Media Confirmation about Warren Buffett transport 2017 and the life of Billionaires underground predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book : Billionaires – Mysterious, Hidden, Scandalous,Personal life – girlfriends and marriage, Heirs,Business, Money and World Power – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions of Jack Dorsey, George Soros,Jeff Bezos, Carlos Slim,Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud,Georg Schaeffler ,Warren Buffett,David Thomson, Alice Walton, Lee Shau Kee, Jorge Paulo Lemann ,Carl Icahn, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Scott Duncan, Charles Koch,Michael Bloomberg, Robert Mercer, Mark Zuckerberg, Li Ka – Shing Their Clairvoyant Calendar about Year 2016 Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House ” Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova ” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna. Published on : 12.02.2016 Buy the Paperback book from Amazon – Buy the Ebook from the authors –
Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) -“Business – in everything and above all countries, Inheritance, Transport,Money, Space…Will his Company be great also after Buffett? ” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and Daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe,Bulgaria, Varna – 02.02.2016,10am. Used photo – by 08.09.2015. Time – after the photo. Clairvoyant/Psychic Health Diagnosis : He has very good immune system. I see special structure of his spine,sick kidneys, strong gasses in the stomach, there is a sick gland in the stomach that is under the heart. I see sick heart, problems with the esophagus, reduced hearing in the left ear. The weak point of Warren Buffett are the abdominal and the renal glands. He has sharply lowering and raising of the blood pressure. The good news is that he has strong male energy, but the bad is that with the aging he looses that energy. If he wants to boost its immune system, also in the future he must eat more fish. On his destiny are written – money, a lot of travels and conversations with many foreigners. It is written his money to come by foreigners and by foreign countries (including by the Space). Behind Warren Buffett was always staying a powerful grouping which acquires and works with the money. Warren Buffett is only the face and the patron of that grouping. It is not called Mafia, because it has the support and the participation of countries. What makes him great and rich ? • He keeps the safe-deposit box of more than ten banks : he has the money and the gold. • He still makes business from East to West. • Other part of his money comes from the wars. • Other part comes by the nuclear energy. Now to the fore are Russia and Iran : the wish to be closed the nuclear program of Iran.March 2016 – problems with the health – difficult movement – intervention of doctors as surgical intervention – problems in the head. Near him is staying a close to him person, who is preparing for his successor. First, this is woman, but then the successor becomes a young man with bright eyes and a little monk’s haircut – heavily cropped hair above the eyes. Since May 2016 are beginning the new plans for the grouping of Warren Buffett : • First comes reduction of many branches – stagnation. The light financing is beginning from the end of August 2016. • Strong participation of the grouping of Warren Buffett I see also in the US Presidential Election 2016. • Contracts for Space Business become profitable after November 2016. In the end of year 2016 – December – the grouping is split first on three, then on four shares – until February 2017 is commmanded by two. Afterwards , and year 2017 will fall off business and profits connected with foreign countries. In the Energetics of USA 2/3 by the shares will belong to Buffett. Energetics and Communications. Since year 2017 is beginning a battle for new type of transport in USA – Buffett transport. In the Space Businese, the grouping will deal with extraction of precious metals, deposits. Everuthing they want, they will have it – except soul and spirit. Before year 2025, the grouping is changing its residence Underground
Media Confirmations : Jan 12 2017 at 3:25 PM Updated Jan 12 2017 at 3:25 PM • Warren Buffett-backed BYD drives China electric car boom Read more:
• Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is Betting Big on U.S. Airline Stocks Katherine Chiglinsky and Sonali Basak, Bloomberg – Nov 14, 2016 11:00 pm
• Billionaire tech tycoons are frantically buying up islands and pimped-out bunkers amid fears of nuclear war Silicon Valley events are reportedly dominated with talk of the impending apocalypse BY MARK HODGE 25th January 2017, 1:56 pm •
#SaudiArabia #conversations #contracts #BoltEV #aliens #stagnation #health #CEO #TechbillionaireLarryEllison #HassanRouhani #chemicalattacks #business #USA #SpaceCompany #Apocalypse #Iraq #Cairo #Wars #stockmarketinvestments #Formerimam #ThereasonforthedeathofPrince #invasion #Awar #Councilmeeting #VladimirPutin #billionaireelites #Jordan #amazon #NATORussia #LeeShauKee #CharlesKoch #GeorgeSoros #Commonenterprises #2015and2016 #BillGates #Company #Reuters #Lebanon #Greece #massacre #Beijing #MarkZuckerberg #GulenandErdogan #PhilipHammond #writer #billionaires #israel #FethullahGulen #industrialsites #Syria #JeffBezos #internationalsituation #BlueOrigin #BerkshireHathaway #GeneralMotors #SaudiArabiaForeignMinisterAdelalJubeir #project #DOOMSDAY #WarrenBuffett #world #Predictions #LeeShauKee #psychic #boughtwithgold #war #clairvoyant #East #Hidden #jackdorsey #MH370 #siamesetwins #Russia #WhatwillhappensinLibyafromApriltoSeptember2016 #Amazonfounder #Alexandria #poisonedwater #ThewarforthepriceoftheoilbetweenIranandSaudiArabia #CarlosSlimHelu #energyfieldsintheArctic #RobertMercer #NewEbook #Inthefuture #SecretaryGeneralofNato #NATO #GreatBritain #weakpoints #Iran #energy #bigAirIcingwave #People #Problems #OpenSocietyFoundations #JeffBezos #Billionairetechtycoons #Twitter #FayezalSarraj #Oklahoma #Problemswithcoals2016 #DonaldTrump #Yellowstone #Europe #Forbesranking #PresidentofIran #Egypt #migrantcrisis #Nebraska #Politicians #DavidThomson #Hijacker #ClairvoyantCalendar #NewYorker #CoalitionsagainstIsrael #NorthCarolina #MoneyandWorldPowerClairvoyantPsychicPredictionsofJackDorsey #hijacked #BenjaminNetanyahu #technologies #ISIS #terrorism #Heirs #marriage #WalMart #pipeline #hardbattles #MichaelBloomberg #likashing #Facebook #Albania #Mississippi #bunkers #scottduncan #water #Secrets #share #NATORussiaCouncilMeeting #DonaldTrump #RocketLanding #BillGates #Character #CharlesKoch #Personallife #intelligenceservices #Investments #conversationswithMoscow #LiKaShing #MoneybyUSA #USElection2016 #JensStoltenber #Chinaelectriccarboom #oil #space #SiliconValley #Lybia #Turkishpreacher #Winter #Keepingofthepeace #DavidThomson #PrimeMinisterofoftheUnitedgovernmentofLibyainTripoli #techmoguls #thepriceoftheoil #Refugess #HongKong #JorgePauloLemann #worldswealthiestpeople #RussiasambassadorinNATO #girlfriends #MichaelBloomberg #Syrianrefugees #UnitedNationsSecretaryGeneralSelection2016 #PsychicpredictionsforeachmonthfromApriltoSeptember2016 #Soros #BuyingoftheExperiment #SpaceBusiness #AlexanderGrushko #Politicalfigure #Kuweit #JorgePauloLemann #PrinceAlwaleedBinTalalAlsaud #BYD #Psychicpredictionsaboutyear2014 #nuclearbunkers #WorldPredictions2016 #SuperVolcanoes #money #GreeceandBulgaria #salestax #ScottDuncan #Scandalous #kremlin #Newoffshorebank #Palestina #PrinceAlwaleedBinTalalAlsaud #BAICMotor #BezosExpeditions #psychicpredictions #conglomerate #liquidator #Power #RobertMercer #banks #AliceWalton #philanthropist #GeorgeSoros #threat #investmentsinCyprus #WarrenBuffett #AliceWalton #funding #BillionairesMysterious #Mysterious #RenaissanceTechnologies #waraboutterritories #RichestAmericans #CarlosSlim #deflation #ArcticMilitaryBases #West #CarlosSlim #EgyptAirplaneFlightMS181 #Future #Shanghai #GeorgSchaeffler #investors #Turkey #GeorgSchaeffler #DilmaRousseff #kindle #Personallifegirlfriendsandmarriage #Agameofwar #billionaire #corporation #ThestateofVermont #assault #BritishForeignSecretary #RhodeIsland #forbes #when #WorldsRichestPerson #CarlIcahn #Jackdorsey #IsraeliPrimeMinister #Cyprus #ClairvoyantpredictionsaboutBrazil #Germany #MarkZuckerberg #Crown #PresidentofBrazil #hedgefund #Shareholder #CarlIcahn #Idaho #administrativeprocedures #nuclearwar