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Media Confirmation about Theresa May lost her Brexit deal vote, Brexit Chaos, January 2019 – a

Media Confirmation about Theresa May lost her Brexit deal vote, Brexit Chaos, January 2019 – a tough month for Theresa May, Brexit and Great Britain – as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her Ebook and Paperback book Published October 28, 2018  :

 Brexit – Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland 2018 – 2019. The European Union – Elections 2019 – the next European Commission President ? British Royal Family – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions : Theresa May, Sinn Fein ….and World Predictions 2018/19

 By Clairvoyants Dimitrinka Staikova, Ivelina Staikova, Stoyanka Staikova

 Published : October 28, 2018

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Only a small part of Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions for :

Theresa May (Prime Minister of Great Britain) – Clairvoyant/Psychic predictions October 19,2018 – by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe, Bulgaria, Varna.

photo : October 17, 2018. Time – after the photo.

…..January 2019 is a political month about Theresa May and Great Britain. The political parties are beginning to win new voters and to increase their mass of people significantly. The politics of Theresa May will not be liked. This is the month when I see two thrones – and double power, but small amount of money on the move inside England. The foreign policy – there is a war around Cyprus, war in Syria, war in Africa and fear by Russia. Everything related with Russia in this period of time will be compromised, because of traitors (at the Britains). January 2019 is the most difficult and slowly month. I see a very tough step to February 2019 – it will depend by…

Media Confirmation  :

Theresa May lost big on her Brexit deal vote — here’s what could happen now – 15 Jan 2019

1. ‘Intrusion’ or ‘Invasion’? Russian politicians attack May over mis-translated speech – 25/12/2018

Confirmation  – Everything related with Russia in this period of time will be compromised, because of traitors (at the Britains).

2, British Prime Minister Theresa May wins vote to keep job, Brexit chaos – Jan 16, 2019

British Prime Minister Theresa May’s government has survived a no-confidence vote called after May’s Brexit deal was overwhelmingly rejected by lawmakers. …. U.K. financial markets have taken the overwhelming defeat of Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal in stride. The pound was up 0.1 percent at $1.2869 in early morning trading, while the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was down 0.1 percent at 6,888. Though uncertainty surrounding Britain’s exit from the European Union remains elevated, many in the markets think May’s defeat by lawmakers Tuesday evening makes it less likely the country will crash out of the bloc on March 29 with no deal….

#MaysBrexitdeal #EuropeanCommissionerforEnergyUnion #Italysfarrightleader #UrsulavonderLeyen #VicePresidentoftheEuropeanCommission #SNPleaderNicolaSturgeon #LabourleaderJeremyCorbyn #EuropeanPeoplesPartyEPP #UKvoters #BorisJohnson #CommissionPresident2019 #NicolaSturgeon #DemocraticUnionistParty #Maysgovernment #BritishPrimeMinisterTheresaMay #Irishborderplan #UKfinancialmarkets #DominicRaab #SNPScottishNationalParty #LeaderoftheEPPGroupintheEP #Britishlawmakers #JeanClaudeJuncker #Européennes2019 #EuropeanLeft #ChancellorPhilipHammond #matteosalvinimi #LeoVaradkar #BuckinghamPalace #Brexiteers #LordAdonis #CandidatesforCommissionPresident2019 #Britain #ScottishLabour #Brusselsbloc #PeterAltmaier #MarineLePen #Westminster #ItalysGeneralLabourUnion #PvdA #farrightNorthernLeague #SinnFéincandidate #TreasurySelectCommittee #Europa #EUelections #nodealBrexit #PresidentMichaelDHiggins #Euractiv #SinnFéinsupporters #Denmark #GreatBritain #theHouseofCommons #Spitzenkandidatprocess #hardlinepolitician #MichelBarnier #EUForeignPolicy #UKgovernment #PartyofEuropeanSocialistsPES #EUstructures #DUPleader #AlexanderStubb #Brexitvote #BritainsEUexit #WilliamandHarry #TheEuropeanUnion #Britishcitizens #centrerightpolitician #Libya #HelleThorningSchmidt #Scotland #Ireland #dealBrexit #Eurosceptic #PrinceCharles #taxpolicy #princeWilliam #Socialdemokratiet #BankofEnglandGovernorMarkCarney #KristalinaGeorgieva #TheresaMay #Brexit #Scottishgovernment #ItalianInteriorMinisterMatteoSalvini #FransTimmermans #DukeandDuchessofCambridge #Brexitwithdrawaldeal #Junckersteam #OppositionLabourPartyleaderJeremyCorbyn #theUNhighcommissionerforhumanrights #secondBrexitreferendum #Brussels #MichelleBachelet #ChristianKern #SinnFein #Brexitdeal #DukeofCambridge #EUnegotiatorMichelBarnier #AllianceofConservativesandReformistsinEuropeACRE #ScotlandsFirstMinister #Brexitnegotiations #Spitzenkandidaten #EUschiefnegotiator #ALTERNATIVEEurope #EUUKtradedeal #MaryLouMcDonald #Frenchpolitician #theBritishgovernment #Governmentsbudgetplans #AntonioTajani #EuropeanElections2019 #EUleaders #Brexitsecretary #EuropeanCommissionPresident #CSUparty #NorthernIrishunionist #princeharry #SadiqKhan #PierreMoscovici #PeoplesVote #divorceagreement #alternativetoEurope #MargretheVestager #NorthernIreland #LiberalDemocrats #EUcustomsarrangements #Scottishpoliticalparties #MatteoSalvini #Brexitchaos #MarošŠefčovič #PrimeMinisterTheresaMay #noconfidencevote #EuropeanParliamentelections #Netherlands #EuropeanGreens #theUnitedKingdom #Scottishindependence #ManfredWeber #ConservativeParty #HarryandMeghan #England #EuropeofNationsandFreedomENFparty #KensingtonPalace #Junckerssuccessor #ArleneFoster #economicgrowth #Irisheconomy #Irishpresidentialelection #nationalistgroups #Conservativegovernment #Brexitwithdrawalagreement #JeremyCorbyn #AllianceofLiberalsandDemocratsforEuropeALDE #EuropeanCommissionpresidency #EUreferendum #WilliamandKate


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