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Media Confirmation about What will happen after Brexit in “Coutts” Bank -the Bank of the British Roy

Media Confirmation about What will happen after Brexit in “Coutts” Bank -the Bank of the British Royal Family -founded 1692-predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Banks, Investments, Devaluation, Inflation, Interbank wars,  Nuclear Plants,Brexit,Politics – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions to Deutsche Bank, Central Bank of : Vatican, India, Israel, France,David Rockefeller, Coutts,Bank of America, Fed, Goldman Sachs….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published – January 20, 2017

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Small part of Clairvoyant prediction :

Lord William Waldegrave (Chairman of “Coutts” Bank -the Bank of the British Royal Family -founded 1692) – Work, Finances, Bankruptcies, British Royal Family – business, funeral…. Brexit problems – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions January 16, 2017, 10 am –  by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – July 26, 2016. Time – after the photo.

…..About the health of Lord Waldegrave I can tell, that the pains in his head are caused by the left part of the thyroid gland – the pains are mainly in the top of the head. I see permanent gases in the stomach and at left – sick genitals. Already in a slight degree is affected the left lung. He likes the fast thinking and the fast movements. With the ages, there will be problems with the hands, shoulders and the pelvis area. There is sick left kidney. Generally, there is a forthcoming treatment for Lord Waldegrave and a surgical operation of the thyroid gland and kidneys (treatment). In a more distant future – a surgical operation of the lung and prostate. The photo is from July 26, 2016.

Despite he likes aircrafts, I see a stress experienced. Also in the future the aircrafts will be part of his business. The Autumn of year 2016 – he has passed a heavy disease, which has affected the legs – the foots. He believes in the independency of England and her greatness.He takes the election of Trump as a catastrophe for the british business. From November and December 2016 has begun the preparation for the financial separation of the money from the European Union. The playing of the british pound is for the banks to win. Since the end of January 2017 – the bank has proposals for investments – 1/3 of the money will be invested abroad, 2/3 – will be invested in England. The money will be invested in work places, repairs because of the Climate Change, investments in grain storages (silos), strenghthening of the shores, roads. Less money will be given for education of kids.

February and March 2017 will be invested the money of the British Royal Family – gold, technologies, Australia, mines in Africa, lands (plots) in Romania and construction of airfields. I see from the end of February and March 2017 – a common business with arab country. Bahrein, Kuwait, Qatar and part of the business is with Saudi Arabia – these are investments in the english business connected with oil. Expected investments in energy field in Cyprus – April 2017.

March 2017 – the british bank undergoes a turnover in its policy – there is 180 degrees rotation from which the smaller investors will loose – I see it as a decline in the exchange rate of the british pound. Since March 2017 – the british economy begins a recession. There will be a recovering – Summer 2017. I see a change of ministers in the government.

Toward England – May 2017 – I see to travel ships and airplanes with gold. From Summer 2017 begins a military attack about the increasing of the lands in Arctic and Antarctica – with goal – searching for energy fields and their exploitation. The bank is actually managed by three people, who coordinate their decisions.

June 2017…..

Media Confirmation :

Private bank Coutts has written to clients informing them of a change in terms and conditions to allow for negative interest rates on some of its accounts.

27 Feb, 2017

#DowJonesIndustrialAverage #NewYork2017 #soundweapon #MarcusbyGoldmanSachs #aprophecycomestrue #PresidentofCyprus #DirectorandFormerChair #health #higherinterestrates #TreasurySecretary #Chairman #politics #business #funeral #USA #JanetYellen #Iraq #Jews #governmentmoney #Year2017 #Unions #JensWeidmann #AndrewCuomo #Thepresentmoment #FinancialRevision #turks #NaturalCataclysms #india #TheplanJuncker #OrionNebula #StoyankaStaikova #MrBlankfein #JeanClaudeJuncker #Rockefeller #Greece #AntónioGuterres #FrancoisVilleroydeGalhau #Devaluation #billionaires #israel #President #RoyalBankofScotland #Syria #Murders #Asaleofshares #WhiteHousesNationalEconomicCouncil #Repairofnuclearplant #lowinterestrateenvironment #MrTrump #RBSGroup #inflation #NuclearPlants #DeutscheBank #psychic #war #Bankruptcies #InstitutefortheWorksofReligion #clairvoyant #Oman #WallStreet #pandemic #StateSupport #headofBankingatCoutts #OccupyingWashington #closedzone #PresidentBarackObama #ManuelValls #China #StuartNewey #clairvoyantpredictions #financing #UsElections2016 #divisionoftwonewcountries #Russians #goldentreasure #JeanBaptistedeFranssu #Problems #conqueringfromturksbylandandsea #lighterregulation #DimitrinkaStaikova #ReserveBankofIndia #NicosAnastasiades #SaudiArabia #thebank #bankofIndia #DonaldTrump #Aloan #BrianMoynihan #Bilderberggroup #migrantcrisis #GovernorofNewYork #Trumptrade #UnsettledlegaldocumentsfromEU #aterritory #Politicians #CouttsBank #LordWilliamWaldegrave #nuclearplant #Peace #terrorism #opendoorstoAfrica #bailouts #BRUSSELSATTACKS #NewworldleaderNewflyingmachine #seniorpositionsonthepresidentelectsteam #GovernorofBankofFrance #depositaccounts #Bosphorus #theTempleofSolomon #BankofEnglandBoE #ConstructionofanewHolyPlaceinSouthAmerica #Clairvoyants #underwater #Brexit #Work #Uncategorized #FederalReserveofUSA #Coutts #ClimateChange #energyfields #merger #hedgefundmanager #RockefellerampCo #Neworder #theBankoftheBritishRoyalFamily #Investments #ClimateChangeonthecontinents #PrivatebankCoutts #SouthAmerica #GoldmanslowerManhattanheadquarters #Exchangerateofthedollar #TheGreekCyprus #alientechnology #PresidentofNorthernCyprus #demonstrators #Bankingmergers #MustafaAcinci #AcoupinCyprus #savingsaccounts #thenorthernregions #AnewSyria #UK #PsychicpredictionstoDeutscheBank #Internalwar #lowertaxes #bankingconsortium #CentralBankofVatican #DomeofRock #royalfamily #GoldmanSachsheadquarters #Court #IvelinaStaikova #money #BankofAmerica #HillaryClinton #StephenBannon #CentralBankofIsrael #EU #EuropeanCommissionPresident #GoldmanSachs #UrjitRavindraPatel #filmfinancier #victory #Participationinwars #KarnitFlug #EuropeanCentralBank #Interbankwars #psychicpredictions #BankofEngland #banks #Awarbetweenbanks #BritishRoyalFamily #BanquedeFrance #AntiTrumpProtestors #theVaticanBank #SecretaryGeneraloftheUnitedNations #thesecretofflightMH370 #France #gripofWallStreetonWashington #GoldmanSachsGroup #USNuclearRegulatoryCommission #davidrockefeller #sponsorship #theFutureoftheWorld #profits #StevenMnuchin #StephenGBurns #Finances #Confirmation #Fed #Europeanarmy #IndianPointnuclearplant #GaryCohn #CyprusPeaceTalksinGeneva #investors #Turkey #financialcrisis #thedeathofthePopeHealth #Africa #HowthePopewilldie #DavidRockefellerJr #freemovementofpersonsinEU #LloydBlankfein #DisruptJ20protestors #Cyprus #Germany #impactinvesting #VISTATelescope #CapitolHill #negotiationswithEU #ChairmanandCEO #PartofIran #negativeinterestrates #Governor #TheWellofSoulsinIsrael #Worldpredictionsthatcametrueandtaggedcanada


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