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Media Confirmation about “US plans to sell Taiwan arms” predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova

Media Confirmation about “US plans to sell Taiwan arms” predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book :

Hidden Truth -World Predictions 2017 : USA, Russia, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, France, Germany and the planet Earth – Climate Change – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : McDermott’s Castle, Benjamin Netanyahu, King of Thailand, The Stone of Destiny, President of Taiwan, CERN Director-General, The Stone of Scone, Bosnia Giant Sphere, the killer of the Russian ambassador, General Auditor of NATO ….

Clairvoyants : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

Published December 30, 2016

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Small part of Clairvoyant prediction :

Tsai Ing-wen (President of Taiwan – the Republic of China) – New investments in Taiwan, a lot of money, problems with the financial system – because hiding and keeping of money, health, development of top secret technology for sound and energy – Clairvoyant predictions/ Psychic reading December 5, 2016, 10 am. –  – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

Photo – The President of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen is talking on the phone with Donald Trump – December 2, 2016. Time – after the photo.

……I see a happy event for mrs. Tsai Ing-wen – an invitation about a visit in USA and meeting with Trump – promises about a lot of money by Trump – a deal, earning against a war with China. The other people present on the photo (National Security Council Secretary-General Joseph Wu, left, and Foreign Minister David Lee) – the one of them sees only a lot of money, and the other – only a cross (cross of a christian by a certain sect).

Year 2017 – Tsai Ing-wen is seeing the land to dust, the air is like polluted, then heavy rains and a change of hot and humid weather with cold. Since January 10, 2017 and especially in the end of January 2017 – I see unrests in the country. There are forthcoming new trade contracts and export of goods from Taiwan, new investments in Taiwan and new workplaces. The GDP will have a light rising.Year 2017 in the business with Taiwan will compete USA, Russia and India……

Media Confirmation :

Thu, Mar 16, 2017 – US plans to sell Taiwan arms: reports

#Syrianconflict #ThePlanetEarth #Finance #KingofThailand #business #hiddentruth #USA #valuables #Aleppo #Iraq #TuathadeDannan #GeneralAuditorofNATO #QueenElizabethII #GlobalPredictionsfor2017 #Year2017 #BlackLivesMatter #CastleIsland #AndreyKarlov #MiddleEasternPeace #PrincePhillip #Discoveriesabouttracing #Healthdiagnosis #repository #thedruidofthesilverarm #Taipei #NaturalCataclysms #StoyankaStaikova #nephilims #Washington #Erdogan #DirectorGeneralofCERN #Lebanon #Beijing #thenewkingRamaX #thethroneofEngland #Thebeginning #billionaires #israel #WorldWar3 #DemocraticProgressivePartyLegislatorHuangWeicher黃偉哲 #periodofmourning #PrimeMinisterofIsrael #ceasefiredeal #Syria #Davutoglu #Astealingofsecretinformation #Pentagon #hermajesty #TheEndoftheWorld #psychic #war #USIsraelirelations #clairvoyant #worldpredictionsthatcametrue #Thailand #UnitedNationsresolution #planetEarth #TheStoneofScone #MH370 #Russia #LiaFailStoneofDestiny #McDermottsCastle #IslamicState #USarmssales #習近平 #PresidentBarackObama #topsecrettechnologyforsoundandenergyFabiolaGianotti #cataclysms #ManuelValls #WestminsterHall #clairvoyantpredictions #USIsraeliRelations #TheStoneofDestiny #UsElections2016 #CERN #Taiwan #energy #StoneofScone #NorthAtlanticTreatyOrganizationNATO #PresidentBasharAssadsregime #reversalofland #bigdestructionofthehumanrace #Guatemalanpresident #Travelforagoldenkey #NicosAnastasiades #presidentoftheUnitedStates #DonaldTrump #WorldPredictions2017 #newdiscoveries #Bilderberggroup #TaiwanStrait #migrantcrisis #theRepublicofChina #Brexitvote #thirdworldwar #Serbia #Politicians #BenjaminNetanyahu #Ireland #Artifacts #Peace #terrorism #UnitedKingdom #thegeneratorofNikolaTesla #defensivearmstoTaiwan #BRUSSELSATTACKS #PrinceCharles #History #princeWilliam #withmilitaryapplications #USPresidentDonaldTrumpsadministration #AconqueringwarinSyria #Uncategorized #TheCoronationStoneinEngland #Ankara #ThePresidentialOfficeinTaipei #SouthAfrica #ClimateChange #PrinceofWales #Macedonia #TsaiIngwen #PredictionsForTrump #ExtrusionofpalestiniansinEgypt #ancientTimeMachine #theClimateChange #Newenergy #AlienGeneratorforElectricity #ArchaeologicalcomplexinIreland #psychicreading #YvesShandelon #PresidentTsaiIngwen #ThehandofGod #royalfamily #IvelinaStaikova #Seoul #ChinesePresidentXiJinping #money #HillaryClinton #TerrorisminCERN #thekilleroftheRussianambassador #StephenHawking #Newinvestments #Tokyo #Palestinianterritory #kremlin #USSecretaryofStateRexTillerson #KingMahaVajiralongkorn #psychicpredictions #蔡英文 #BankofEngland #Power #banks #KlerksdorpSpheres #France #TheMysteriousGiantSphereinBosnia #PresidentofTaiwan #MevlutMertAltintas #thefutureofthemonarchy #RussianKremlin #time #themysteriousspheresofOttosdal #thePhiladelphiaExperiment #Confirmation #MiddleEast #ClairvoyantsDimitrinkaStaikova #TheWorldYear2017 #Future #CERNDirectorGeneral #militaryconfrontation #GeneralAuditorofNATOfounddead #BosniaGiantSphere #Turkey #TheKilleroftheRussianambassadorinTurkey #mineinSouthAfrica #armssalestoTaiwan #LoughKey #theHillofTara #TrumpsMaraLagoresort #ChineseNationalistPartyKMTLegislatorLuYuling呂玉玲 #KingCharles #EuropeanUnion #Cyprus #ItalyEarthquake #Germany #RussianPresidentVladimirPutin #TimeMachine #experiment


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