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Media Confirmation about Turkey -constitutional referendum by spring as predicted by Clairvoyant Dim

Media Confirmation about Turkey -constitutional referendum by spring as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook : Elections – USA, Turkey, Austria….Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : #BlackLivesMatter, The Coup in Turkey ?, Devlet Bahçeli, CIA, FBI, Ku Klux Klan, White Supremacy… On the top of the needle By Clairvoyant : Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova and Stoyanka Staikova Publication Date: July 19, 2016


Devlet Bahçelı – July 16, 2016, 11am. (Leader of Grey Wolves – Turkish Nationalist Organisation and Chairman of Nationalist Movement Party of Turkey) – The Party, A coup, Money, Business, Elections 2016, 2017 – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna – July 16 ,2016, 11am.


Photo – July 12, 2016. Time -after the photo. What was interesting for Devlet Bahçelı on July 12, 2016 – his health, his energy, the future of the party and money and profits. Bahçelı sees all that pessimistically, but with a thought that everything bad that is going downwards, can be stopped. I see a lot of nerves and counteraction against him, but he is convinced in its future actions and he will personally take its party on one acceptable level. For now, he closes the door about frozen energy projects. From three energy players and three banks will remain two – these are two independent participants in one energy project – between them , the energy begins to superimpose (to increase). Three men , working for a third one, who is outside the country, together with the Intelligence (reconnaissance) will succeed in a coup. The coup begins as military, but is is finished by the Higher Intelligence. The orders are coming from outside….from abroad. There are beginning days of waiting, fighting and war – Turkey will boil just like on the borders, as in its heart – Ankara. Despite the intervention of the Higher intelligence – until two days the four people who has started the military actions for a coup fail. Devlet Bahçelı knew about the coup, but he is not a participant. • July 12, 2016 – He talks on the congress of its party for new structures on a lower level that will close the ranks of the members. – He talks about the kurds, as possible members of the party. – He talks about two subleaders. He has healthy problems – I feel cough, difficult breathing, suffocation. Problems in the prostate, pain in the left side of the head. • July 13, 2016 – A road, conversations – after lunch again for the party – he meets with informer – news. A phone talk overseas. Negotiations with Germany. – A visit on a place, where are made science experiments. Conversations until the late evening. • July 14, 2016 – He feels better healthy. There are close people around him. I see a made deal, I see his hand to fondle gold. Money are collected for a new building (sacred), that will belong to the Intelligence. Around lunch – it is reported to him about a movement of people and preparation, but from abroad. He has warned Erdogan -they were ready for the coup. • July 16, 2016 – there are givven additional money to a certain people – overseas bank accounts – it is psid for a certain tasks and a job done. On July 16, 2016 – everything is under control. • July 17, 2016 – the things are going out of control. 1. First are the turks dissatisfied by that government. 2. Second are the communists. 3. Third are the kurds. In Turkey begins to enter a big mass of people. Turkey enters in a war footing. • September 2016 – will be the second mass people’s discontent , that will cause to a date for elections. • November 2016 – There will be an assault against the leaders of Turkey. Despite the date for Elections 2016, the elections will be effective year 2017. Since year 2017 – there will be often changes in the government. Health Diagnosis of Devlet Bahçelı : Pains in the right lung – and the both lungs are sick. Pains in the thyroid gland, liver, urinary tract, prostate. He suffer from colitis – the reason : bile duct. On July 12 and 13, 2016 – he has a high blood pressure and pain, that is moving in the left leg.

Media Confirmation : Turkey could hold constitutional referendum by spring Oct 14 – 1:20 pm

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