MEDIA CONFIRMATION : ” The North Magnetic Pole is shifting East, fast “- February 5, 2019 – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook published March 2, 2017 :
The End of the World – Casus Belli, Operation “J” – Clairvoyant Predictions about : Rex Tillerson, Mike Pence, General Valery Gerasimov, General Joseph Dunford, Recep Erdogan ,Gen. Herbert McMaster, the secrets of Smithsonian Institution, the war in Syria, Turkey, Iraq…
Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova
Published – March 2, 2017
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World Predictions 2017 – The magnetic pole of the Earth – where it will stop ? Murders of russians…., Casus Belli on Northeast (date, month), Protests in USA…, Explosions of Nuclear plants….and volcanic eruptions. Energy corridors and problems. Wars and refugees… Operation “J”. Clairvoyant predictions (February 28, 2017, 4pm.) about March, April and May 2017 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
The magnetic pole of the Earth is still changing. In the moment it is on second step – I see year 2017 another one displacement on East. Then is forthcoming another one last displacement of the final point – East, 4pm. clockwise. (MEDIA CONFIRMATION)
The place will be explosive, a place of war where a few nations will gather and fight. Until two months is the time of the first step, but as final rearrangement of the Earth are total four months. The war begins now from Northeast in a former Soviet Republic and a northern country (scandinavian) – two intelligence agencies : eastern and western and Nato armies. These are – part of February 2017, March, April 2017 – Times of Changes on the Earth and Casus Belli – the date is around 20. Then follows 2 months…..
The Planet Earth and the Climate Change – Cataclysms. The beginning – the end of the World and again the beginning. The new history – after the natural cataclysms – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions (December 24, 2016) – By Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna
I see that the air currents are North – South.
The Northern hemisphere – The Arctic remains closed for now – I hear a sound inside. The wind is spreading the sound at East.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION 2)
I see a person with hands like fins (wings), his head is turned to West, but the sound is going to East. I see a tail. There is an object, which is round and makes these strong sounds to East. The object has a military application. I see a man, if I can call it man, he has very interesting spine – he is humped and very nervous – what should be hands is very short, there is inflated protrusion for a belly. His movements are like a snake and he thinks only for a big profit. On this stage, I see a lot of nerves and failed plans in this creature. How to recognize this creature – he has extremely big nose. There is something on the back of his head – like an addition, and it is full with electricity – a lot of electricity (energy). His home is inside the Earth – the opening is lightly in the eastern side, but almost in the middle. The way for his home starts vertically down, but then turns to West. The entrance is from a water hole and it goes to a cavity (hollow). I see two species, which are connected with water, separated in the moment – they are the one against the other. I see an alien space ship with sounds to the Space. And… death to these ones from the Eastern side. The problem between them comes beneath the Earth – injection, increasing of energy. I see a connection between the Moon and a closed area on the North Pole. The closed area begins to move at East – a snow hat.
The month of December begins a change connected with the Magnetic poles. The areas are moving at East and change three times the territory they close with snow – after that they stop.(MEDIA CONFIRMATION)
Natural Cataclysms are beginning and the big snow areas (sections) are increasing – to the half globe. The core of the Earth is increasing and injecting (magnetising). The Earth begins to vibrates while moving (makes a certain sound). There will be a perturbations on the sattelites. Again the sound willgo out on the Eastern side of the planet. There will be a sequel of icy lands to the Southeastern part of the Earth. It will remain only the Southwestern part of the Earth. It will be under the control of german money. The soothing (relief) of the oscillations (vibrations) of the Earth will come from the Southwestern parts of the Earth. There, I see the point of survival. The North – Eastern part of the planet Earth will survive its most difficult year until now – this is year 2017. The sounds will be fatal (ruinous, baneful) for sattelites, electricity, airplanes – the modern way of life.
1. The North Magnetic Pole Is Shifting East, Fast
February 5, 20194:22 PM ET
2. Earth’s Magnetic North Pole Has Officially Moved (Toward Russia) – December 17, 2019
Earth’s magnetic north pole has been moving East at an unusually fast pace, heading from the Canadian Arctic toward Russia.The rapid change of the magnetic poles has caused concern over navigation, GPS systems, military operations, etc.
Watch: How 8,000-year-old ice sounds when dropped in Antarctic glacier – December 21st 2019
#StoneofDestiny #contracts #LiaFail #ThePlanetEarth #health #ChairmanoftheJointChiefsofStaff #GPSsatellites #RexTillerson #founddead #USA #Iraq #anattemptformurder #GeneralAuditorofNATO #thewarinSyria #murder #theRussianambassadorinTurkey #ArcticOcean #Russianchiefsofgeneralstaff #searchingofoilandgas #Thenewhistory #ThemagneticpoleoftheEarth #ClairvoyantCalendar2017 #AndreyKarlov #Astealing #GoetheUniversity #thelostbones #Churkin #Earthshistory #NaturalCataclysms #TheThirdReich #StoyankaStaikova #Erdogan #DirectorGeneralofCERN #volcaniceruptions #putin #Greece #forecast #RecepTayyipErdogan #electriccurrents #GPSsystems #Thebeginning #israel #PrimeMinisterofIsrael #Syria #OperationJ #NorthPole #GenHerbertMcMaster #ArmyLtGenHerbertMcMaster #permanentnegotiationwithMoscow #NokcultureinNigeria #TheEndoftheWorld #aliengene #americanbaseinAzerbaijan #Southpole #thesecretsofSmithsonianInstitution #clairvoyant #platetectonics #YaacobIbrahimSingaporeanpolitican #kidnappedinNigeria #siberia #Mutant #Russia #ExplosionsofNuclearplants #Earthsmagneticfield #Financialproblems #productionofelectricity #missingartifacts #cataclysms #Syriafutureelections #TheSpearofDestiny #NATO #ProfPeterBreunig #geologicrecord #clairvoyantpredictions #DimitrinkaStaikova #Energycooperation #beginning #DonaldTrump #MikePence #WorldPredictions2017 #theRepublicofChina #Serbia #clairvoyantreading #russianrocketsandweapons #understanding #energycorridors #problemswithChina #americantroopsinSyria #BenjaminNetanyahu #kurds #USGeneral #refugees #magneticreversals #shareholders #partofmachinesofaliensgiants #amilitarycoupinUSA #whenDonaldTrumpwillbeoverthrown #publiccontract #atravel #militaryoperations #TrumpsnewNationalSecurityAdviser #TurkishStream #WarinSyria #ValeryGerasimov #ClimateChange #ThelostAmberRoom #softspots #flightsinSyria #Earthsmagneticnorthpole #magneticfield #Macedonia #TsaiIngwen #solarwind #relics #theEarth #theMoon #NationalCentersforEnvironmentalInformation #MeetingofUS #theelection #presidentofTurkey #AlienGeneratorforElectricity #ArchaeologicalcomplexinIreland #March2017 #internalconflicts #YvesShandelon #VicePresidentofUSA #Earthsoutercore #navigation #IvelinaStaikova #northernmagneticpole #thewholeworld #TheKiller #Singapore #theCanadianArctic #lastmoments #WorldMagneticModel #newleaders #NegotiationwiththeRussians #thepeaceinthecountry #separatedontwo #WeaponsinTurkey #GeneralJosephDunford #thesecrets #Palestina #themagneticpoles #psychicpredictions #GeneralValeryGerasimov #theplotters #scientists #BasharalAssad #thehealthofDonaldTrump #problemsWars #warwithChinaandRussia #DeputyDefenceMinister #VitalyChurkin #HOTTESTNEWSPREDICTIONSFebruary #Americansoldiers #Russianweapons #France #Negotiations #PresidentofTaiwan #MevlutMertAltintas #VeryExpensive #militarycoup #Austria #SecretaryofSmithsonianInstitution #FabiolaGianotti #satellites #TheWorldYear2017 #BritishGeologicalSurvey #Turkey #russianflightsaboveamericanships #ChiefoftheGeneralStaffoftheArmedForcesofRussia #Singaporeanpresidentialelection2017 #opticalillusion #TTIP #theHillofTara #RecepErdogan #Murdersofrussians #secretinformation #RussiasUNAmbassador #DavidJSkorton #StrongandSoftspots #Cyprus #USApayingadamage #archipelago #Germany #SmithsonianInstitution #ProtestsinUSA #CasusBelli #RussianGeneral #UnitedStatesSecretaryofState #primemeridian