Media Confirmation about War against Soros of Intelligence agencies and Judiciary July 2017 predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her
Clairvoyant predictions for sale in Our Clairvoyant Shop :
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George Soros ( Business magnate, Open Society Foundations ) – A war – European Union, Hungary, Soros – phases, stages, how it will end ? Wars and experiments, Alien machine and human gene, two Soros…., health. Clairvoyant Calendar of the events, which are forthcoming for him – April 2017 – April 2018 – Hungary, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Albania, the South pole, Nigeria…. – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions April 28, 2017, 10 am – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
…..War – begins a war between two closed societies of rich men and nouveau-riches ; a war of the hungarian judiciary against Soros – also are included Intelligence agencies.
Soros doesn’t want a court trials – this condition is causing a lot of nerves, and the goal is exactly when he is vulnerable to be killed…..
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Price of the Clairvoyant predictions – 100 Euro. Order today and You will receive the PDF file in the next 24 hours with Email delivery
George Soros ( Business magnate, Open Society Foundations ) – A war – European Union, Hungary, Soros – phases, stages, how it will end ? Wars and experiments, Alien machine and human gene, two Soros…., health. Clairvoyant Calendar of the events, which are forthcoming for him – April 2017 – April 2018 – Hungary, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Albania, the South pole, Nigeria…. – Clairvoyant reading/Psychic predictions April 28, 2017, 10 am – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.
Photo – April 27, 2017. Time – after the photo.
Media Confirmation :
Why is Hungary waging a campaign against George Soros?
CNNMoney-11.07.2017 г.
The Hungarian government has launched a campaign that vilifies billionaire investor George Soros as a threat to national security. The official …
George Soros upset by ‘antisemitic’ campaign against him in Hungary
Posters show a large picture of the Hungarian-born Jew alongside the text: ‘Let’s not let Soros have the last laugh’
#disinformationcampaign #internationalschoolfoundedbyUSfinancierGeorgeSoros #StefanBatoryFoundation #Finance #internationalschool #EUsCollegeofCommissioners #business #billionairespeculator #BlackLivesMatter #Fideszparty #Healthdiagnosis #acampaignagainstGeorgeSoro #JeanClaudeJuncker #Washington #Erdogan #financier #HungarianbornJew #threattonationalsecurity #HungarianAmericancitizenship #HungarianPM #PeterSzijjarto #billionaires #ForbesMagazine #Syria #Davutoglu #BusinessMagnate #PopeBenedict #psychic #war #primeministerViktorOrban #IsraelsambassadorinBudapestYossiAmrani #clairvoyant #WallStreet #EUCommissionchief #Hungarianpremier #MH370 #PresidentBarackObama #CommissionfirstvicepresidentFransTimmermans #MichaelVachon #GeorgesSorosMeetsEUCommissionPresidentJeanClaudeJunckerforTalksFocusingonHungary #ManuelValls #UsElections2016 #spokesmanforSoros #NicosAnastasiades #LondonSchoolofEconomics #DonaldTrump #WorldPredictions2017 #Bilderberggroup #Hungarianpolitics #migrantcrisis #Politicians #PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu #legalproceedingsagainstBudapest #Peace #terrorism #antisemitism #BRUSSELSATTACKS #SorosFundManagementLLC #CentralEuropeanUniversity #Marketpredications #Hungarianregime #SorosFundManagement #Hungariangovernment #democracy #Ankara #HungaryslargestJewishorganisation #PresidentJanosAder #Vatican #Brussels #OpenSocietyFoundation #PrimeMinisterVictorOrban #opensociety #DemocracyAlliance #billionairefinancier #Soros #Holocaustsurvivor #JonathanSoros #royalfamily #nationalsecurityrisk #HungarianJewishcommunity #PopeFrancis #money #HillaryClinton #USfinancierGeorgeSoros #StephenHawking #CentralEuropeanUniversityinBudapest #antiimmigrationcampaign #WorldPredictionsthatcametrue #BankofEngland #banks #EuropeanExchangeRateMechanism #philanthropist #GeorgeSoros #Confirmation #DawnFitzpatrick #SocieteGenerale #tradewar #mediacampaign #MrSoros #Turkey #investor #financialcrisis #JunckerandSoros #billionaire #Hungarianministers #antisemiticcampaign #billionaireinvestorGeorgeSoros #primeminister #Cyprus #ItalyEarthquake #antisemitic #ViktorOrban #Budapest #hedgefund #StanDruckenmiller #Mazsihisz #Hungary