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Media Confirmation :  Huawei lawyer says CFO Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of Huawei’s founder is

Media Confirmation :  Huawei lawyer says CFO Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of Huawei’s founder is a ‘hostage’ after U.S. presses charges  (January 28, 2019) – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her New Ebook and Paperback book :

Brexit, US Shutdown, Wars,Venezuela Coup, Norway Kidnappers, Middle East 2019. Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions for : Iran, Lebanon, Syria – Bashar Assad, Recep Erdogan – Turkey, Huawei, Israel Defense Forces, Theresa May ,Corbyn, Farage, Nancy Pelosi

Author : Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova, Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova, Clairvoyant Stoyanka Staikova

Published : January 26, 2019

Buy the Whole Ebook only from the Author – Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova on web site  :

In the Ebook and Paperback book published in Amazon are not published the clairvoyant/psychic predictions about : Hassan Rouhani (President of Iran), Recep Tayyip Erdogan (President of Turkey),Clairvoyant/Psychic reading to one of the kidnappers of the wife of Norwegian billionaire – Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen – January 19, 2019 ,Nigel Farage, Nicolas Maduro




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A small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for :

Ren Zhengfei (Founder and President of Huawei technologies ) – Health , To who will pay for mediator , Money for the Israel elections , When will be released his daughter ; the profitable space future of Huawei – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 16 , 2019 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe , Bulgaria , Varna.

photo: January 15, 2019. Time – after the photo

….He had to make a political choice. Now, there are four lawsuits forthcoming for him – different lawsuits. Then one will be crossed out , but three lawsuits will remain. There are forthcoming choices and again he must make a political decision (a choice), but the events will be organized well for him. I see a travel and business deals at West. The only ones he will talk with are the jews. Decisions are taken and he is crossing out the sign of the war. Now- January 2019 – I see talks with his daughter – she is transferred – the proposals for money doesn’t help. A large sum of money is separated and he is going on meetings with the Jewish intelligence (reconnaissance). I see negotiations from three parts. The first part is a relaxed mode of imprisonment for his daughter – after January 20, 2019 are beginning the negotiations for her – in the beginning of February until February 10 – there are favorable news. The release and the negotiation is February and March 2019.

His daughter will not be released – they will try to keep her as a hostage – a lot of money are given for her freedom. The money will help for the Israel Election.

March 2019 begins a…..

Media  Confirmation:

1. Huawei lawyer says CFO Meng a ‘hostage’ after U.S. presses charges – January 28,2019

2. Huawei’s Meng appears in court as Canada mulls U.S. extradition – January 29,2019

VANCOUVER (Reuters) – Huawei Technologies Co Ltd’s chief financial officer, the central figure in a high-stakes dispute between the world’s two largest economies, made her first appearance in a Canadian court in more than a month on Tuesday as Ottawa weighs extraditing the Chinese executive to the United States. Meng Wanzhou, daughter of the Chinese telecommunications company’s founder, attended the hearing in British Columbia Supreme Court during which Justice William Ehrcke approved her request for a change in who is financially responsible for her bail.

#TrumpCanceled #antiIslamfocus #ChiefofGeneralStaff #EgyptsministerofInvestmentandInternationalCooperation #Brexitparty #stagnation #Maduro #Pelosisstrategy #HuaweifounderRenZhengfei #HassanRouhani #HuaweisCFO #pollution #politicalcrisis #Americantroops #defensesystem #JacobReesMogg #PrimeMinisterofEgypt #palestinian #Cairo #Wars #espionage #HuaweiTechnologiesCoLtd #TheJusticeDepartment #unifiedDemocraticcaucus #economiccrisis #CheopsPyramid #116thCongress #AbdelFattahAlSisi #Syriannuclearreactor #TrumpShutdown #IslamicJihad #founder #Egyptseducationsystem #Venezuelanmilitaryhighcommand #WorldEconomicForuminDavos #tradetalks #GeneralAvivKochavi #Washington #EUdeparture #USdiplomaticstaff #Egyptiandistributors #Venezuelangenerals #SpeakeroftheUnitedStatesHouseofRepresentatives #Lebanon #businessenvironment #tradedealwithChina #Beijing #theMaduroregime #corruption #RecepTayyipErdogan #Hebron #israel #militaryintelligence #Syria #theElectoralCommission #PrimeMinisterofGreatBritain #theIslamicRepublic #Conservatives #bankingsector #IranianinfrastructureinSyria #ShutdownStories #freetradeagreements #realdonaldtrump #FridayThoughts #presidentofVenezuela #Ukipleader #PennsylvaniaAvenue #criminalcharges #NancyPelosi #clairvoyant #Hamas #theHouseofRepresentatives #coupdetat #SpeakerPelosi #federalworkers #Huawei #Russia #USexportlaws #Tehran #theNationalCrimeAgency #NancyPelosi #Israeliterritory #Norwegian #CFOMengWanzhou #Iranians #localelectionsacrossEngland #China #longrangerocket #SaadHariri #PresidentofVenezuelaNicolasMaduro #FBIDirectorChristopherWray #HugoChávez #industrialhubs #USsanctions #fiscalconsolidation #IRGCcommander #EgyptianPresidentAbdelFattahalSisi #oppositionleader #theGazaStrip #Israelielections #IronDomemissiledefensesystem #Egyptianauthorities #WorldEconomicForum #Pelosi #basharassad #Leaderoftheopposition #Policy #PresidentofIran #Egypt #congressionalDemocrats #missilebarrage #education #iran #rogerstoneindictment #Trumpsborderwall #Brexittalks #PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu #NorwayKidnappers #MiddleEast2019 #Venezuelan #PrimeMinisterofLebanon #thedaughterofHuaweisfounder #HouseSpeakerNancyPelosi #electionsinEngland #DamascusAirport #EndTheShutdown #StateoilcompanyPDVSA #BritishPolitician #mutiny #imperialistUnitedStatesgovernment #democracy #MiddleEasterncountries #TrumpCrimeFamily #regionalinsecurity #TheresaMay #USextraditionrequest #Brexit #Israeliairstrikes #Trumpsshutdown #shutdown #SpeakerNancyPelosi #terroristattacks #IDF #thearmedforces #HouseDemocraticmajority #headoftheparliament #GeneralVladimirPadrino #SabrinaMeng #NigelFarage #RenZhengfei #IranianforcesinSyria #MinorityLeaderChuckSchumer #QassemSoleimani #commanderofIransRevolutionaryGuardCorpsQudsForce #IDFsgroundforces #Israelis #theNationalAssemblyNigelFarage #MajGenresYitzhakBrik #AnneElisabethFalkevikHagen #HouseMinorityLeaderKevinMcCarthy #MrMaduro #presidentofTurkey #EgyptianPresident #coup #IsraelDefenseForces #headoftheEuropeanparliament #ShutdownImpact #PresidentPelosi #psychicreading #GovernmentShutdown #USwithdrawalfromSyria #proBrexitparty #Madbouli #borderwallwithMexico #Democrats #MrGuaido #thedefenceminister #AntonioTajani #theConservativeparty #USChamber #longrangeheavymissiles #VenezuelaCoup #SinoUSrelations #partyleaders #TheJewishstate #SenateMajorityLeaderMitchMcConnell #Caracas #theCapitol #TheSpectatorIndex #Maduroloyalists #USShutdown #psychicpredictions #NorthernIreland #PresidentofHuaweitechnologies #TheLabourleader #BasharalAssad #theArabSpringrevolution #MassachusettsSenatorElizabethWarren #PresidentofSyria #kidnappers #IDFchiefofstaff #Hezbollah #PrimeMinisterMostafaMadbouli #TheWhiteHouse #putsch #Egyptians #LeaderoftheLabourparty #regionalmarket #politician #NicolasMaduro #Ukip #GovernmentShutdown #Trump #Tory #USdiplomats #TrumpCaves #MiddleEast #PresidentDonaldTrump #MemberoftheEuropeanParliament #healthcare #generalelection #Israelistrikes #Republicans #USsanctionsonIran #investors #militaryintervention #Turkey #Switzerland #Speaker #wifeof #billionaire #Crime #OperationHouseofCards #SaharNasr #MengWanzhou #HsbcHoldingsPLC #shutdowncrisis #AlAttabamarket #bordersecuritysystem #IranianpresenceinSyria #EuropeanUnion #economicgrowth #Iraniantroops #Chavistas #labour #humancapital #MostafaMadbouly #TomHagen #monetarypolicies #JeremyCorbyn #mountHermon #LtGenAvivKochavi #JuanGuaido


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