthority #DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices #coronavirusvaccineprojects #CDUleadershipcandidateforsuccessorofAngelaMerkel #Turkey #AmgenandAdaptiveBiotechnologies #Pfizer #Antibodytreatment #PresidentofUSA #RocheHoldingsAG #GileadSciences #GeneralsecretaryoftheCommunistPartyofChina #PresidentofRussia #drugmaker