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Media Confirmation about the Withdrawal of Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie by US Election 2016 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her ebook: USA Election 2016 -Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions to :Jeb Bush,Hillary Clinton,Donald Trump,Bernie Sanders,John Kasich,Rick Perry,Martin O’Malley… World Predictions about USA and All Candidates Us Elections 2016

публикувано 17.02.2016 г., 21:44 от dimitrinka staikova

Media Confirmation about the Withdrawal of Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie by US Election 2016 as predicted by Clairvoyant Dimitrinka Staikova in her ebook:

USA Election 2016 -Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions to :Jeb Bush,Hillary Clinton,Donald Trump,Bernie Sanders,John Kasich,Rick Perry,Martin O’Malley…

World Predictions about USA and All Candidates Us Elections 2016

Published by Clairvoyant/Psychic Dimitrinka Staikova and Clairvoyant Ivelina Staikova

Publication Date: July 24, 2015–Clairvoyant-Psychic-Predictions-ebook/dp/B012IFTLFO/ Carly Fiorina (Us Elections 2016) – “She has the gift to attract money to her self and will be dignified opponent on the US elections.” – Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – July 21 2015, 3pm. has magnetism. In the moment her petsonal life is taking her consciousness. I see grief and a loss of her loved one. Two energy companies are staying behind her – she will be excited by drilling , natural gas and oil and constructions deep in the ground. This is business – lady with all her values – she is clever, pragmatic, valuing,winning. Everything she wants in her life connected with business and money – she will have it, but not the Leadership of USA and the World. She has the gift to attract money toward her self and she will be dignified opponent in the elections.


Chris Christie (US Elections 2016) – “He will be in the group of the winner” and Health Diagnosis -Clairvoyant/Psychic Predictions by Clairvoyant House “Dimitrinka Staikova and daughters Stoyanka and Ivelina Staikova” – from Europe,Bulgaria,Varna – July 21 2015,1pm.

He will remains in the group of the winner on the Elections as supporter or a boy for everything. The Americans will call him Senator. It is not his happy moment now. This year is hard for his health. He is sensitive and he has sharpened nervous system. From November 2015, he slowly enters in a successful moment – of business, money, popularity. His health worsens. His critical months are February and March during a road. Does he will pass the obstacles in his life? – “God Knows”! Now, his health: Pains in the sinuses channels – left, nose – caused by cyst on the right side of the tooth. He will treat his right eye – constriction of blood vessel. Old diseases – The Lungs. Pain in the gall – it is lightly increased and the prostate. He had a problem with the spine close to the kidneys – i see bacterial infection in the kidneys and gases and pains at the back of the left side. More active is his left hand. He is active,diligent – he loves his work he will remains in the politics. Media Confirmations : Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina end bids for presidency

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#SecretaryGeneraloftheArabLeague #GasExportingCountriesForumGECFSummit #JebBush #BruceRauner #GovernorJohnBelEdwards #Turkishprimeminister #atlanticocean #formerPennsylvaniasenator #CarlyFiorina #DonaldTrump #OilandGasBusiness #ClimateChange #Miningconcession #JackDalrymple #RandPaul #StateGovernorBillWalker #Indiana #SuffolkCounty #WorldPredictionsaboutEurope2016 #JosephBiden #Investments #HouseofRepresentatives #NewYorkCity #USElection2016 #StateGovernorAsaHutchinson #NabilElaraby #SecretaryGeneralofNAT #Rubio #Russianwarplane #radioactivewater #Brussels #FrancoisHollande #Polticalparties #NewHampshire #FutureofIslamicState #Kentucky #DougDucey #BenCarson #UnitedStatespresidentialelections2016 #PredictionsforUSAAboutEachState #ParisClimateChangeConference #presidentofTurkey #Senator #IndianPointnuclearfacility #IndianPoint #MattMead #Ohio #GeorgePataki #alarminglevelsofradioactivity #BanKimoon #BernieSanders #DemocraticpartypresidentialCandidates2016 #KentuckySenRandPaul #psychicpredictions #JimWebb #Democrats #JerseyShore #TurkishRepublicofNorthernCyprus #IvelinaStaikova #WorldPredictions2016 #TerryMcAuliffe #tremors #Istanbul #money #StateGovernorJayNixon #Illinois #HillaryClinton #PsychicPredictionsaboutUSA2016 #ISISOilTrade #DennisDaugaard #MayorMurielBowser #SenMarcoRubio #MartinOMalley #PresidentialCandidate #NikkiHaley #JayNixon #shaking #USAelections2016 #sonicbooms #news #Amityville #Wyoming #NewJersey #WorldPredictionsthatcametrue #EUMigrantCrisis #Daesh2016 #psychicpredictions #PresidentofUnitedStates #PhilBryant #TedCruz #2016Elections #JohnKasich #JackMarkell #HillaryClinton #Warfooting #governorChrisChristie #France #StateGovernorPhilBryant #GaryHerbert #RickSnyder #LongIsland #Vermont #Titanium #MittRomney #MustafaAkıncı #USPresidentialElections #TheWhiteHouse #EarlRayTomblin #BrianSandoval #WestVirginia #Disasters #Kansas #Election2016 #worldpredictions #MikeHuckabee #State #Santorumdropsout #MiddleEast #MaryFallin #Maryland #RandPaul #StateGovernorBruceRauner #JerryBrown #Republicans #Whosrunningforpresidentin2016 #IndianPointnuclearplant #StateGovernorSteveBeshear #Iowa #F35Cfighterjet #StateGovernorPaulLepage #Turkey #2016Election #MikeHuckabee #MarkDayton #JointBaseMcGuireDixLakehurst #vote #USNavy #routineflighttesting #USGS #earthquake #LarryHogan #RickScott #presidentialelectors #Arizona #JoeBiden #Louisiana #ChrisChristie #NavalAirStationPatuxentRiver #WithdrawalofScottWalkerandJimWebb #RhodeIsland #StateGovernorMikePence #JihadinEurope #RobertJBentley #FORSALE #buildingsshook #Gopdebates #presidentialcontest #TurkeysErdogan #Navalaircrafttesting #RickPerry #contaminant #StateGovernorJerryBrown #SteveBeshear #Iraw #oilfields #WorldPredictionsforYear2016aboutUSAandtheWorld #RefugeeWave #Colorado #Michigan #GOP #StateGovernor #florida #Cuomo #PeteRicketts #MinisterofAntiquitesandHeritage #Oregon #MarcoRubio #EveryState #WhiteHouse #ScottWalker #Idaho #CharlieBaker #TitaniumMine #StateGovernorSteveBullock 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